
Ford Continues Lincoln Town Car Production

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Aug 032023

Lincoln Town Car, as earlier announced by Ford Motor Co., wins stay execution. It can be recalled that the automaker previously considered the closure of Wixom Assembly Plant in Wixom, Michigan. Along with said closure is the end of production for the Lincoln Town Car. Nevertheless, Ford ultimately decided to keep the flagship and move the assembly to St. Thomas Assembly Plant in Ontario, Canada where Ford Panther platform vehicles such as Ford Crown Victoria and Mercury Grand Marquis are built. Town Car s production will resume in late 2007.

“The industry was already making deals. You can’t get caught like that,” says Neil Weiss, editor and publisher of Black Car News. The Crown Victoria, Mercury Grand Marquis, and the Chrysler 300 were the closest options to replace it but there’s no clean choice. He further added, “The problem with the Crown Victoria is the blue Ford emblem. We’d have to redesign the grill. As for the Chrysler 300, they have no trunk space and as great as they are, they don’t hold up.”

The recent announcement from Ford is like a breathing sigh of relief to those vehicle enthusiasts especially to the business executives as well as to limousine and livery service owners. The full-size sedan flagship of Lincoln in the luxury car division, features power Lincoln Town Car parts which include the V8 engine. Its main rivals consist of Cadillac DTS and Lexus LS 460. Notwithstanding its declining sales, Town Car is still one of the best-selling American luxury cars. It is also one of the most-used limousines.

However, car aficionados who desire to possess said car must first have a hefty budget because Town Car is currently the most expensive American luxury sedan with MSRP ranging from US$42,875 for a basic Signature Series to $56,745 for Signature L Series.

Free Web Site Content: Ready-Load-Market!

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Aug 022023

There’s a lot of money on the web, and it’s not hard to get some – the longer you’re online the bigger your share can get. And key to it all is good content! If you have something to sell, you can sell it worldwide, thanks to credit cards.
Doing business online has never been easier. You may not get rich overnight, but you can set up a steady trickle of income…and there’s no limit to the number of trickles you can establish.
Whether you prefer to do-it-yourself or have a web site professionally created, the main thing is to get yourself in front of thousands of potential customers with your own web site. Here is some information, as well as a few viable options that will quickly get you started.

Website Marketing Good content increases targeted traffic to your web site. It attracts the attention of a larger audience and helps you build a reputation as a credible marketer. Best designed sites include quality content comprised of useful consumer information. Surprisingly, a lot Free Web Site Content is available for immediate use and upload to your site.

Free content is available because there are a lot of writers who will allow you to publish their writings on your site in exchange for the publicity it will give them. Usually, the only stipulations are hat you credit them as the writers and publish their writings as written in their entirety. It’s a gooddeal for them and could be a better one for you!

Effective Web Site Design! Effective web design brings forth images of the right fonts, colors, pictures ability to easily move about the sight and find what you’re looking for, etc. Templates can help you pull it altogether and prewritten marketing reports can help you generate interesting and useful content for your readers. Plus, content will also feed the search engines, which essentially drives traffic to your site!
Normally, if you want to have professional designers custom build your site, you must be prepared to dish out at least a few hundred dollars. All this can change if you know where to find the best deals, the best designs for the lowest price.

Design And Build It Yourself! If you only need 5 simple pages to present some simple information why waste hundreds of dollars for it? Just spend a little time to sit down and do it yourself. You’ll be able to design your own sites even if you do not know a single line of HTML code with the help of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) programs such as Microsoft Frontpage, Macromedia Dreamweaver and so on.

When you have a web site, you’re not just trying to reach people who were searching for you – you’re trying to get people to visit it, read your latest news and offers, and to eventually contact you as a prospect presold on the idea of doing business with you. The best way of doing this is to have fresh and useful web site content on it, short articles and reports about the kind of things your customers might be interested in.

Some of the most successful Internet marketers generate their through lots of web site content – often free, but always invaluable.

So, when you’re ready to increase the number of prospects you are working with consider Free Web Site Content. It’s easy to find, easier to buy and ready for immediate upload to your site.
Web Design in York, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Eating Can Be An Adventure – Keep It Interesting, Simple, Healthful, And Fun

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Aug 012023

I have been preparing my own meals for many years. Like most people, I suppose, I would fix only familiar dishes.

That has changed. For health benefits, I began eating more fruits and vegetables, including some that were unfamiliar. I tried many foods that were new to me, for example, whole grains, and various types of beans, seeds and nuts. Many of those became favorites.

I began to more often use unfamiliar ways to prepare food. A few of my favorites are pesto (pureed greens and oil), raw foods that are normally eaten cooked, and unusual combinations such as bread with peanut butter, covered with pizza sauce. Eating became more interesting, more enjoyable, and more of an adventure.

The circumstances of my life encouraged more changes. Making do with a small amount of money gave me a liking for oatmeal, beans, and other very low-cost foods. Growing up on a farm and having a garden each year provided new fruits and vegetables to try and enjoy. Having been raised to ‘waste not, want not’, helped me not to pass up unusual foods: gifts such as my sister’s ‘beans ‘n’ greens’, the landlord’s pierogies, and my son’s homemade deer jerky. The point is: The changes in my diet gave me more foods to enjoy. I now know that I can like a great many unfamiliar foods. At first some of those foods may not be enjoyed because they are so different and are unrecognized as a ‘goody’. For me, that recognition is typically made gradually by many small trials. Once that recognition is made, the food ‘hits the spot’ and can be nutritious, healthy and convenient. Then I have yet another food to enjoy.

The process of trying new foods and having them become enjoyed fare, makes eating an adventure. Eating becomes more interesting and more enjoyed. Meals become more than a time to enjoy what I have enjoyed before. Awareness is heightened by experiencing the unfamiliar. There is anticipation of discovery of a new enjoyment. Meals become pay-off times of previous experimentation efforts. The food is more appreciated for having creative effort invested in it. Perhaps I have gained a health benefit, saved some prep time, saved money that can be used for some other purpose, and have added to my repertoire of pleasure.

A cookbook will give you ideas about what new foods to try. A recipe book about a particular ethnic food or some other unfamiliar category of food would be particularly helpful. Buy one or get one from the library. Some ethnic categories are Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, African, soul food, Southern, and Mexican. Other categories are health food, quick and easy recipes, weight loss diets, vegetarian recipes, and using food from the garden. You might even enjoy some obscure categories such as pioneer/early American food, Native American food, wild food, early European food, food from storage, and low cost food. I particularly like quick and easy recipe books.

If you need help becoming comfortable with trying new foods, try small changes:

– Eat breakfast foods at lunch or supper. Or try a vegetable at breakfast. If you normally have a sandwich at bedtime, have a salad instead.

– Try different brands from the ones you normally use.

– Leave out one or more ingredients from your standard recipes. Or change the proportions – a little more of this or a little less of that.

– Substitute a similar ingredient for a usual ingredient, for instance, orange juice concentrate or lemon juice instead of vinegar on a salad.

– It may help to eat smaller portions but include a greater number of foods at each meal. That may help you develop a liking for variety.

– Try unusual combinations such as cooked chicken and raw fruit cut in small pieces and mixed together…or pizza sauce on a peanut butter open-face sandwich…or a teaspoon of honey or pancake syrup on a dark green, leafy salad.

Salads are great to experiment with. Many vegetables can be enjoyed in a salad. Try various amounts and combinations of carrot, cabbage, broccoli, bell pepper, cucumber, or other vegetables you enjoy. Use other types of greens: romaine lettuce, Bibb lettuce, collards, mache, mustard spinach, kale, and basil. Dressing can be just oil, pesto, tahini, pasta sauce, peanut butter softened with oil, and even jam or jelly.

The subtle flavors of many vegetables are easily hidden with anything more than tiny amounts of vinegar or lemon juice. Try a salad without any dressing to enjoy the full flavor of the vegetables. The vegetables can be proportioned to subdue or enhance particular flavors – use less basil to lessen its pungent flavor, use more carrot to boost its flavor and texture. Other salad ingredients can be nuts, peanuts, coconut, cereal, raisins, whole wheat flour, baked beans, sugar, and fruit.

Use small quantities of an untested food to begin with until you know how well your body deals with it. The body will adapt to some foods over a period of weeks or months but results vary from food to food and, I suppose, from individual to individual. A couple of years ago eating one spear of raw asparagus was more than I could tolerate. Now I can cut up two ounces of raw asparagus and add it to a salad without any problem. Any food has limits; it’s just that raw foods tend to have more immediate penalties for exceeding the limits.

To develop a liking for a new food, eat it at the beginning of a meal when you are most hungry. Being hungry greatly improves ones ability to appreciate the taste of a food. Eat only a small amount of the new food at each sitting. For some foods, a tiny bite, just enough to sense its flavor, is enough to handle at first. Don’t give up easily on a food that at first seems too strange to be enjoyed. Some foods will require dozens of ‘get acquainted’ trials.

Other strategies for liking new foods:

– Read about nutrition and health to know the benefits of a changed diet.

– Make a decision to increase the pleasure in your life. Your success in enjoying new foods will encourage you to try other kinds of new pleasures.

Have reasons in mind to try unusual foods:

– to be able to enjoy healthy foods.

– to enjoy low-prep-time foods.

– to use what you can grow in your garden.

– for the satisfaction of acquiring new pleasures.

– to increase your enjoyment of eating.

Know why liking new foods is difficult. This is the know-your-enemy principle. It seems to help me. People have an instinctive protection against eating toxic foods. Nature has provided you with mistrust for new, unfamiliar food. If the food is enough different from what you are used to, it will not be immediately liked. This is a necessary instinct that keeps you from poisoning yourself by eating the wrong mushroom, for example. Evolution along with chemistry eliminated the gulp-down-anything individuals from our gene pool. The little-by-little taste-developers survived.

If it’s the sugar, salt and spices you depend upon to enjoy food, other flavors will go unappreciated. To help your fondness for new foods come easier, ease up on spices, salt, and sugar. That encourages your taste to appreciate a greater variety of flavors. You then can more appreciate the sweetness of cherry tomatoes, the sweetness of raw pumpkin, and the sweetness of sweet potatoes, for example. You can enjoy the mild flavor of raw chestnuts, the richness of nuts, and the subtle starchiness of cereal grains. Your palate will be more adept at experiencing the pleasures of subtle flavors. A great many foods that previously seemed mostly tasteless, can then be enjoyed for their unique flavors.

Your enjoyment of strong tasting food will also be helped by reducing sugar and salt use. You will be switching from depending on saltiness and sweetness to getting pleasure from a greater variety of flavors.

Finding new foods:

– Browse at a health food store, a farmers market or an ethnic food festival.

– Take the time to look at all the items at a local supermarket.

– Browse at local ethnic food markets: Middle Eastern or Greek, for example.

– Try raw foods, whole grains and other unprocessed foods. Typically, they have more texture and flavor. These foods are higher in fiber and so produce more intestinal gas. Limit portion size to reduce gas production. Load up when gas will not be a problem. I allow myself to pig-out at a before bedtime meal. If the meal is low in calories, that large meal doesn’t keep me from having a good night’s sleep.

– Use native plants foraged from lawns, fence lines, and woodlands; and growing as weeds in gardens. Know what you are doing, there are poisonous plants that resemble edible ones. A few plants are toxic even when eaten in small quantities.

– Do your own cooking. Restaurants have menus that appeal to a majority of people, not to people wanting something different. Even the person who cooks for their own family may be unlikely to prepare other than familiar and popular food.

– Have a garden, if you have the time and space. Every year I can try out new recipes and a new vegetable or two. Otherwise, take advantage of the variety the large supermarkets offer.

A few unusual recipes can be found at www.leisureideas.com/easy-recipes-unusual-recipes/index.htm

Nokia N Series

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Jul 312023

Today, every person wishes to own gadgets that are multipurpose and fulfill varied needs. Nokia has understood this consumer psychology very well and has come up with the latest Nokia N Series. Nokia offers a variety of ‘smartphones’ under the Nokia N series that satiate your hunger for technology while keeping in mind the look-and-feel you desire. Some of the mobile phone models available under the Nokia N Series are Nokia N93, Nokia N73, Nokia N70, Nokia N 80 and Nokia N72.

Nokia N93 is packed with the latest multimedia capabilities that ensure the ultimate pleasure experience. Nokia N93 has a 3-megapixel camera that you can use to capture the memorable events of your life. It has an amazing internal memory capacity of 50 MB that can be further expanded to up to 2 GB by using a mini-SD card. Nokia N93 also supports JAVA MIDP 2.0. This model enables you to capture DVD-like videos and record digital images.

Nokia N73 has a 3-megapixel camera to help you make the events of your life timeless and priceless. Nokia N73 has polyphonic ringtones. This will definitely make your life melodious! This model also supports Bluetooth that facilitates wireless data transmission. Nokia N73 provides you the pleasure of browsing the Web through its Web Browser feature. It has a music player. Doesn’t all these features truly make this a ‘smartphone’?

Nokia N70 is well equipped with the smartphone clubbed with the 3G functionalities. The 20x digital zoom of the camera enables you to capture priceless photographs. Nokia N70 also enables you to edit the photographs and print them directly from the phone or transfer them to a PC using Bluetooth or a USB cable. But life is not just a beautiful picture but also full of music! Nokia understands this very well. Nokia N70 has a built-in MP3 player utilizing 30MB of storage space. You can easily expand the memory by using a memory card. Support for 3G technology in Nokia N70 enables you to talk face-to-face with your loved ones with video calls, to download multimedia files and to surf the net.

So, carry the world in your pocket and make use of technology to make the journey of life memorable and of course musical!!

Get some of the best contract mobile phones on latest mobile handsets on 3 mobile, t mobile, orange, O2, Vodafone and Virgin network. To compare and buy the cheapest contract deals on Nokia N93, Nokia N91 and other latest handsets from all major manufacturers, please visit the site.

Motorola mobile phones

 Gifts  Comments Off on Motorola mobile phones
Jul 302023

Life, in the present context, has become fast and more demanding. And any new idea, concept, device or gadget that reduces the stress levels of this fast paced existence is always welcome. In today’s world, mobile phones have therefore assumed greater significance. They enable us to make the most of our time and remain connected in different levels with the people who matter to us in our lives. And among different makes of mobile phones currently available, mobile phones from Motorola have created distinct brand identity and product awareness in the global mobile phone market.

As the name suggests, Motorola mobile phones are designed and developed by Motorola Inc., the second biggest mobile phone maker in the world. The handsets from Motorola are known for their ultra-thin design. People value these handsets for their aesthetic appeal and in many instances, the mobile phones from Motorola are used as design icons as well as status symbols.

There is also an increasing demand for keyboard phones from the Motorola kitty for business users. There are Motorola handsets that offer high-speed wireless Internet access. Then there are the music phones from Motorola, which support iTunes music from Apple Computers. These and other mobile phones have been received well by people, in the UK, as well as in other regions of the globe.

Some of the mobile handsets that have left an undeniable mark on the user psyche include the Motorola V3i D&G and Motorola V3x. The Motorola V3i D&G is a sleek looking mobile phone that is also highly versatile in its capabilities. The Motorola V3x is another good looking handset from Motorola; it supports real time 2 way video calling. It comes with a 2 megapixel digital camera, which can be used to capture still and moving images from life!

So, what are you waiting for? Make the most of the sophisticated features of these and other Motorola mobile phones and make an appreciable difference in your lives.

Get some of the best contract mobile phones on latest mobile handsets on 3 mobile, t mobile, orange, O2, Vodafone and Virgin network. To compare and buy the cheapest contract deals on Motorola KRZR K1, free Motorola KRZR K1 and other latest handsets from all major manufacturers, please visit the site.

Great Offers From DirecTV

 Flowers  Comments Off on Great Offers From DirecTV
Jul 292023

Who is the top provider of digital satellite television
services in the world today? Direct TV has a viewing audience of more
than 16 million subscribers in the USA. Directv Satellite strives to
provide the best technology at the most affordable prices. Directv remains
the preferred provider of choice – offering the latest and best equipment
and the most affordable programming choices. These offers are superior
to Dish Network or Cable TV offers.

In keeping with their desire to maintain the top spot
in Customer Satisfaction, Direct TV continues their offer of state of
the art equipment and professional installation (all completely free)
and the best programming packages available. An added incentive is a
free Digital Video Recorder (DVR) to each new subscriber. Busy schedules
used to mean missed television programs – not any more. The DVR gives
one the ability to digitally record and store favorites (up to 70 hours)
on the hard drive. The slender remote contains features to Record, Pause,
Fast Forward, Rewind, and Skip Forward. Editing may include elimination
of commercials as well as creation of your own instant replays for showing
to family and friends. Live programming may be paused and resumed at
will. Video and audio programming is delivered in 100 percent digital
signaling via Directv’s fleet of orbiting satellites. It is then processed
through a home-based receiver where it is converted to either standard
or high definition (HD) resolution for projection onto the television
screen. Either format provides excellence in imaging with high definition
providing crystal-clear pictures with accompanying Dolby surround sound.
High definition is state of the art television viewing and is often
compared to a theater-like viewing experience.

Excellence in superb programming choices is a valued
feature of Directv Satellite TV, and variety is the spice of life. From
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How To Dig Google Adsense Gold Part 5 of 15: Google Adsense Ad Location

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Jul 282023

How To Dig Google Adsense Gold Part 5 of 15 deals with where to position google adsense ads. Your google adsense ad unit positions are one of the most deciding factor on whether a user will click your google adsense ads or just plain ignore them. The home of your google adsense ads is worth days and weeks of tweaking to get exactly where they will earn you the most money. This is where you should ask yourself these five questions:

1. What kind of content do I have on my website?
2. What does my users do when they are visiting my website?
3. What places can I expect my users to focus their attention on?
4. How do I make my ads useful and not intrusive?
5. How do I keep my website looking as good as it was without the google adsense ads?

Using google adsense tools

Google adsense realizes that placement of your google adsense ads is a very important factor of your potential earnings. So they naturally have come up with great tools to help out. The first google adsense tool you need to check out is your google adsense channels. They will tell you how each of your google adsense ads are doing individually so you know which position is pulling you the most adgold. Next up is the google adsense custom reports; designed to give you daily or weekly even monthly stats of each and every one of your google adsense ad units. This way everything is delivered to your email with important information. Another useful thing about google adsense custom reports is the fact that you can compare them and see how your ads have been doing over time. Which is important because your user base may change making your previously carefully selected google adsense ad positions, useless against these new users. And of course the google adsense ad formats with them you can customize exactly how long or big your google adsense ads should. This is good since some high paying positions may be too small or too big for certain ad formats, for example your navigation. And last but least the google adsense color palettes knowing which colors compliment or blend in with your content will increase your earnings exponentially. Now all these tools can help you find the perfect position if used carefully and considering many outside factors. For example the fact that no matter how great a position, people are different it may attract some users and annoy others, just keep in mind the majority.

Google adsense heatmaps

Google adsense has released a lot of heatmaps over the years in an attempt to try pinpoint where exactly is the best positions for your google adsense ads. Even though each website is different there are certain areas that are just common sense that are sometimes guaranteed to work. The hotter the colors the better the google adsense position so red is good while white is the worse. There three main kinds: general, blogs, and forums:


The general heatmap indicates that the best google adsense position is on the top of your main content.


The forum heat map shows that the best placement in forums is in the navigational aid where most of your users will often look. But forums users are tricky because most of them skip the header and jump right to the thread. And putting ads right in the middle of a discussion is downright annoying and intrusive; this may prompt the user to ignore the google adsense ads. So instead put one instead at the bottom of the last post in a thread that way this offers the user more choices when the discussion is finished. Keep in mind however that most of your traffic will be returning daily so either intelligently blend your google adsense ads or use image ads to keep thing fresh.


The blog heat map illustrates that underneath your posts is where you should put your google adsense ads. Blogs are notoriously hard to accommodate google adsense ads for since they contain so much content to draw the user’s attention. So first things first give your google adsense ads a blog title to make them stand out a bit but be sure to blend the rest of the ad unit to your content. But blogs more than make up their difficulty by offering a great way to diversify your google adsense ads. You can use the google search for example as your default search engine. You can also use refer ads when lining to google adsense. Not to mention that since blogs have a lot of content they are perfect for google adsense section targeting this way you can point to where exactly google adsense will look for content on your google adsense ads.

Remember nothing is set in stone these are just merely suggestions really.

Keep Them Close To Home

Google adsense ads tend to perform better when they are directly in your main content or under it. When it’s say on the side of the content like in an article a user sees them as they are reading the content. Under the content it serves the user when they are done reading after they are done, they want to find out more about the subject and google adsense ads will present an easy way for you to gain money from them exiting your website. It doesn’t matter anyway since 90% of users when they are done with the main content move on to other websites so why not earn money from them leaving?

Guide Them

A good starting position to test which google adsense position earns you the money is the navigational menu. You know and I know that the first a user does after arriving at a website is check the menu to see what else you have on your website. So right there and then is when you can grab them, so even though they don’t find anything useful in your navigational menu they earn you some gold right there. Any skyscraper will do for this.

It Takes Time

Google adsense ad unit positioning takes a lot of patience and time along with it. So don’t let all the frustrations that go along with it stop it’s a great way to increase your google adsense gold, if and when you do it the right way.

Thank You