
The Human Fuel

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Nov 302023

Carbohydrates are the cheapest food humans can eat and although they contain the least energy amount among food categories
on weight basis, yet it is the main category that is responsible for overweight.

Carbohydrates resemble the main source (about 90%) of energy requirements of humans living away from extremely cold weather ( pole).
How much we take them? how the body deals with them? what is the impact of them on the body?. This is what we are going to discuss now.

Carbohydrates are present in many chemical forms:
-Mononmolecular form is either 5 or 6 carbon atoms.
-Dimolecular form which is a combined 2 monosaccharide (6 carbon atoms each).
-Oligosaccharide wich is formed of few combined monosaccharides.
-Polysaccharides( polymolecular chunks) of glucode.

Pentoses (5 carbon) are present in nature in bound forms, and oligosaccharides are of structural value (e.g.Antigens), but the disaccharides specially sucrose (sugar of commerce) which may make up as much as 40% of carbohygrate intake, and the polysaccharide starch, with glucose as the building unit of both, are abundant in nature and are relevant to energy production in humans.

Glucose is the most important molecule in carbohydrate metabolism.
-It can be catabolised (broken down gradually) in the cytoplasm to produce some energy as in muscle cell or red blood cell, and its catabolic products are oxidized in the cell energy house(mitochondria) to produce larger amounts of energy.

Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates in human body to meet rapid demand of glucose or enargy (fat is the other storage form).
The only human that can store glycogen in high amounts is the fetus before birth, however adult human can only store small amounts of it:

-Adult stores about 1/2 lb of glycogen in the liver which breaks it down during starvation to be completely depleted within 24 hours, the first thing the liver does after meals is to restore the normal glycogen store.
-Adult stores another small amount of glycogen in muscles which never give it up to be kept for their energy needs during exercise.

The human brain stores Glucose as is in the blood and the whole body is responisible for keeping a blood concentration within a narrow range, this is done primarily by the liver which can utilize glycerol (splitted from fat) and amino acids (from protein) to build up to 55 g glucose which accords precisely with the estimated energy requirements of the brain.

Blood glucose can only highly fluctuate in diseases:
1- High levels in diabetes mellitus. Glucose can react with body proteins and modify them contributing to Cataract and other long term complications of diabetes.
2- Low levels near to 0 in Cancer, producing a muscle waste and general weakness(cachexia). The ability of cancer cells to absorb huge amounts of glucose led some scientists in the former Soviet Union and in Germany to flood blood with glucose to kill the cancer cell by its own produced high acidity through cytoplasmic glycolysis of this glucose. It proved some success in some cases.

The surplus glucose is stored as FAT, the most efficient form as energy store on weight basis , man strategic energy resource which he never uses nor he needs, moreover, stored fat is a mechanical handicap and a health risk.

If humans think that their main fuel is produced by Sun (through plant) and that Sun is present all the time they are present on earth, they would have thought about not to keep energy stores!, but when it comes to cookies, candies, bakeries, pasta, and desserts, who cares?
Don’t you?.

Diamond Clarity: The Crucial Factor in Purchasing a Diamond

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Nov 292023

Diamond clarity is the most important thing to consider if you’re thinking about purchasing a diamond. However, it can be challenging to get high quality diamonds, especially if you don’t know much about them. Before you go out and purchase a diamond, you should read this guide to make sure you don’t get stuck with an over-priced, low quality rock.

What to look for

When shopping for jewelry, whether it is gold or silver, keep in mind that price is always of primary concern. As a general rule, the price of a particular piece defines how good it is. You should always be wary of cheap jewelry when shopping for someone close to you, as they make it cheap for a reason.

Additionally, you should be cautious of buying jewelry that is on sale. Sometimes jewelers put certain pieces on sale because they simply want to get rid of old stock. At other times, however, they put pieces on sale because they are of low quality.

Finally, pay close attention to how well the diamond is cut. The more the diamond has been cut and formed, the better it is.

Where to shop

It is of the utmost importance to shop for diamonds from a reputable dealer. This point cannot be stressed enough. When you are planning to spend a significant amount of money on jewelry, you want to make sure that you are getting something that is worth the asking price.

A good way to gauge whether or not you can trust a jeweler is to look around their shop. If they have a high-quality, professional establishment then chances are you will be fine. However, if they are running a kiosk, booth, or are just selling their wares on the streets, then you should avoid these types of dealers.

Additionally, you should trust your instincts. If you have a bad feeling about the person you are doing business with, then don’t do business with them.

Finally, you should try to shop from the largest store in your community. The reason is that large-scale buyers get the best deals which allow them to pass the savings on to you, the consumer.

Other Tips

Whether you’re looking for a simple pendant or an engagement ring, you should buy designer diamond jewelry. These will generally look the best and will allow you to make your gift extra special. Another thing to consider when looking at jewelry designs is that women wear diamonds to be fashionable. You’re going to want to buy something that is both beautiful on its own and complimentary to her fashion style.

Finally, get a gift that symbolizes your love for the person you are shopping for. If you are spending a massive amount of money on a present, you want that gift to be as special as possible. By following the advice listed here, it is certain that you will find the diamond jewelry you have been looking for

Go Online to Serve Your Needs!!! Get Online Unsecured Loan UK

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Nov 282023

An unsecured loan is one which gives you support without security or collateral. So that means that you no longer have to arrange collateral or put your home or any other property or asset on stake with the lenders. Also if you are a tenant, PG, non-homeowner or lacking collateral, you can easily finance your desires with the help of an online unsecured loan UK.

These online unsecured loans are specially meant for people residing in UK and are easily available through the option of internet. Traditionally, when people start looking for unsecured loans, the trouble of visiting each and every lender comes in their mind. To save themselves from all such hassle, they used to choose whatever deal comes in their way earliest. Later they came to know that there were still better deals available in the market and if they have researched better they may be paying lesser. But once you have taken the loan, you are bound to repay the loan amount with the accepted terms and conditions. Online availability of unsecured loans in form of online secured loan in UK can be defined as blessing in disguise to avoid such situations.

An online unsecured loan in UK offers you a wide variety of benefits such as:

•Saving time and energy: As now you don’t have to visit each and every lender personally for loan packages. You can just log on to websites to get the free loan quotes.
•Online tools: Free online comparison tools are available on these loan websites to enhance your search and help you get accurate results. There are also tools such as debt and repayment calculators, repayment tables, budget planners and other such tools.
•Updates on transaction: Borrowers are always kept updated about their transactions and repayments. This ensures more transparency between the borrower and the lenders.
•Miscellaneous benefits: No upfront costs, easy and convenient, reduced paper work as most of the formalities are online, minimal documentation needed, considers people with bad credit, also gives your credit score a boost when you make timely repayments for the loan amount.

Application form for an online unsecured loan in UK is quiet easy to fill. The information you are required to fill consists of your name, address and contact information, mobile and phone numbers, date of birth, citizenship, residential status, employment status and monthly income, loan amount required and an idea of your credit score. The information you provide is secured by the data protection act 1998 and cannot be misused.

So whether the need is consolidation of debts, or buying home or property, dream holiday, business finance or anything for which you need monetary support, you can rely on an online unsecured loan in UK for these needs.

Serving People with Poor Credit History – Bad Credit Car Loan

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Nov 272023

A car is the most accessible form of transport which a common man could think of having. Saving your time and energy in traveling, a car serves your transportation needs in many ways. You can rely on loans if you need money to have your own car, but getting a car financed through standard loans is a difficult job for people with a poor credit history. You can know your credit score status from credit rating agencies namely Experian, Equifax and Transunion along with your credit report. Though, you can recover from your poor credit history but that needs a considerable amount of time. You may not want to wait that long. So a bad credit car loan supports your wish of having your own car when your poor credit history is coming your way.

Bad credit car loans are specially meant for people with poor credit history. These people are characterized under following categories:


•CCJ’s and IVA’s



•Non payments or late payments

A bad credit car loan gives them a chance to recover from their poor credit history. These loans are available at fixed and variable interest rates. A fixed rate assures you that your repayments will never increase neither will decrease. With a variable interest rate, it changes with market fluctuations.

Bad credit car loans are secured by the car itself so you don’t have to worry about arranging security to offer as collateral to get the loan approval. Other than buying new car you can also use the bad credit car loan amount for maintenance of your existing car. This includes engine upgradation, repairs, paint work, installations of accessories such as music systems, power windows or power steering, new tyres etc. You can also buy a second hand or used car with the loan. We can say that a bad credit car loan for people with poor credit history is a complete package meant for managing car related financial requirements.

When you are looking to buy a new car, you should be very much sure about the prices of the car prevailing in the market. You can compare the prices offered by different car dealers. Also look out for free accessories, free insurance and discounts to get better deals. After you have chosen a car dealer, you can look out for bad credit car loan lenders. There are dozens of websites to look out for free loan quotes. You can compare and choose the loan quote which suits your need as well as repayment capacity. Then you can fill the application form with details about you, your contact information, loan amount required and employments status.

A bad credit can get you on wheels of your choice i.e. a car, through apt financing for the people with poor credit history.

Cope up with Financial Urgency with Personal Payday Loan

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Nov 262023

Personal payday loan provides financial assistance to an individual when his bank balance and savings are inadequate to meet the immediate expenses. They are basically a product of short term unsecured market fund.

Personal payday loans are designed in such a manner so that it can give financial support to an individual. And they get mature till his next payday. Generally, the term of payday loans varies from 15 days to 20 days but sometimes the lender can extend the term to the subsequent payday at the request of the borrower.

As said personal payday loan is the product of unsecured market fund, so there is no need to keep any collateral with the lender. Usually, the people not willing to place collateral or who are not in position to place collateral gets attracted towards personal payday loan.

Besides collateral, there are certain other factors which make an individual eligible for personal payday loan. They are:

•Regular employment
•Running bank account
•Identity proof
•Residence proof
•Post dated cheques

In Personal payday loans the lender doesn’t ask for collateral but in return of taking such high risk they charge high rate of interest. This is the also reason that why personal payday loans are known as expensive. As personal payday loan is expensive mode to satisfy financial needs so, it is suggested that it should be availed when the need is urgent.
Here, urgent implies that when there is no other option of finance is left.

Before availing personal payday loan the person must keep his eye open and consider all the clauses and terms of the loan deal. The person should ask the lender for loan quotes which will enable him to compare various offers of personal payday loan deals. Ensure that the loan deal doesn’t carry hidden cost because it increases the cost of the loan. The person should always try to avail the loan deal with low annual percentage rate which ease the repayments of loan.

Last but not least, take into account whether its repayments suits your pocket or not. Then only go for personal payday loan.

Personal payday loans are available to any person that is whether with good credit score or bad credit score. But, it is also sure that the person with good credit score will definitely be offered with competitive rate of interest as compared to the person with poor credit score.

Just to wrap up, personal payday loans are the source of fund in emergency need of finance when savings and bank account of person doesn’t support him.

Erase Debt Anxiousness – Consumer Credit Card Debt Management

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Nov 252023

Got a credit card? Got credit card debts? Got stressed? Need respite?…..Go for consumer credit card debt management. Credit card gives you benefits along with trouble, only the time for their occurrence varies. With credit cards you have the benefit of spending more that what your pocket can bear at a particular point of time, but ultimately you have to bear that expense later from your financial resources. This can be the trouble for you as credit cards carry higher interest rates and are to be repaid on time. Delaying repayments for these credit card bills and lead to penalty charges and fines. Banks are very strict regarding the repayments of credit cards and may take legal action against you which may lead to bankruptcy if bills are too high. Consumer credit card debt management steps in here to solve your credit card debt related queries.

Consumer credit card debt management deals with handling the credit card debts of the borrower. It suggests you measures which you can follow to repay all your credit card debts with ease and avoid them from arising further. You can educate yourself from all these suggestions and advices by hiring the services of consumer credit card debt management agencies. You can search for these agencies through online websites and enroll yourself. The enrollment process takes just 15 to 30 minutes. The application form for consumer credit card debt management consists of details such as your name, address and contact information, total amount of debts you have to repay, number of credit cards with details about the creditors.

Once you have got enrolled for consumer credit card debt management, people from these agencies will contact you for assistance. These people are highly professional so you can rely on them for your financial matters related to credit card debt management. These professionals will prepare credit card debt management plans for you while discussing them with you.

But all these steps will be worthless if you don’t take care of your spending from your side. To make consumer credit card debt management effective in your circumstances you have to ensure lesser usage of credit cards, don’t subscribe to too many credit cards as it will only add to your troubles, cash purchases are recommended, for some people carrying too much cash is uncomfortable; these people can go for debit cards.

Credit cards are for your benefits…so use them wisely to avoid such troubles. For your existing problems, a consumer credit card debt management can get you the relief which you may be looking for.

Travel with Your Home – Used Recreation Vehicles

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Nov 242023

A recreation vehicle is one which acts as a mobile place of living. That means you can travel as well as live in that vehicle. It is mainly a truck or bus sort of a vehicle attached wit a compartment on its back which has all the facilities which a home has. It’s like a room or compartment on the back of your vehicle giving you the comfort of when while you are traveling. To get one for yourself you can go for either a new or a used recreation vehicle.

Following are the option for you while choosing a used recreation vehicle:

• Truck Camper

• Folding Camping Trailer

• Travel Trailer or caravan

• Hybrid Trailer

• Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer

• Toy Hauler

• Park Model

• Motorhome

• Totarhome

A standard used recreational vehicle consist of a bed, a table, food preparation and storage area. A step further or larger models also gives you facilities such as full bathrooms, refrigerators, living areas, master bedroom and other additional facilities. And if you are ready to spend a little more, you can get recreational vehicles with even satallite TV and internet access, slideout sections and awnings.

In addition to all these amenities, owing you own RV or recreational vehicles has following advantages:

• You don’t have to look for motels while traveling to places.

• Saves lot of your money

• You can prepare food in the receation vehicle itself rather than eating out at restuarents.

• Provides more organized way to live and better protection as compared to tents while you are on the move.

• Children also like RVs.
Living in an RV gives you a distint lifestyle simultaneously saving your cash. There are certain people who even sell their home and start living in RVs as why to stay at the same place when you can get all the facilities on the move.

You may be thinking about where to get the dealers for such used recreation vehicles The answer to this question is internet. There are lot of dealers which arrange the best and most economical deals for you. Your task is to find such dealers. You can do this through apt study and comparison of the price quotations from the used recreation dealers. The other prob may be the finances. Here also the internet serves you the best way as there is a large number of used recreation loan lenders which can help you get your own used recreation vehicle. You just need to fill a simple application form to get their services. These lenders will provide you with appropraite monetary support with easy repayments to fit your pocket afterwards and get you your mobile home in form of used recreation vehicles.