Jan 132021

Most of tell the occasional lie to get out of sticky situations. But there are some people who are compulsive or chronic liars. They lie at the drop of a hat. Most often there is no reason for their lies. But not all compulsive lies are without reason. Most compulsive liars lie to avoid embarrassment or to avoid hurting others feelings. Some lies are for personal or professional gain.

Chronic lying usually starts when one is very young. Children at 5 years often tell lies to get away from things that they don’t want to do or to avoid punishment. Children don’t understand the consequences of lying. But when this lying continues when the child is an adult then it becomes a problem. Because, as an adult one has a clear understanding between right and wrong and the consequences of lying.

While you may get off most times with compulsive lying over a period of time you find that compulsive lying can lead to broken relationships. People hesitate to trust compulsive liars.

Hypnosis is effective in helping you stop compulsive lying. Like mentioned earlier, compulsive lying is done for different reasons or for no reason at all. The lack of reason for lying is what hypnosis deals with. Compulsive lying is a symptom and not a mental disorder. Most often it could be because the person has a narcissistic or delusional way of thinking. Such people are not aware that they are lying; as for them their lies are a reality.

With hypnosis the first thing a person learns is how to relax. Then the person is shown to control the compulsion to lie. Now the compulsion to lie is replace with the ability to tell the truth. With hypnosis reality becomes a more conscious part of a persons thoughts. It helps the person draw a line between reality and perception.
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