
Keys to Successful Advertising

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Aug 172023

Copyright © 2006 Lloyd J. Scott
There are several methods of advertising on the Internet. Some are free, some are low cost, while others are insanely expensive. The first thing you will need to look at is how much you are willing to pay for traffic, and how far your advertising dollar can go.

Let’s say you have got a great idea, and your website is now complete. You are ready to open for business but where are your customers? Simple – you are going to have to go out and get them. It sounds easy, but advertising can be a pitfall that can cripple many e-businesses.
One of the most effective, and cheapest, methods of advertising is through the use of e-zines. There are thousands, if not millions of e-zines published every single day. The best way to approach e-zines for advertising is to join a couple that fit your product profile and that you find interesting. Most e-zines offer incentives to new businesses signing up, and will even run your ad for free just for subscribing. You can find many e-zines that offer ads for as little as a dollar. It is a fantastic way to reach thousands of people who are already interested in your type of business.
Link exchanges are another free alternative to costly advertising. Be prepared to get lost in the shuffle if you choose a popular site. The best way to make use of this method is by running your own link exchange from your site and offering a free posting in exchange for a link back to your site.

In fact, you can utilize e-zines to promote your product for free, if you can write an informative article. E-zines are desperate for content, and will often offer to publish your article in exchange for a link back to your site. If you go this route, make sure that your article is informative and not just a sales pitch. For example, if your e-business deals with making money from home, an article about how working from home decreases stress would be very well received. Targeted advertising is by far the best way to bring in traffic to your website. By using targeted key words, your customers are not just stumbling into your website. Half the work is already done by the key words. You just need to supply the information. Google Ad Words can be used very effectively as well as other targeted key word companies. Most of these operate on a pay per click basis, so you will need to research your key words and supply the best possible words to ensure a good cost-to-click ratio.

Press releases are a great way to get the word out about your site and possibly create media buzz. While this method is more expensive than the above methods, it has the potential to bring in substantial traffic. Before sending out your release, make sure that it is formatted correctly and contains a powerful first paragraph. News editors are inundated daily and you do not want to get lost in the shuffle.
When writing your press release, it is important to make it news worthy, instead of a plain announcement. Using our example above, if a recent study is released about stress management and working from home, it would be a perfect time to send out a press release that mentions the study and your business. Be prepared to receive phone calls and answer questions if your release is a hit.

You don’t necessarily have to wait for an event to happen to send out your release. If all else fails, get creative! There are many ways to tie in your business to current events, all you need is a little imagination.

Commercial Vehicle Finance for Satisfying Transportation Needs

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Aug 162023

Traveling plays a vital role in our day to day life. This can be due reaching our workplaces or going to parties or visiting places of our loved ones or going on long drives to relax you. This is all about your personal life but in the same way transportation is also essential for satisfying commercial needs such as for transporting raw materials manufactured products or for any other reason. Commercial vehicle financing help you with funds for business related needs of transportation.

Commercial vehicle finance basically is a secured form of financing where the vehicle itself acts as the security for the loan amount. Which means that the title of the vehicle remains with the lender till the loan is repaid. Title gives the surety to the lender that he will getting back his money repaid on time. Being secure a commercial vehicle financing offers monetary support to a wider segment of people irrespective of their credit status. But that doesn’t man that your credit score is not essential. You should be aware about your credit score as it can save lot of your money and help you get more flexible terms for the loan.

Low interest is the best feature of a commercial vehicle financing which attracts most of the borrowers. But here we are talking about private lenders and not the banks and financial institutions as the rate which they offer you are much higher then what you can get through private loan lenders. There are lots of benefits in going for a private loans lender for commercial vehicle financing as these lenders are easily available through online option, you can bargain for the interest rates and flexible terms and conditions. You can always talk to them if are finding yourself unable to make the payment for a particular installment which is not possible in case of banks. You can also ask for the extension of the loan period or to change the repayment plan.

As a smart borrower you should be very much sure about how much money you need and how you are going to use the loan money. It is better to research amount the large number of vehicle dealers in the market to get the best deals at cheapest prices. You can also ask for things such as free accessories, vehicle insurance etc. Commercial vehicle other than the purchase of vehicles also can be used for the maintenance of the existing commercial vehicles. So determine the purpose for the loan and plan accordingly for efficient use of the money.

Commercial vehicle financing can really help your business reach to the top with proper monetary assistance for your commercial needs.


 Gifts  Comments Off on SEO vs PPC
Aug 152023

Playing around on the forum today I saw one of those post that you see every time some one brings up the letters PPC.It goes something like SEO is better.

I’ve seen these post over and over anytime the letters PPC come up but I have to wonder is it really better and has anyone tested it?

I believe that both SEO and PPC are important in building a marketing campaign.

But which is the most successful?

I’ve not done any testing myself but would like to take a look at some of the arguments put up by the SEO guys.

1. You don’t have to worry about click fraud with SEO.

This is only partly true. If you spend the time to find keywords no one else is bidding on then you don’t have to worry about click fraud.

Your also able to prevent your keywords from going across publishers sites, which a lot of the people that are bidding on higher keywords do and is the reason so many people that are building AdSesne sites targeting the higher paying keywords don’t see the higher paying clicks.

Done right click fraud should not even be a concern.

I’d recommend finding someone that deals with PPC campaigns and let them handle yours for you.

I wonder how many times people have spent months trying to rank for a certain keyword to find it was to difficult and go in a different direction?

Whats worst, a month worth of hard work lost or a 10 cent click that want convert?

2. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for FREE?

Not sure how many people have spent the time trying to rank a site on the search engines but SEO is not free.

If you hire someone it can be very expensive and if you do it yourself it can be very time consuming.

3. No bid wars.

If your not going after competitive keywords then you don’t really have to worry about this in PPC either.

4. You’re helping to improve search engine relevancy.

This one is true and I rather like it, so I left it in. Of course your job is about making money online so how relevant the search engines are should not be a concern of yours.
5. People trust organic results more and they look there first!

People do tend to look more at organic results and they tend to look there first but the serious people move on to the PPC ads.

Meaning you cut out a lot of the people that are just looking around with no intentions of making a purchase.

Saving on bandwidth and money.

6. Organic results won’t dim or disappear when a budget runs low.

True but then PPC want dim or disappear on the next update.

Also keep in mind that done right you should be making money with each campaign allowing you to continue month after month with an increase in budget and not a decrease, making this idea a little untrue.

I’m sure Ive missed a couple in there but those are the ones mostly used.

Now lets look at why I think PPC is better.

1. Your able to build your pages for your customers and not for the search engines.
2. Your able to use flash or anything else you want to use.
3. Your able to test different pages to see how they convert traffic into customers.
4. The next update is not going to hurt you.
5. Your able to change keywords any time you want.
6. You have total control over what page your visitor will enter your site.
7. You pay for the visitor and not the ranking

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe that organic ranking is a very important part of any marketing campaign, I just don’t believe that it’s better than PPC.

Low Cost Secured Loan: Higher The Security, Lower Is Your Cost!

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Aug 142023

Anything with security or assurance gets you the best deals around. This statement can be well exemplified with situations like these: A job interview where you get the post simply because you assured your boss that you would work hard or maybe an election where a certain candidate wins because he assures his people of the country’s welfare and fulfilling his responsibilities. Same is the case with loans in the finance market. As soon as you assure your lender that you will repay the loaned amount on time and in full, without giving him the slightest cause for concern, her is going to make your ride a smooth one! Equating Low Cost Secured Loans on the same lines may make no sense at all, but what I’m trying to put across is that as soon as you offer assurance, you are bound to get the best possible outcome.

Low Cost Secured Loans
, the name itself tells you that these are not your regular secured loans, but those that involve a lower cost. It may seem weird that such loans exist because if they do, why would anyone take a regular secured loan? The answer is simple – more assurance or a stronger guarantee, i.e. higher valued collateral. Collateral with a small amount in it may not give your lender the desired assurance. High valued collateral, an exceptional credit record and a promising repaying potential – a combination of these is what gets you a Low Cost Secured Loan. Simply put, more the guarantee, better the benefits.

Something you must know about Low Cost Secured Loans is that higher the equity in your collateral, more are the benefits you can get out of the loan. Benefits can be as follows:

• More the collateral value, more is the amount you can get approved as a loan. Although the regular limit is ₤75,000, using higher valued collateral can stretch this amount up to ₤1,00,000 too.

• More the equity in your collateral lower is your interest rate and lower is the cost of your loan.

• Higher the collateral value, longer is your loan term, which means you have a longer time frame within which you need to repay the entire amount. The usual time frame is 3 to 25 years.

• On the same lines, more flexible are your repayment options.

Besides the value of your collateral, lenders also check on your past credit record before considering granting you a Low Cost Secured Loan. This is simply to see whether you have kept to your prior financial commitments. A typical good credit score is assumed to be above 760, while a score that can have any kind of negative impact lies below 600. A good credit statement assures your lender furthermore of your promising repaying capacity, he therefore freely lowers interest even further and is once again ready to offer you a better deal – one that is going to involve a lower cost.

Along with all this, simply making a better presentation of your case does matter. Firstly you yourself need to be assured that you really the money because it’s not only getting the loan that matters but also sticking to it’s repayments. Stacking up your cash assets, being in full time employment and showing fewer other financial obligations also help in putting up a stronger case. Not only will your lender be assured of your being genuine, he will willingly offer you lower rates, extended terms and flexible loan options. Every one of these play an important role in further lowering the cost of your Low Cost Secured Loan.

And finally, getting your Low Cost Secured Loan from the right lender is what matters the most. Different lenders are going to offer you different rates and options, depending on what they are looking for. It is ultimately you to choose the ideal lender, and this can only happen once you know what the rates being offered by other lenders are. You therefore need to survey the market extensively with regard to rates, loan terms, collateral, documents, etc. It is only your groundwork that can better your Low Cost Secured Loan for you.

How to Deal With Cold Feet When Buying Used Shoes Online

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Aug 132023

Was it Forrest Gump’s mom who said shoes tell a lot about the person wearing them?

With the advent of online classifieds, it seems that virtually and practically anything can be sold. Baseball gloves, marbles, eyeglasses, Labrador puppies, motorcycles, autographed t-shirts, harmonicas, the sky’s the limit. Even singer James Blunt has reportedly auctioned off his sister. (Now don’t get any ideas. You’re still better off making money from things, not people, that’s been lying in your garage or attic)

Whatever the case, it seems anyone who needs quick; sure cash can just rummage for something precious looking in their possessions and peddle them off in the Internet. As simple as that, and you won’t run out of buyers. Out of the billions of people frantically clicking their mouses, there’s sure to be at least someone who specifically needs your Sue Grafton, R is for Ricochet Mystery novel.

But shoes?! Well, yeah, SHOES. People sell and buy shoes online. Tennis shoes, trainers, basketball shoes, ballet shoes, anything shoes. After all, the online classifieds is still the best place to find good deals and bargains, provided you don’t run, ahem, barefoot into scams and spoofs.

Yeah, shoes
Don’t be shocked anymore. The Internet-savvy generation of kids is no longer squeamish. They are ready and willing to wear other people’s shoes. In fact there’s even a certain pride to be had if their shoes are bought online. Especially if it’s the latest Adidas Pro-Model D or Nike Shox.

When buying shoes online, of course be sure they’re you’re right size, unless they’re a present for a clown. Secondly, be aware of ad descriptions for the product. If it says, “never been used”, then you’re safe. If it says, “slightly used”, then it’s still probably good. But if it starts saying, “a few scratches here and there,” then better have cold feet.

In general, you want to make the best and wisest online purchase ever, not just with shoes but all other stuff on the Net. Most victimized buyers complain about the product in real-life not looking “as described” in the ad, so it’s best that you meet up with the seller and personally inspect the goods. If ever you don’t like the shoes, then at least you’ve made a new friend. And then, just like Forrest, its run, run, run.

Debt Consolidation Loan for Tenant – Collateral-Less Debt Cure

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Aug 122023

There is lot of difference between handling a particular amount of debt with a lender and handling the same amount of with more than one lender. This happens as in the latter case the interest rates, terms and conditions and the amount of repayment varies for every lender. This sometimes leads you to pay more than what you are supposed to pay and can make you incapable in managing your repayments. A debt consolidation loan here can act as a savior for you in such situations.

Debt consolidation loan for tenant for tenant are unsecured loans for those who are unable to arrange any collateral to get a secured debt consolidation loans. These loans are easily available to tenants, PG’s, non-homeowners and other such people. Debt consolidation loan for tenants serves you with the amounts varying from ₤1000 to ₤25000 for a period of 6 months to 10 years. You can use such amounts for paying all your existing debts.

Debt consolidation loan for tenant saves lot of your money as these loans are at much lower rate of interest than what you may be paying on all your existing debts. As there is a single debt and single payment, the task of making hefty calculations as in case of too many creditors is eliminated.

As it is said ‘Hard work always pays’, the same applies here also while looking for a debt consolidation loan deal. There are hundreds of loan quotes which are available online. You job is to find those quotes, compare them and study them. This will help you in getting the most apt loan package for you. Here, by apt we mean a package which not only fulfills your requirement but also suits your needs at the time of the repayments. People with a bad credit score including CCJ’s, defaulters, IVA’s, arrears etc can also find deals matching their criteria for a debt consolidation loan for tenant.

Last step from the borrower for getting a debt consolidation loan for tenant is to fill a simple application form with the requisite details. These details consist of your personal information, loan amount required, your employment status and an idea about your credit score. The lender will review your loan application and contact you for the same after getting satisfied from your details. The approvals for a debt consolidation loan for tenants are much quicker as compared to the secured form of loans in absence of collateral valuation. This way you can combat your troubles easily with a debt consolidation loan for tenant.

Mortgage tips your lender doesn’t want you to know

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Aug 112023

If you are having difficulty getting a good deal on a mortgage whether because you have a poor credit record or because you don’t have enough cash for a deposit then there are a few steps you can take to get a better offer.

Improve your credit rating
About 70 million Americans are affected by an adverse credit rating. If you are in this category it may prevent you from accessing some of the very best mortgage rates available. An important thing to understand is that this rating is something you can work on to improve, it can take time but it’s well worth it. Before you apply for any mortgages get hold of your credit report. These reports can often contain errors and it is worth contesting these to get a better rating. One good way of improving your rating is to arrange a small short term loan. Keep the money in a high interest account and repay all the installments in good time. This will help make you look like a reliable borrower.

Improve your cash deposit
The mortgage rate you get generally depends on your deposit to loan ratio. So if for example you buy a home borrowing 60$ of the value because you already have the other 40% in cash, you will get a better mortgage rate than if you only had a 5% down payment. If you are close to the threshold between different rates it may be worth considering borrowing a few thousand dollars, say, to put you in the cheeper bracket. Be careful with this one as if you borrow too much it may attract the attention of the mortgage lender on your credit record. Try borrowing in small amounts from different sources to avoid this.

Improve how you look on paper
One way you can get a better rate is by getting a better income. We cant all just magic up a bigger pay check but we can work at making us look better on paper. Think of every little bit of income you get and see if you can put it through your bank account. For example if you have a son or daughter living with you paying something towards house keeping or someone in the family is a baby sitter or perhaps you may sell on ebay. Whatever it is make the most of it.

Make a good impression
You may be surprised at how much discretion some members of staff are given in making mortgage offers. When my wife and I got our first mortgage we didn’t satisfy all the criteria for the lowest rate but we were able to get it by going into our local branch making a good impression with their mortgage manager. We had all our income and out goings carefully costed and all the information at our fingertips. He had a good feeling about us and talked his manager into making us an offer.

Shop around
It’s not the most well kept secret ever but it is so important to keep looking around for the best deals. Check the internet, newspaper and magazine articles keep an eye on your local banks. If you do get a good offer there is no harm in letting a rival bank know that offer and giving them the chance to match it.

If you need help in working out the best home mortgage rate for you visit http://www.home-mortgage-calculator.biz/