Sep 242020

A wall mounted ash column is a very different form of ashtray either for the indoors or for the outdoors. This is a standalone ashtray. The wall mounted ash column has similar features to both the Bollard and the Standard Ash Column. It has also another unique feature. This one is completely wall mounted and like the others, it is padlocked. This is another type of indoor or outdoor ashtray. This model resists vandals very handily. No worries about someone making off with the old ashtray! Trash is kept at a bare minimum and you don’t have to worry about a mess the next morning! So you are in compliance no matter what the law about outside or inside smoking. This keeps the smoking area clean and the area around it neat and tidy.

With a wall mounted ash column, as with the other models that were discussed you get different colors and sizes. The cost is dependant upon where you got your wall mounted ash column. You keep both smoking and non smoking patrons happy with this beauty. Litter compliance? This won’t be hard to do with the possession of the wall mounted ash column on your premises or at your place of business.

This wall mounted ash column will definitely be an asset to you in keeping litter and trash from smoking to a complete minimum. This adds an extra bonus as this enhances the image of your business as a clean, well-kept business. This will also bring more business, as people judge a business by how clean it is as to whether or not they will bring their business to you.

So having this wall mounted ash column is definitely an asset that you will see pay for itself over and over again. This is one investment that won’t fail you nor turn sour. Or even run when you are having a bad day or a business deal goes south and not for the winter either. Unlike some business deals that you may get into, but that is indeed another story in itself.

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