Oct 252021

For the past 60 years Baby Boomers have driven markets. That is not going to change as they enter retirement. Take a look at the trends they are expected to drive in the first half of the twenty-first century.

Are you among the two thirds of baby boomers who are not prepared for retirement? Are you seeking a way to be at least partially retired or change your current job? All through their lives, baby boomers have driven the market, and that is not going to change as they approach retirement age. If you are looking for something new to do, seek something that caters to baby

As they age, baby boomers are becoming increasingly concerned with health. Food supplements, exercise programs and equipment, preventative and alternative medicine will play a vital role in their efforts to stay healthy. These products and programs must be packaged to appeal to baby boomers – efficient, convenient and fast. Curves appeals to female baby boomers more than the corner gym. They also want to be led in fitness programs by people their own age, so if you enjoy exercise programs and can work with people, consider becoming a personal trainer. Food supplements that are pre-packaged into daily doses of multiple supplements appeal more than bottles and bottles of various different supplements.

Baby boomers also want to look younger. Again, food supplements are a major element in this, as well as skin care, spas, massage, relaxation and yoga. A combination of services in one location, or in-home instruction could appeal to the baby boomer love of convenience. For those not inclined to open their own businesses, a job in the local spa might be of interest.

The management of the money they do have is of extreme importance to baby boomers. Many have seen the previous generation lose their income to the dot com bust or simply to inflation. Money management and investment services will be in great demand. For many baby boomers, their home is their greatest asset, and with the fear of a real estate bust, reverse mortgages might be their only option. At home businesses and network marketing can supplement the income of those who do not have other investments or who lost their retirement savings in the recent closure of retirement funds or the dot com bust. Investing in these opportunities and services now can put you ahead of the surge of many that may come in later. For an at-home business or network marketing opportunity, choose a service or product that baby boomers will be seeking, and plan to actively work at marketing it.

Leisure services, travel and entertainment will also become more important to Baby Boomers if it is a service tailored to them. Fewer want to hitchhike around Europe, but they do want attractive, low cost places to stay near the major attractions of the world. Package deals with other Baby Boomers will become more attractive, despite the individualism of the Baby Boomer generation, as spouses begin to die and infirmities require them to rely more on others. Senior meal sites will take on new personalities as Baby Boomers come seeking companionship.

The need for efficiency will also grow. With incomes fixed and energy levels declining Baby Boomers will want smaller, more efficient living spaces, transportation and even smaller packaging of food items. The generation that made MacDonald’s will again change the way America eats as they seek convenience foods that are more healthful and nutritious but no less convenient. Keeping your eyes open in all of these areas will help you determine ways to serve
the Baby Boom generation and be part of the ongoing prosperity they have provided throughout
their lives.

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