
Tips for Selling Your House

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Jan 052024

You’ll find home selling tips for houses, town homes, villas, and condominiums, scams to keep away from, how to opt a seller’s real estate agent, what to set in your contract, real estate agent tricks to watch out for, and negotiating tips for dealing with tough buyers. We’ll also assess such as Home Gain which help you locate a real estate agent in your area based on the marketing package that they put forward to sell your house.

Great Expectations

Many sellers have unrealistic expectations for their property value, particularly on condominiums and townhouses. These types of property at least here in Florida do not seize their value very well, and very few of them only appreciate. Often the builders of new condos and townhouses charge buyers too much money and when the buyer resells years later, they are stunned to observe how much value their unit lost. They will have a rigid time selling their condo, especially if the maintenance fees are high.

So how do you price your home?

There are three tools to use, a property appraiser, a listing real estate agent, and a record of recent home selling prices in your neighborhood. If you chose your listing agent shrewdly and they have knowledge in your neighborhood, they can steer you to a ball park selling price, then the appraiser will fine tune that number, and you can utilize a list of current selling prices as a sanity check.

Pretty it up before you list it!

Before you turn your home over to the listing agent, make sure it’s in its best form. First impressions count and the first thing buyers see are your front lawn and garden. Make sure your lawn and trees are fertilized about 2 weeks before you list the house. Also make certain that the lawn is in good shape, and has a perfect edge along the perimeter, make sure the garden looks nice, with no weeds, and repair any cosmetic damage to the house that can be seen from the outside. Replace your AC filter and any other filters that might be checked during the inspection process. Remove any excess rugs and furniture to make the rooms look bigger.

How To Interview And Hire A Real Estate Agent:

You want much more from them than just listing your house on MLS and waiting for results, you want a full scale media blitz. By using popular home buying sites like Home Gain, you are pitting local real estate agents against one another to compete for your business. The agent with the best marketing plan wins. Since agents know that there are other agents competing for your business, you’ll get some aggressive marketing plans presented to you. Make sure your house is advertised with color photos wherever possible, and make sure it’s outlined in your Real Estate Agent’s marketing contract that there will be color photos. Buyers love open houses and half the fight in selling your house is just getting buyers to come look at it.

Stay away from long term contracts!

Do not sign long term exclusive agent contracts. Any decent agent should have your house sold in 90 days in a good market. In fact if they really are as good as the picture they painted for you, they should have your house sold in no time. Only with a 90 day listing period, you put the pressure on your Real Estate Agent to do some work and sell your house.

Have a good Internet marketing plan to sell your home!

Many people don’t just comprehend that by adding your home listing to a regional online classifieds, it could get picked up by the major real estate portals sites like Home Gain. Big real estate portals are signing regularly that deals with MLSs and regional home listings for presenting their listings when users of the portals search for a house. Internet listings are crucial to get your house sold, especially to out of town buyers who are unfamiliar with your area, and your listing is the only one they know. Real estate portals sites like Home Gain are good if you live in a questionable area where picky buyers in your city don’t want your house, but ignorant buyers from out of town don’t know any better.

How to Benefit from Partner Relationship Management (PRM)

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Jan 032024

How is PRM different from CRM?

In this demanding economy, companies are on the never-ending quest for solutions / tools that will help them accrue / maintain their loyalty and business with their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one such application that has attracted a lot of attention from organizations worldwide.

Though containing the word “relationship”, CRM is actually not concerned with managing customer relationships. It lays emphasis on creating customer profiles by accumulating and advocating data regarding customer’s buying habits and personal preferences. These profiles are then used by businesses to directly target their niche market.

Talking about relationships, Partner Relationship Management (PRM) is an affair about understanding and satisfying the needs of your business partners with dexterity. As compared to gathering sales data, PRM is a much more complex application as it involves building and maintaining trust between you and your business channel partners. Many discussions on PRM, in correlation with CRM, have argued over personifying PRM either as seperate entity or merely an element of CRM.

CRM was fundamentally structured to manage direct sales engagements between a seller and a buyer. This function concentrates on gathering and sharing data throughout customer/s buying cycle. On the other hand, PRM has been designed to manage a complex system revolving around aligning business processes across the entire chain of vendors to partner and to customers. PRM technology enables companies to generate more work efficiency and profitability with all partner types, including channel, distribution, reseller, strategic alliance, system integration and consulting partners.

Since, every partner organization has a unique way of executing business, it is difficult to manifest a perfect process alignment between partners and vendors. This discrepancy makes it practically impossible to report and measure channel results accurately. CRM systems were not designed to accommodate this level of complexity. To effectively manage indirect business relationships, companies require a dedicated PRM system to co-ordinate activity between all the participants in the process loop.

Making PRM Work for You

Partners provide a cost-effective way to expand your enterprise by providing you with broader geo-market reach. When leveraged properly, they help you to accelerate revenue growth, streamline operations and improve efficiency.

Partner relationship management (PRM) is a business strategy for improving communication between companies and their channel partners. At a time when businesses need to maximize every resource available to them, building strong partner relationships and effective channel strategies has become a critical practice. Working with PRM dynamics, you must also focus on: –

1.Communicating with your partner, using your self-disclosure skills to articulate your needs.

2.Identifying and then sharing your personal most trusted strategies with your partner.

3.Evolving mutually beneficial agreements while working through a conflicting situation.

With businesses becoming global and interdependent in nature, PRM has a more vital role to play. This worldwide interdependence is only based on trust factor. The call-center industry sets a major example on this front. American businesses, having formed alliances with partners in India, Africa, and other distant regions, hire thousands of call-center executives to meet American and worldwide consumer demands. Such alliances require a high degree of partnership intelligence. Without establishing and managing such trusting and mutually beneficial alliances, the level of investments made by the call center and other industries will only face a doom.

Advantages of Partner Relationship Management

Businesses and organizations can immensely benefit from Partner Relationship Management (PRM) programs as follows: –

+ Extend your enterprise reach and increase revenues through a well-managed partner network.

+ Optimize partner program profitability through better understanding of partner’s value and performance.

+ Streamline operations and reduce costs by automating manual processes and integrating partner operations throughout the enterprise.

+ Develop a mutually trusting and beneficial partnerships

+ Challenge you to change and focus on the future so you do not continually dwell on past glories and stay stagnant.

+ Helps you focus resources on critical activities throughout the customer sales cycle and product lifecycle to maximize revenue rates and margins.

+ Help companies deliver services that maximize product availability and customer productivity and minimize cost, time and energy.

+ Links your future with that of your partner in a positive and exciting way.

+ Efficiently manage your association with important customers, suppliers, outsourcing partners and partner alliances.

Web-based PRM software applications enable companies to customize and streamline administrative tasks by making real-time information available to all the partners over the Internet. Several CRM providers have incorporated PRM features in their software applications in the shape of web-enabled spreadsheets shared over extranet.

Salesforce.com’s comprehensive on-demand PRM:

As one of the leading companies offering on-demand CRM application, Salesforce.com provides capable solutions for managing your indirect sales channels. The PRM system, integrated with Sales Force Automation, helps to deliver unmatched visibility to your company’s sales pipeline for direct and indirect channels.

Sales Force PRM makes it easy for partners to access leads, collaborate on deals and locate all the lucrative information. Through a set of easy-to-use services, Sales Force PRM offers: –

1.Higher level of Partner Adoption.

2.Complete Channel Visibility via real-time access to channel sales.

3.Leading Partner Lifecycle Management, including recruitment, marketing, selling and measurement.

4.Integrated SFA application for planning and forecasting.

5.100% on-demand partner solutions resulting in fast deployment and customized partner experience.

Where else will you find such a powerful combination under one-roof? If you need more reasons to get Sales Force PRM solution, download Sales Force PRM Datasheet – Free. Contact Salesforce.com Today!

10 Things To Do Before You Are 50 – Part 1

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Jan 022024

The BBC recently commissioned a survey among 20,000 people asking ‘What would you like to do before you die?’ The answers were noted and a list of the most common answers was compiled and entitled ’50 things to do before you die.’

There were some very interesting answers. In at number 50 was ‘to go Polar Bear watching’, the animal theme continued to be popular with ‘to see tigers in the wild’ at number 45 and interestingly, ‘to drive a husky sledge’ reaching number 38. The travelling theme was also present within the list, ‘taking the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok’ featured at number 33 and ‘walking the Great Wall of China’ proved to be a popular choice charting at number 16. However, the silver medal position went to ‘scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef’ with the number 1 answer being ‘to swim with dolphins’.

Before being asked the ‘what would you like to do before you die’ question, without doubt a number of the 20,000 would have given their answer straight away and then gone on to achieve their ambition within their lifetime however, it would certainly be interesting to find out how many of those surveyed had never before given such an important question much thought but, having then given this some consideration, had answered the question and then actually went on to achieve their stated goal. I would guess a surprisingly high number. The mechanics for those knowing that their number one ambition before they die was to swim with dolphins could be considered surprisingly quite straight forward. Surely it would be a matter of deciding where in the world they could carry this out, what the actual cost of the exercise would be together with when their budget and diary would allow such an activity to take place. It could be argued that the most difficult part of such an exercise is simply deciding what it is you would really like to achieve in the first place!

Financial Planning is no different. The actual mechanics of the process although interesting, at times intimidating but ultimately quite exciting, are relatively straightforward. Once you have established what it is you would like to achieve you may be confident enough to tackle these issues yourself. However, just as many call upon the specialised services of accountants and lawyers, finding a good, experienced financial adviser with whom you can build a long lasting working relationship is likely to help you achieve your goals more quickly.

Fifty is a pivotal age
In financial planning terms, fifty is quite a pivotal age. As a ‘thirty-something’ many consider the world is at their feet, and then,
possibly discovering life really begins at 40! While approaching the half-century may seem like the half time whistle went a few years ago, in reality there’s hopefully a long way to go as yet! Victor Hugo once said ‘Forty is the old age of youth. Fifty is the youth of old age.’ Whether or not you see your fiftieth birthday as a major mile-stone of your life it certainly is an excellent ‘target date’ by which you could judge if your financial priorities have been achieved or are on track to being achieved.

And for those who are approaching fifty now is a good time to take stock of your finances as the good news is you still have time to prepare for the next major milestone in your life which is likely to be your retirement.

I am sure we all dream of a future free from money worries and many would agree the earlier you start to plan the better as this makes it easier for your goals to be achieved. Therefore, the check list below is designed to help you plan and prioritise the 10 things to sort out before you reach the big five-a!

1. Check your budget
If you haven’t done so for some time, you should review your current living costs. Start by listing your essential monthly outgoings such as your home loan and food then, after including those items you would consider important, add in the monthly items you would consider treats and luxuries. Interestingly, this exercise leaves many scratching their heads asking ‘where does the money go each month!’ Once you have worked out your regular monthly outgoings, hopefully there is some money left which can be classed as your disposable income. This may also be a good chance to highlight the areas where money can be saved, perhaps by shopping around for better deals on your regular bills or on your insurance for example. If it turns out, by working through the check list, that you need to save more for your retirement years or to start thinking for your child’s future, you will have a better idea of how much you can really afford.

2. Review your savings and borrowings
It’s a fact of financial life that it usually costs more to borrow than you can earn by saving. So the message is this: if you have cash to spare, you should probably use it to pay off your debts first.

continued in Part 2…

Solving Social Security: Fire the Politicians!

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Jan 012024

As an investor, I’ve always wondered why Social Security is such a problem. What’s so difficult about managing this particular Trust Fund, and why is it so different from other investment accounts that pay out a constant stream of income? The private sector does it routinely with defined benefit pension plans and fixed annuities, so what’s the big deal? Is Social Security failing because it hasn’t been invested soundly, or is there some other reason?

The most obvious explanation is politics, but we’re running out of time for finger pointing, and Social Security is solvable in a surprisingly painless manner. It will require a whole new approach that uses old ideas and institutions in ways that most of us have pretty much given up on. As hopeless as the Bush Administration’s Nicotine Patch for Social Security would have been, it pointed in the right direction. Now don’t hit DELETE when I refer to “privatization”, or when I mention one of my own most hated financial products, the “annuity”. Both are needed to permanently fix the Social Security mess, to get it away from people who are neither managers nor investment specialists, and to make the whole system work more economically. The purpose of this article is to get you to think about it… and to elect a hero with the guts to fix it. Unfortunately, Joe DiMaggio has left the building!

Are you surprised that there is no “Social Security Trust Fund”… no investments and no Investment Managers? This is a gigantic Government designed and controlled Ponzi scheme that has worked incredibly well in spite of congressional tinkering and prohibitively high cost. There was always a tax plan for funding the benefits, but never an Investment Plan. And as difficult as it is for me to admit, no sophisticated Investment Plan is really necessary. We just need a new (reduced) contribution plan, one that isn’t designed to fund every politically sensitive entitlement that compromises itself down the aisle. We need a simplified benefit structure that supplements privately funded (untaxed) retirement programs. [Healthcare just has to be a separate issue, perhaps an actual (managed) Trust Fund, and certainly something that should not be funded by private citizens until there is meaningful tort reform in this country.] Pshew! Back to the point… We can eliminate all the unnecessary bells and whistles simply by mandating personalized benefit funding. Let the politicians deal with homeland security while the private sector deals with things financial.

After the repeal of the Social Security tax and implementation of mandated Individual Retirement Plan Contributions, the Social Security bureaucracy will retain several important functions: 1) Qualifying private sector companies and licensing them to provide Social Security Retirement Income Annuities (SSRIAs). Thousands of providers will be needed, but only, fixed income experienced, profitable companies need apply. 2) Developing a computerized system for participant/provider matching… inspired randomness is essential. 3) Proactive monitoring of compliance with the minimal rules, installation of fraud detection systems, and investigation of all violations by providers, participants, and retirees, 4) Keeping the plan sacred, simple, and principally unchanged by future legislation. The plan must be kept: simple and profitable for providers; painless and visible to participants; timely and comprehensible to retirees.

The SSRIA is a new and improved version of the ancient Deferred Fixed Annuity Contract… a boring but guaranteed retirement benefit vehicle, funded by both mandated and voluntary payroll deductions, with a whole bunch of new wrinkles that make it an ideal Social Security replacement program. For example, and unlike existing annuity contracts: 1) Participants will be allocated to “qualified SSRIA providers” so there will be no sales commissions, no business acquisition or retention costs, no advertising expenses, etc. 2) All SSRIA contracts (regardless of provider) will contain the same terms, interest guarantees, retirement benefit choices, and pre-retirement death benefits, thus eliminating any incentives for internal fraud and manipulation of statistics. 3) Qualified providers will establish separate subsidiaries to manage and control SSRIA operations and to assure that only high quality, income securities are used to fund future benefits. 4) All qualified providers will use the same mortality, investment earnings and expense assumptions, and all benefits will be fully guaranteed by the parent corporations.

The SSRIA is a supplemental retirement program, funded by a much smaller, yet flexible, payroll deduction, and it is designed to be the foundation of a retiree’s total retirement package… a benefit floor. Participants will choose (annually, for the following year) to deposit from the required 2% up to a maximum 4% of their Pre-Tax Income to their personal SSRIA, a contract that will follow them everywhere, from employer to employer, throughout their working years. Before retirement, a death benefit equal to the full cash value of the contract will be paid to the designated beneficiary. At retirement, participants can elect either a Life Annuity or a Joint & 50% Survivor Annuity. No variable plans of any kind will ever be allowed; there will be no loan privileges, withdrawals, or dividends. Providers are expected to make a reasonable profit, which will ultimately be determined by their operating and investing abilities… hmmm, I smell capitalism.

Employer sponsored benefit programs and individual savings and investments are expected to make up the bulk of private retirement programs. The SSRIA will assure that everyone has something, but individual savings and retirement plans, both company sponsored and personally funded, will be encouraged by new IRS policy. No retirement income, regardless of source will be subject to income taxation! Neither employers nor self-employed persons will be required to make matching contributions of any kind to employee SSRIAs. However, they will be encouraged to use their improved cash flow to increase employment or to reduce prices, perhaps by a new system that will reduce their corporate income tax obligations as a reward for boosting the economy. Similarly, billions of dollars of discretionary spendable income will find its way back into the economy from consumers whose payroll deductions have been slashed deservedly.

Subsequent articles will deal with: SSRIA Providers, Participation Rules, Transitioning the Change at Four Levels, and Dealing with the Obscenely Overpaid.

Details of a Home Based Internet Marketing Business

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Dec 312023

Are you a marketing professional looking to move away from your current job? Do you love the marketing industry, but are tired of office politics? Do you wish that there was a way to take all of your skills and incorporate them into a home based business? If this sounds like you, you are in luck. There are many people in your shoes that have turned their love of marketing into a very successful home based business. Without a little bit of skill and determination, you may be able to take your years of experience and parlay them into a great work from home marketing job.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone; but if you have a love for marketing, and the desire to run your own company, this opportunity may be for you.

Obviously, if you want to start your own home based internet marketing business it would help if you have some background experience in the industry to fall back on. This is always helpful because it will cut back on your start up time, and will also allow you to offer a higher level of service to potential clients. Being able to tell clients that you have 15 years of marketing experience will go a long way in securing you a lot of work.

The great thing about starting an internet marketing business is that you should have no problem getting your name in front of potential customers; after all, you are an internet marketing specialist! You will want need to set up a webpage where you outline what your company does, as well as your past experience. By doing this clients will be able to visit you on the web, and make a quick decision on your abilities.

The first thing you will need to start your home business is a home office. This is not as difficult as one would think.

Every home office needs are different but there are some fundamental staples that all require. You will want to have a clean, noise free environment that has good lighting and is free from distractions. This will help keep you more focused and productive. You will need a desk and chair. The size of your desk will depend on what its function is. You will want a place to store all your information about your customers such as a computer and/or a filing cabinet. You will also want a phone, fax/scanner/copier, Internet connection, and any other communication tools you might need at hand. Since most
home-based businesses focus on services or affiliate products there will be no need for storage. If you are planning to sell your own products and ship them yourself then make sure you have room to store them all. If you plan on doing meeting outside of your home there will be no need for a conference room either. If you are going to be seeing clients in your home
and don’t have a conference room then be sure to keep your place clean and neat at all times. First impressions say a lot.

If don’t have any equipment at all then you are probably wondering at what this will cost you. Well it is much lower than it used to be. Computers, printers, and software are a lot more inexpensive these days. You can also find great plans for telephone and Internet service today that are very reasonable. These services will allow you to make long distance phone
calls for free. If you shop around wisely you can find some really good deals on computers and office supplies and furniture.

+ Computer: you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1000 for a computer that has all the latest features. You will want to make sure that it has at least a Pentium 4 processor speed and 60 GB hard drive. You will also want a 17″ monitor to make your life easier especially if you need to be on the computer often. Make sire that you have 256 MB of memory at
least and a CD-ROM read and write drive. This is pretty standard for most computers today, but you will always want to double check.

+ Multifunctional Machine: you will want to invest in a fax, printer, copier, and scanning machine. Many places sell them for great prices. You are looking at about $100 an up. Make sure that if you do a lot of printing you check out the price of the ink cartridge refills. If they are very expensive you might want to consider paying a bit more for the machine itself to be able to get the more inexpensive refills.

+Office Furniture: This can vary tremendously. If you want nice but affordable try office supply stores. They have the packages that are relatively inexpensive and easy to assemble. Get a good chair though. Never skimp on something you will be sitting for hours.

Many people are not sure of what the internet marketing industry consists of. When you are running an internet marketing business, you are going to be showing your customers how to increase web traffic, etc. This is hard for some people because they are used to more traditional means of marketing such as direct mail, etc. Even though you can offer these services, your main goal will be to convey yourself as an internet marketing specialist.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone. Most of the time, the people that are most successful in this field have some sort of past experience. But if you don’t have experience, and you are still
interested, you can still give it a go. There is nothing wrong with researching the industry, and trying to learn as much as possible as you go along.

Home internet marketing businesses have become very popular. If you are looking for a way to become more independent, you may want to consider this option.

Phendimetrazine Online Prescription: Quick in Quitting Fat

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Dec 302023

Online prescription of Phendimetrazine diet medication is one of easiest and reliable ways to put one’s fat under control. This pill is one among all other reputed medicines which cures obesity effectively.

Phendimetrazine online prescriptions are easiest to access, and utilize it in curing fat without any inconvenience. By going online, one can find many online agents which make this pill available within 24 hours at one’s doorstep. Many obese people would be shy of going to drug shops, and ask for diet pills. Thus, online prescription of this pill doesn’t only keep obese people off any embarrassment, but also it saves a lot of time.

Availing online prescription of Phendimetrazine diet pills can even befit people in making pills available to them at special discount rate. So, buying this pill online might alleviate one’s pocket by saving good amount of money. One must beware of several fake agents who tempt customers by offering them various lucrative deals. Besides, before buying this pill online, it must be remembered that this pill is a prescription based medicine, and must be taken after doctor’s prescription.

Online prescription of Phendimetrazine provides one all kind of information about the diet pill. One must be aware that this pill is an appetite suppressant, and there are various side effects which might occur during its usage. One has to know all precautions by getting all this information online.

Getting privilege of Phendimetrazine online prescription is just a click away. One requires just filling a small online form where desired form of pill has to be specified. Online agent vouchsafes customer to have pills at discount rate, and instantly. For people, who are suffering from obesity, and looking for an easier way to reduce their weight, online prescription of Phendimetrazine is a best tool to use.Online prescription of Phendimetrazine provides one all kind of information about the diet pill.

A guide To Buying A Projector

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Dec 292023

Good presentations make the foundation of the successful business deals. So while making presentations make sure that you have an easy access to a good projector which suits your requirement as this is going to at as a catalyst for a business deal to happen! The picking of projectors is mainly dependent on the type of work or the kind of business that you have. As for an advertising firm presentations are very frequent so they make doubly sure that they procure a good projector!
The other factor that determines the selection of a projector is the dimension of the room or the conference hall where the presentation is scheduled. As the clarity and readability of the data projected varies from the projector which is designed to function in small room as compared to large room , so presentations for larger areas and for a great number of people should be made through more sophisticated projectors.

Portability of the projector is the another issue, if you usually travel from one place to another for their business presentations then make sure that you invest in a good quality portable projector that is easily transported and provides an easy set up. It is mandatory that it can be set up instantly as who would be carrying a throng of technical people when doing mobile presentations. A projector that easily connects with a personal or portable computer will be ideal to make your presentations simple but sophisticated.

Norms suggest that a portable projector with a minimum brightness capacity of at least 800 lumens is fine to handle the presentations. In contrast to this larger projectors must have a brightness capacity of at least two thousand lumens to make the presentation clear even to those who are seated at the back of the room. A projector must have at least a minimum of 1500 lumens to be able to project effectively in a room where plenty of light comes in as when there are no blinds or curtains

Once you have decided on the type of the projector that you will be using, then make sure that you use projectors in a dark room but if it cannot be avoided, always position the projector at an area where there is less light. It is also important to take note of the resolution of your projector as this signifies the amount of pixels it can display. . Projectors can be easily installed but it is best to consult technical people for setting up the projector especially if they will be mounted to the ceiling. Make sure your projector’s efficiency will last long by using alcohol or a special cleaning solution for the projector lens.

So go ahead and make a appropriate selection from a wide variety of projectors that are available in the market and just to tell you that vendor will be one happy person to give a trial presentation, so make sure that you don’t miss on that as it will throw more light on the projector features.