
5 Tips for Finding the Best Platinum Credit Card

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Jan 192024

Platinum credit cards have a reputation for exclusivity and prestige, but they are open to a wide range of consumers. One difference between platinum cards and regular cards is that they commonly have lower interest rates and higher annual fees. They also offer extra perks and services such as purchase insurance, rewards points, travel deals and even travel and concierge services. Here are five tips to help choose the right platinum card for you:

1. Consider your credit needs and habits. The consumers who get the most out of platinum cards are those who use their cards frequently but only spend what they can easily pay off every month. They commonly have high incomes, high spending and a lifestyle that takes advantage of the extra benefits offered by platinum cards. Questions to ask yourself include how much you spend, how quickly you pay off your balance, how much you can afford for an annual fee and which extra features you will use the most.

2. Decide which card features are most important to you. Different factors matter to different people, so take time to analyze your own priorities before taking someone else’s recommendation. Consider the options available, and decide which are essential, which are preferences and which don’t matter to you.

3. Compare several cards to find the best one. You may have a specific brand in mind already, but by looking at several options you can choose the one that gives you the most for your money!

4. Read the fine print. Platinum cards can cost a lot of money, so make sure you know what you are agreeing to before you submit the application. Reading the agreement in full can help you to understand all of the responsibilities and benefits and choose a card that really fits with your lifestyle.

5. Check several sources of information. The Federal Reserve publishes a survey of credit card terms every six months, and there are a wide range of websites where you can compare credit card offers and even apply online.

9 Steps to Building a Profitable Customer Relationship

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Jan 182024

Success in sales depends directly on your ability to make yourself likeable, and create a positive experience for your customers. The following 9 Tips are some of the best – and easiest – ways I know to help you create a more positive customer experience:

1. Love what you sell, the company you work for and the customers you serve.
If you are truly passionate about these three things, your willingness to help your customers solve their problems will shine through. Customers will believe your sincerity and be captivated by your excitement. In short – you will be fun to work with. Our studies show that customers prefer to buy from sales people who overtly show that they believe in the products they sell, and the companies they work for. Choose to be honest, open and empathetic to your customers’ needs, and you will experience consistent sales growth, build an excellent reputation and become one of the top performers in your field.

2. Be empathetic and compassionate.
Truly care about your customers, and remember that no matter how good an actor you are, faking it simply won’t work. Ask questions, take notes and lean in to show that you’re engaged in their answers. When you take an interest in people, they remember you – and when people remember you, it’s good for business.

3. Add value and give first.
Share your network of contacts with your customers, and don’t expect them to give you their business without you giving them something first. I don’t mean give away free product in the hopes they will buy more. Instead, give away things that increase your value – like a referral to a partner of yours, a solution to a business problem that you read about or heard from someone else, or even help finding a new dentist!

4. Make eye contact.
This is especially important when you walk into a room full of people. Eye contact is also essential after we get to know people, because it cements our existing relationships and lets them know that we’re still interested in their well being. Very few sales people ever look their prospects directly in the eye. By simply smiling and making eye contact, you’ll be surprised how much you will set yourself apart.

5. Express your true intent.
Tell customers upfront: “I don’t know if there’s a fit between what you need and what I have right now, but I’m hoping we can explore that in more detail during this meeting.” Or: “I only have your best interests at heart, and I promise to be honest with you throughout our conversation. In the end, I hope that we can mutually decide if there is a reason to move forward. If not, that’s fine too, and I hope you’ll feel comfortable telling me so.” This advice runs counter to 90% of the approaches I see being used in the field today. But then again, maybe that’s why only 10% of sales people are top performers. Try it yourself a few times, and you’ll be amazed at the response you get.

6. Don’t go for the big decision all at once.
In our personal lives, we don’t propose to someone on a first date (at least, not usually!). The same is true in our business relationships. So get approval from the customer to move ahead in increasing increments. The first approval might be just to agree to speak openly with each other, as outlined in Tip #5 above. The second could be an agreement on a follow-up call time or meeting date. The third might be gaining agreement on the decision making criteria or a commitment to have the “big boss” present at the demo, followed by an agreement to a “go/no go” decision date. All too often, I see sales people jumping way ahead of their prospect’s buying curve. This puts the buyer and seller out of synch. When the sales person is trying to close while the prospect is still evaluating options or determining risk, trust is broken, the prospect feels pushed and the sale comes dangerously close to disappearing.

7. Use friendly, warm words.
When you use simple language instead of formal “business speak,” people respond better and trust you more. So limit your words to three syllables max. And don’t try to impress prospects with your extensive vocabulary, or you may end up just sounding fake.

8. Use people’s names.
When it comes to using names, there are just two rules to follow: first, be aware of whether they’re more comfortable with first name only or title + last name; second, never overuse their name – this only sounds corny and false. Dale Carnegie once said, “nothing is so beautiful to a person as the sound of their own name.” Just use your discretion.

9. Ask the right questions.
Successfully building agreement with your prospects depends on your ability to ask the right questions. What are the right questions? Those that move the prospect from an intellectual position of knowing they have a problem that needs to be solved, to an emotional state of trusting you to solve that problem in a way that will satisfy them.

In short, the right questions are those that reveal true buying motivations. Mastering the right questions will ensure that you and your client build a strong relationship, wherein you can both succeed – and profit!

To help you close more deals and build lasting profitable customer relationships, try asking some of the following questions during your needs analysis:

1. Identify the intellectual problem with a lead-in question.

What makes you think…?
How do you select…?
What’s most important to you about…?
Where do you see…?
How have you employed…?
What has been your experience with…?

2. Develop an intellectual awareness about this problem.

Can you tell me more about it?
Could you be more specific?
How long have you had this concern?
What have you done to address it?
How did that work out?

3. Identify the specific business impact of this problem.

How has this problem impacted your organization?
If you had to guess, what do you think this problem is costing your department / company / business / etc?
What will happen if this problem continues?
4. Get emotional! Identify the specific personal impact of this problem.

What impact does this problem have on your job / your staff?
How important is this to you personally?
What will happen if you don’t find a solution to this problem?
Why is it so important?

Remember: your success is directly determined by the way you are perceived, and the amount of effort you put into your career. Changing any of those variables will have a huge impact on whether you succeed or fail.

After all, in good times or in bad, the type of sales person you choose to be is 100% up to you.

Credit cards celebrate their 40th birthday

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Jan 172024

In today’s world, credit and debit cards are increasingly becoming the main means for people to pay for goods and services. There are predictions that as soon as micro payments can be made using plastic, then cash will rapidly become a thing of the past. It seems that credit cards have come a long way since the first Barclaycard was introduced by Barclays 40 years ago on 29th June 1966.

In 1966 half the population of the UK did not have a bank account and needed to be paid in cash, and the idea of modern cash machines on most street corners would have seemed like the stuff of science fiction. The world’s first cash machine which opened in 1967 was a far cry from those available today, requiring the insertion of prepaid hole punched vouchers to dispense money. Currently there are about 32 million credit card holders in the UK alone, with each card holder owing an average of £1772 according to APACS the UK payment association.

Last year a massive £124 billion was spent using credit cards via the 790,000 retail outlets in the UK which now accept card payments. With the removal of annual fees, the addition of financial extras such as travel insurance, customer loyalty schemes, introductory rates, the explosion of online shopping, increased security, variable and low rate credit cards, it is not surprising that UK card expenditure exceeded cash transactions for the first time in 2004 and look set to continue rising.

The UK seems to have become a thoroughly plastic society, with consumers used to the security and flexibility that plastic has to offer, reaching 6.2 billion transactions last year being made by card in the UK and abroad.

Now we are presented with many different payment choices which were not available 40 years ago, and these are constantly changing and new products and providers are emerging all the time. Direct debits, standing orders, debit cards, store cards, phone or online banking, are just some of the ways that consumers now control their finances, and while cheque payments are in decline, there are still 1.6 billion cheques written each year in the UK making total annual transactions of £1.15 trillion.

While the introduction of plastic payments has made shopping easier and safer, there are now so many different choices to be made choosing between different payment methods, and deciding between all the thousands of products available in the financial marketplace, that it often seems as though personal finance has become harder not simpler than it was back in the 60’s.

Today the levels of competition between lenders, due to all the many different lenders chasing new clients to whom they can sell their financial products, has thankfully meant that customers are getting much better deals than they were in the past, but it has also lead to increased complexity within the personal finance market and the need for personal finance and credit card comparison websites to help make sense of it all.

The predictions are that plastic cards are set to increase even further over the next few years with less traditional providers offering their own financial services to customers. Increased security measures such as biometrics, as well as real-time payments and fund transfers are also expected to become common place. Whether these changes will lead to future payment methods becoming quicker and easier or cause more confusion over what the best card to have is, can only be answered with time.


All information contained in this article, is for general information purposes only and should not be construed as advice under the Financial Services Act 1986.

You are strongly advised to take appropriate professional and legal advice before entering into any binding contracts.

Dirty Little Secrets: Five Things Trade Show Attendees Don’t Want You To Know

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Jan 162024

Look at there at the show floor. Check out the attendees. They look ordinary enough — but they have secrets. Dirty little secrets that they’d never tell anyone, not even under duress.

Successful selling at trade shows depends upon two things. One is your products and personnel: How good are your products and services, and how well do your people represent them. The second has nothing to do with you at all. It has everything to do with secrets.

Not all attendees are the same, and not every buyer on the floor shares these secrets. But most do, whether they’d like to admit it or not. These secrets are strong unifying factors that influence their buying decisions. If you, as a smart and savvy trade show exhibitor, know what these secrets are and tailor your exhibit appropriately, you’ll come away with higher sales numbers every time.

If you could hear your attendee’s deepest, most secret thoughts, they might go something like this:

Secret #1: We’re impatient

Let’s be real here. The boss just shipped me to Orlando from the middle of a Buffalo blizzard. The last thing I want to do is spend the entire day putzing around looking at new attachments for our Widget making machine. If you show me what I want, at a reasonable price, I’m gonna close the deal in a hurry and go hit the beach.

What this means to you: Understanding your buyer is crucial. When you know what your target audience needs, wants, and expects, it’s easier to provide it for them. Added incentives and special savings only sweetens the pot, especially for the attendee who wants to get the business part of the business trip out of the way.

Secret #2: We’re lazy

Sure, it sounds like a great deal. But to get that price, I’ve got to go log onto the web, go to the website, enter a code, fill out a questionnaire, and then go through the purchasing process? Forget that! I’ll go over here to Vendor Z. I might pay a few dollars more, but I won’t have to jump through any hoops.

What this means to you: If you’re going to offer a show special or promotion, focus on making it user-friendly. Buyers are willing to pay more to avoid what they perceive as ‘too much’ work. Each market has a different threshold point, and this varies with how much potential savings you’re offering. Customers are willing to give more when they are getting more in return.

Secret #3: We’re Egotistical

You might not realize this, but I’m the smartest person here. And the tallest. And the best looking. I’m so gosh-darned amazing, actually, that you’ll find yourself compelled to give me awesome deals.

What this means to you: It’s important to give your buyers recognition. “Bonus Buys” — windfall items ‘spontaneously’ thrown in when a purchase is made — is a fantastic way to do this. Offer discounted prices on the floor model, for the ‘serious buyers only’. Exclusivity sells.

Don’t start the recognition at the trade show. Reach out to your clients before hand via e-mail and direct mail marketing, letting them know what special deals can be had at your booth. A little extra effort goes a long way.

Secret #4: We hate math

Ok, I don’t want to look like an idiot here. But there’s $25 off of Widget A, 15% off Widget A-1, and a $500 rebate if I buy now. Exactly how much is that? Is that a good deal? I hate percentages…

What this means for you: Remember the KISS acronym, especially when promoting discounts and sale prices at a tradeshow. You want to Keep It Super Simple! Rather than listing a complex set of discounts, focus on the total savings. Have printed price sheets where your booth staffers can highlight appropriate discounted prices and write in the total savings.

Secret #5: We liked to be pushed

I see that this price is only good for a limited time. I’ve read it on the sign. You’ve told me during the sales presentation. I know and understand that there’s a deadline.

And you know what? Chances are I’m going to forget. And when I discover that I missed out on saving hundreds of dollars, I am going to be miffed.

What this means for you: People have to experience a piece of information six times before they remember it — and that’s in normal, everyday circumstances, not the hustle and bustle of the show floor. Remind your booth staffers to mention the deadline often. Make note of it on any follow-up correspondence, and send a reminder notice to likely prospects. The reminder nudge will spur sales.

Saving Money on Gas

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Jan 152024

How much money do you spend on gas everyday? Shocking it is that the price of fuel and gasoline are becoming more and more expensive. And there are no signs of it retreating. More and more customers are complaining about the increased rates. Various governments in many countries are promising to do what they can do regarding this situation but it seems like their best efforts are not working at all. The only companies that are not complaining are those who sell gas.

You are spending piles of dollars on gasoline everyday. Do you not think of ways to save money over petrol? In this situation, everyone must be really creative to think of new ways to save their hard-earned money. There are more important things like Lincoln Aviator auto parts and Lincoln accessories that are worth spending on.

Be wise and prudent by limiting your budget for your gasoline expenses. Most gasoline companies are offering promotions to attract more costumers. So, instead of saving, you spend your money over gasoline to avail of the promo. This is not a practical choice. It is a game of luck and you are not sure if you will win. Instead of going crazy over the promotions, just ignore them.

Instead of pre-occupying your mind with deceiving promotions, try to use your time looking for the best deals on gasoline. Use search engines over the Internet to look for gasoline stations that offer low prices or great discounts. The service on the Internet is free. All you need to do is to enter the zip code of your local area and you will be given a list of the gasoline stations in your locale. Then have your tank refilled so you would not need to go back wasting barrels of gasoline.

Putting just enough pressure on your tires will also help save your budget. Underinflated and overinflated tires consume more gasoline. So, check your tires if they are inflated just right.

Do not use your car s air condition when not necessary. The more you use your air conditioning system, the more you spend on gas. Open your window when traveling on country roads. You will not only save gas but you will also appreciate the fresh breeze and wonderful sights on your way.

It is practical to save the money you are earning. Try discovering more ways to save gas. Try these simple tips so can save and spend your money over more important matters.

The Newest Car Breed of Mazda

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Jan 142024

Mazda is one of the best car brands in the world. It has set its name as one of the quality car producers in the world. In fact, they have the latest car model called the Mazda CX-7. Do you want to know more details about it?

The 2007 Mazda CX-7 is made not only to catch attention but also to provide more room and space for riders. If you already have your own family, this car would be the best car for you. Mazda specifically made this as such to accommodate more passengers inside. So if you have kids, you can let them ride with you on your trips.

Like the Mazda MPV, it also a sedan. According to the Mazda Car Corporation, the Mazda CX-7 is the successor of MPV as it is built as a wagon. It was also built to compete with midsize crossover sport utility vehicles such as the Toyota Highlander, Nissan Pathfinder, Hyundai Santa Fe, Mitsubishi Endeavor Dodge Nitro, and Subaru B9 Tribeca. It has a 2.3 liter MZR turbocharger I4 engine coupled up with six speed automatic overdrive transmission system where the car gets its strong power.

The maintenance of Mazda CX-7 is never a hassle. There are many sources of Mazda CX-7 car parts as well as other Mazda auto parts such as Mazda B20 Pickup parts and Mazda B22 Pickup parts. These are produced by Mazda itself so you are assured that these have undergone and passed quality checks before they were made available in the market. Local dealers also offer these items at valuable discounts and great deals. Online shops are also available so finding some will never be a problem. Repair services can be done through Mazda Local Service Centers in your area.

Try visiting some websites if you want to see the interior of the new Mazda CX-7. You will be in touch with the attractive and easy to navigate features of this new car breed. For more information, check out Mazda’s official website. You can easily browse through the bank of information that the company stores for the public to access.

Why You Need To Start Investing In Commercial Real Estate TODAY…

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Jan 132024

Is The Pot At The End Of Your Rainbow Filled With Fool’s Gold?
Why You Need To Start Investing In Commercial Real Estate TODAY…
BY: J. Scott Scheel

People often ask me how I got started in commercial real estate, and I tell them that it was a conscious decision for me.

Most people who begin investing in real estate start off with single family residential properties because that is what they are most comfortable with. They tell themselves, “All I need to do is a couple of deals a month. I’ll make myself five or ten thousand dollars, then at the end of a very few months most of my problems will be taken care of.” They do not really understand everything that is involved in getting these properties going.

They think they are going to be making big money, but before long, oftentimes they end up with a lot of problems and a lot of headaches. They might have traded in their job for a perceived higher paying job, but find that it is really taking a toll on their lives.

If you belong to a real estate investment group, take a look around you. Look at the people who have done twenty-five to fifty houses or more. Are they living the life of their dreams? More importantly, are they living the life of your dreams? They may be better off than you are now, but is this really what you want to work towards?

I know so many people who have a large portfolio of properties but really haven’t achieved the type of freedom, success, and wealth that they truly desire.

How can you change this?
In my opinion, the answer is commercial real estate.
When I decided to start investing in real estate, I stopped and took a look around. I realized that the people who were making the big money in real estate were the people who owned buildings not houses. People who owned the large apartment buildings, the large office buildings, the large warehouse and industrial space – those are the ones who really seemed to be living a lifestyle that I wanted.

They didn’t have to be there tending to their properties; they had property managers who took care of that for them. Yet, they were the ones spending the checks, catching planes to exotic locations and destinations, and living the lifestyle that I desired so much.

After looking at this for quite a while, I decided that there must be a way of getting this done. They couldn’t have been much smarter, have learned much more, or have had access to more resources then I could. Even though I didn’t know how immediately, I knew I could figure out a way to do it.

I sat down and took the time to learn how to invest in commercial real estate, which is what I would recommend that you do. I studied and figured out exactly what it would take, and as I learned, commercial real estate became less and less of a mystery to me.

How can you start? First of all, let’s talk about why you would want to do it.

What are the benefits of commercial real estate? First of all, one of the biggest benefits is that commercial real estate is valued differently. By “valued differently”, I mean the amount of income that a property produces is directly proportionate to its worth. So if a property produces more income, then it is worth more. It has very little to do with “market comps”.

Second, along the way you are going to get a far greater cash flow. Imagine if you were to buy a $200,000 home. That $200,000 home may rent for somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,500 per month. The underlying mortgage on that home may be somewhere between $1,000 and $1,400 per month. So you end up struggling to gain between $100 and $500 per month in positive cash flow. That’s not a very high number for the amount of work you have to put in, and it certainly is not going to get you on the jet set.

Now, let’s take a look at a similar investment from a commercial standpoint. That same $200,000 investment may end up yielding you an 8-unit apartment complex, based on $25,000 per unit to acquire the property.

Let’s say each of those units were two bedrooms, which could rent in most areas of the United States anywhere between $400 and $600 per month. For simplicity’s sake, let’s use an average of $500 per month. At $500 per month times eight units, you’re bringing in $4,000 per month – more than double the rent that you could expect to get from that same $200,000 single family home. Your underlying mortgage payment would be very similar to what you would expect on a residential property; for this example, let’s use $1,400 per month.

Your cash flow on this 8-unit apartment building will be $2,600 per month ($4,000 per month income, minus $1,400 mortgage payment). Now that will make a difference in just about anyone’s life.

Third, and most essentially, you’re now spreading out the risk over eight tenants, as opposed to one. If your single-family home goes vacant, you’re on the hook for the entire mortgage. Every penny of that mortgage, all of the maintenance, and everything that goes along with it is now your responsibility. If the house is vacant for two months, you’d better be planning on spending a minimum of $2,800 to cover that mortgage plus miscellaneous expenses including maintenance, utilities, taxes, and insurance. Potentially, you’re looking at a very heavy negative cash flow.

On the commercial property, however, if one of your eight units goes vacant at $500 per unit, you’re still bringing in $3,500. So you get slightly less positive cash flow but you’re certainly not experiencing negative cash flow. Say three units go vacant – you’re still covering your mortgage and experiencing positive cash flow.

The fourth reason you should be investing in commercial real estate is because of a concept called “forced appreciation”. Forced appreciation means doing things with your property that will increase your income and decrease your expenses. Remember that the more income your commercial property brings in, the more it is worth.

As an example, let’s go back to our 8-unit apartment building. Let’s say we plan on improving the quality of each apartment unit by replacing the flooring, upgrading to nicer doorknobs and bathroom fixtures and lighting fixtures, perhaps even adding some ceiling fans – all relatively inexpensive fix-ups. As a result, we can now raise the rents by $50 per month per unit. That’s $600 more income per year times 8 units, or $4,800 more per year total (which will also recapture all the costs of the fix-ups).

Next, let’s decrease our expenses by $100 per month by passing on a portion of the utilities to the tenants, or by doing some competitive shopping for our lawn-care service and finding a company that does the same great job for less money per month. Times 12 months, we’ve just saved ourselves $1,200 per year.

Total increase in annual income is $6,000 ($4,800 plus $1,200). By increasing our income by $6,000 per year, we’ve increased the value of the property by $60,000 or more. That’s the power of forced appreciation.

There are a lot of strategies that you can use to force appreciation and these are just some of the simplest. But needless to say when you’re dealing with 8 units in one building, for instance in our small example, you’ve got an opportunity to improve many things that will help you justify the increased rents. Also, you’ll be seeing yourself dealing with a better tenant mix. Higher quality properties tend to bring more stable tenants.

All of this leads us to the fifth reason why you should be investing in commercial real estate and that is the passive income. Passive income is the key to commercial real estate. The way that commercial properties are managed and the way they allow for a concentration of efforts lets you to put someone in place to manage those properties.

In the beginning, on the smaller 8-unit buildings, you’ll probably need to manage them yourself. But as you climb your way up the ladder, and you start dealing with 20-units or above, you can then offer free rent on one of the units to someone in return for managing the rest of the units for you. As we discussed earlier, even with 8 units you can still make a monthly profit if a couple of the units are vacant, so giving away one unit is certainly a small price to pay in return for the freedom it gives you.

Now you’ve got an on-site building manager who handles all of the tenant problems, tenant issues, tenant improvements, cleaning, and trash removal – all in return for free rent in your two bedroom, $550-per-month unit. Usually these people have other jobs, so you’re not their sole source of income. If your buildings are large enough to keep them busy full-time, however, you will probably have to pay them an hourly wage in addition to the free rent, but that will only be a small portion of your total monthly profits.

Meanwhile, all the checks come directly to you. You deposit them, you pay the bills, you keep the difference – and believe me, that difference can be substantial. Even on the small 8-unit buildings that we’ve talked about, it’s easy to generate $2,000 to $3,000 dollars per month in positive cash flow, over and above your expenses. On larger, 20+ unit buildings, it’s not difficult to create positive cash flows in excess of $5,000 to $10,000 per month if these properties are acquired properly. And since someone else is managing the properties for you, all this money flows to you passively, while you are spending time with your family, or traveling, or looking for exciting, new opportunities.

Obviously there are many more great reasons to invest in commercial real estate than these five that I’ve given you – in fact, I could easily list another thirty: cost recovery, how it’s financed, management opportunities, scales of economy, and so on.

So, how do you get started?
Just as you would get started investing in residential real estate by getting your education first (either “the easy way”, through books and courses and investor group meetings, or “the hard way”, through the school of hard knocks), the place to get started with commercial real estate is by getting your education and learning the terminology. It’s not that different from residential real estate, and it’s not that difficult to understand.

Next, look around – see what’s going on in your market place. Find several small apartment buildings for sale, get the financial information on them, and learn how they work – what they rent for, how full they are, how the utilities are split up, what the expenses are, and so on. Start doing some “practice” deals – go through the motions of buying the property with as much diligence as you would if you were buying a single-family home. Once you understand what the income is and what the expenses are, you can start to figure out how you would acquire that property.

The sooner you get this process going, the sooner I guarantee that you will be an apartment owner. Don’t wait to get started – now is the time! This is the best commercial market in the last 50 years. Properties are available extremely inexpensively, and there are many distressed properties just waiting to be picked up with millions of dollars in equity in all of them. The bank rates right now for commercial property are extremely low. These factors combine to offer you an incredible opportunity. Do not let this market place pass you by, or you may very well regret it.

Can you imagine buying five 8-unit apartment buildings in the next 12 to 24 months? At the end of that time, you’d have 40 units, managed by someone else, and generating six figures of annual passive income. The exciting part is that apartment buildings are just the tip of the iceberg, and in my opinion, not even my favorite investments. I personally prefer office and retail space which have a much higher profit potential. Apartment buildings are nice but office space and retail space generate the really big money.

I can promise you that if you start following these simple strategies, you’ll generate more than enough gold to fill up the pots for yourself as well as your family and loved ones. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll see your first $1 Million check!