
MLM Training – 5 Steps to Easily Handle Your Prospect’s Objections

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Jul 132023

Have you ever experienced a loss for words when a prospect asks you “Is this one of those pyramids?” or “Is this like Amway or Mary Kay?” Perhaps you said the wrong thing and lost the their attention. Your prospects will always have objections about your MLM business, but with the right MLM training techniquies, you can easily resolve them when you follow these five steps.

This discussion on handling questions and objections only deals with those that come up during an invite call – as in the first time you talk to a prospect and are inviting them to look at your MLM business.

Let’s start off with defining what “Handle Questions and Objections” means.

Definition: Handle – to deal with effectively (there are a lot of replies out there, but they don’t handle the question or objection)

Definition: Questions – something asked

Definition: Objections – expressed or unexpressed opposition (to be against or resistant to).

The purpose of Handling Questions and Objections is to get the prospect beyond their question(s) and or opposition(s) which are currently stopping them from attaining what they stated they need, want or don’t want as it pertains to your network marketing business.

When your prospect doesn’t do what you’ve asked them to do (like listen to a CD or attend an MLM business briefing) he/she has an unresolved question and/or objection. There are two kinds of questions and/or objections:

Expressed – when your prospect expresses a question or objection – be very thankful! It’s one you don’t have to DIG UP! (Example: My sister tried a network marketing business and she failed.)

Unexpressed – when your prospect withholds their questions or objections. Your job is to locate and remove the unexpressed questions and objections. (Example: Your prospect doesn’t show up at a follow up appointment.)

These questions and objections, whether expressed or unexpressed, can stop and ARE stopping your prospect from getting what he/she has stated they want (more money, work from home, etc). So you need to effectively handle these.

I can assure you – if you don’t handle the questions and objections now, they will linger in your prospect’s mind…even if they still sign up in your network marketing business! It’s happened in my business. I sign someone up. We go through all of the MLM training together. My new person seems excited about network marketing. And then all of the sudden, she’s no where to be found. Doesn’t answer my calls and won’t return them. Most times, they disappear because of an unexpressed objection or question I didn’t resolve when I first introduced them to my MLM business.

There is a formula for handling questions and objections. The reason a formula is necessary is so you do all the necessary steps to effectively handle the objection. If you just “give the reply,” you can miss all the other necessary steps to HANDLE the question or objection and worse – you can upset or give extra strength to their objection. Many, many times I’ve seen the objection fizzle to nothing just by properly doing the first three steps of the Objections Remedy Formula.

Questions & Objections Remedy Formula

Step 1. Listen completely through the question/objection.
Purpose: So you are sure you get the correct objection and to respect the prospect’s right to communicate a full thought without you feeling your thought is more important.

Step 2. Confirm understanding.
Purpose: So that you handle the real objection or question!

Here’s an example:
Prospect: Is this sales?

Networker: I want to make sure I fully understand your question. Could you clarify what you mean by “sales?”

Prospect: Would I have to go out and sell products door to door?

Networker: Oh, now I understand. Thank you for clarifying that. Are you looking for this type of sales? (further clarification)

Prospect: Absolutely not.

Step 3. Make the question or objection valid, but don’t agree with the objection. Use the same or slightly less intensity.

Definition 1: When you make a question or objection valid, you make it important.

Purpose: You want to make the objection important because it’s important to the prospect. Making it important doesn’t mean you also have to agree with it. If you agree with it, you will give it extra strength. This is not the desired effect. You want them to know that you heard them and that you understand their concern.

Definition 2: Intensity is the volume and animation you use. Using similar intensity helps you communicate better with your prospect. If your prospect is very animated about something and you sit there like a stump – your level of communication will lessen. Conversely, if you’re very animated and your prospect is subdued, the same non-optimum effect occurs.

CORRECT: I completely understand your concern. (Made objection important without agreeing with it)

INCORRECT: I feel (felt) the same way…(This is incorrect because you agreed with objection)

INCORRECT: Oh! I totally agree! I would NEVER go door to door – are you kidding me – that is so below me! (This is incorrect because you agreed with objection and used too much intensity)

Step 4. Handle or facilitate handling Questions and/or Objections.
The purpose of handling questions and objections is to get the prospect past the concerns that stop him/her from getting what they’ve stated they need and/or want as it pertains to your MLM business. The most effective way to handle objections is to get the prospect to create a solution to their own objections.

CORRECT: In the past there have been people to use the door to door method to find prospects, but there are many ways to locate interested prospects. What methods of prospecting do you feel comfortable with?

Prospect: Well, I wouldn’t mind mailing out post cards. I also like running newspaper advertisements.

Networker: Good, both of those can be effective ways to find prospects.

See, the networker is not “handling” the objection; he/she is facilitating the prospect to handle their own objection. The key is to ask questions that lead the prospect to their own solution. If you say it – it can be challenged. If the prospect says it – it must be true!

NOTE: Do not move to the next step “Complete and Return to Previous Inviting Formula Step” until you are certain the objection(s) is handled.

Step 5. Complete and return to previous inviting formula step.
Definition: The “Complete and Return to Previous Step” completes the conversation about the question or objection and moves prospect and networker to the step of the Inviting Formula they were on prior to the question or objection.

Note: The “Inviting Formula” is a series of steps that guide you through an entire conversation with a prospect. The full MLM training on Inviting can be found in a CD series I authored called “Professional Inviter.” For quick reference in this article, the Inviting Formula is:

Handle any Questions/Objections
Close to Action
Follow-up or Follow-through

Example: Thanks for bringing that up. Now that I know a tad bit more about you, tell me, you sound like you’ve had experience in marketing – is that correct? (Moving prospect and networker back to Qualify step – which is where on the Inviting Formula they where when the Question arose.)

Prospect: Yeah I’ve been doing it my whole adult life.

Networker: That’s great – so you understand that marketing is “how you find the customer?”

Prospect: Absolutely – companies couldn’t exist without marketing.

Networker: Since you know that, have you ever thought about marketing for your own business?

It’s very important that you get good at using this formula in order to have success in your MLM business. See, when you take the responsibility of prospecting someone and inviting them to join your MLM business team, you are agreeing to become their teammate, a teammate that will help their mate get over the obstacles that stop them from making a lot of money.

If they could have done it on their own…they would have. They need you! They put this “objection” in their way of wealth. You, being a good teammate, help get them beyond this obstacle. The Questions & Objections Remedy Formula I’ve given you above will accomplish that.

Dealing With Interuptions

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Jul 122023

Overcoming Interruptions in the Home Office


I have too many interruptions and can’t keep everyone out of my office. I never get things finished. When, kids come home from school for the summer or holidays, it adds another challenge of disruptions meaning less time for work.

This weeks question deals with the many question I received about how to handle interruptions.


Any time an unscheduled event or something happens causing your attention to go off focus from what you are currently doing is considered an interruption. Knowing how to effectively manage your time can help you in dealing with interruptions.

Disorganization and people are the two major causes of interruptions. A few suggestions on organizing your environment can be found in a series called “Tackling the Clutter Monster” http://www.simpletimemanagement.com/?cat=6 . Today’s questions address the people interruption. Some of the very reasons why you choose to run a home office become a major source of not getting anything done.

Time Management and Summer Interruptions

How to Handle Holiday and Summer Interruptions

Holiday’s and summer causes a natural slowness in many businesses. Unless your business thrives during these times, why not take advantage of this natural cycle. Summer is a good time to take assessment of the past six months and make some midcourse corrections. End of the year holiday season is an excellent time to wrap up the year and plan for the next.

Let’s get realist about the fact that kids home from school may take away hours once devoted to business.
Their ages will determine the demand they put on your schedule. Adjust your business schedule. Let your clients know ahead of time about the changes.

For Example: Establish summer business hours. Start later and or close sooner. The last thing I wanted to do was work my “normal” business schedule during the summer. Summer is too short here in Cleveland, Ohio to spend it all day cooped up in the office. My daughter and would spend the mornings together at the zoo or head down to University Circle and hang out at the different of museums.

Take your office outside. Put together a portable “mini-office” that can travel to the pool, park or the backyard deck. You can get some work done while the kids are playing. Even though Allyce is away at college now, I still head outside with my portable office.

Don’t fight the changes that summer and holidays cause in your normal business routine… work with them to your advantage. However you still need to maintain your business or summer and holiday interruptions can cause the momentum to stop. While you may work less business hours, make those business hours really work for you.

College Tonight Taps JuiceCaster to Strengthen Online Community

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Jul 112023

College Tonight Taps JuiceCaster to Strengthen Online Community
College Students Can Share Experiences Instantaneously Using Innovative Mobile Social Networking Service

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 24, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) — Juice Wireless, creators of JuiceCaster(tm) — the groundbreaking mobile content-sharing community — today announced that College Tonight(tm), a social networking site dedicated to college students and campus nightlife, will be providing the JuiceCaster service to its members to enrich their college experience.

College Tonight is a social networking mainstay that offers a resource for students and alumni who wish to take advantage of the many social events that happen on and around college campuses. By taking its communities mobile with its agreement with Juice Wireless, College Tonight empowers student members at more than 190 colleges and universities throughout the United States with user-friendly networking and mobile content-sharing tools.

JuiceCaster was the first application to enable users to capture picture and video content on mobile phones and then easily share this content with other JuiceCaster users on their computers or mobile phones. Specifically, a viewer can search for and stream fresh, user-generated videos and pictures directly to a mobile phone.

With its new MediaBox feature, JuiceCaster connects the user’s mobile phone with their entire online life. College Tonight members will be able to easily capture interesting pictures and videos on their cell phone and with one click, post to the JuiceCaster MediaBox on the College Tonight page. Connecting members’ phones to their online life to learn about events, and organize their personal school and social life is a vital, organic, and deeply enriching experience for college students.

“Partnering with College Tonight made perfect sense, as college students use their mobile phones continually throughout the day and night,” said Nick Desai, chairman and co-founder of Juice Wireless. “With JuiceCaster, College Tonight users can share everything that happens instantaneously, the moment it happens with friends and family.”

In addition to MediaBox and its core multimedia mobile blogging capabilities, JuiceCaster offers powerful community and networking features. For example, users can create a self-organizing community for any topic or subject. Additionally, JuiceCaster facilitates user-to-user and user-to-group text messages from their phone or right from the College Tonight website. JuiceCaster also provides user-defined mobile alerts when new JuiceCasts of interest are created and when users of interest are online.

“The JuiceCaster MediaBox feature is a perfect fit for our site, as we are dedicated to offering information about nightlife for college students,” said Zach Suchin, president and CEO of College Tonight. “There’s no better way to share with friends or family members what they are experiencing than through photos and videos taken of the moment, in the moment. Seeing these images of parties and events is a powerful tool for relaying and sharing experiences with friends and encouraging them in turn to take their own photos and videos.”

About Juice Wireless

Juice Wireless, Inc. is an award-winning creator of innovative, consumer-friendly and powerful applications accessible by consumers on virtually all digital devices, from PCs to mobile phones to iPods(tm) and more. Juice Wireless’ flagship service is JuiceCaster (www.juicecaster.com), the world’s first Personal Broadcast Network(tm).

In November 2005, Juice Wireless was awarded the “Best Use of Mobile Marketing in North America” by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) for its innovative EpiToGo mobile recipe and shopping application. Juice Wireless has executed highly successful mobile phone-based marketing programs for customers including AOL, Conde Nast, Teen Vogue Magazine, Glamour Magazine, Allure Magazine, The Gillette Company, Sony Connect, Transworld Entertainment (FYE.com) and others.

The Juice Wireless logo is available at http://www.primezone.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=2258

About College Tonight

College Tonight ( http://www.CollegeTonight.com ) is the only nightlife networking site on the Internet for college students, and is rapidly growing in popularity. In addition to illuminating the hottest info and deals, catering specifically to each college, the site has many innovative features such as the Crush Calculator(tm), Personal Entourage(tm), a Hook-Ups feature, Your Shots, Social Polling, Personal Social Calendar, a Vacation Feature and various other social tools. Users can tag friends or venues and organize groups. After close to a year of development and the meticulous gathering of data, the site was launched in September of 2006. Since then, the reaction has been extremely positive and has had great success with both undergraduate and graduate students from across the country. Featured on ABC News, FOX News and various other media outlets, College Tonight has garnered international attention for its unique blend of relevant, user-driven information and social networking.

Go wild with the stylish MacSleeve Jungle!

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Jul 102023

Mobilejuice introduces the bold and stylish MacSleeve Jungle, to protect your MacBook securely with its signature bright colours and sleek packaging suitable for all tastes and ages.

The MacSleeve Jungle is targeted at fashion conscious people especially students who want to protect their precious MacBooks in style. The Mobilejuice design team devised the crinkled texture to enhance its uniqueness and look. The bold colours attract all tastes and ages, allowing them to escape the conventional and boring black laptop cases, and yet sturdy enough to provide optimum protection. Also, the colourful unique animal logos are designed for people who want to make a fashion statement with their laptop case.

The MacSleeve Jungle features lightweight, sturdy, water resistant material, with double padding for added protection. The inner lip improves security and prevents your MacBook from getting scratched by the zippers.

This unique and modern case is available in 4 colours – red, orange, and black with either orange or red piping, uniquely named Tough, Stained, Wrinkled and Bold. It is suited especially for the 13.3″ MacBook.

This funky latest addition to Mobilejuice’s array of laptop cases follows the success of their previous innovative and practical inventions, MacSleeve Color and MacSling.

Mobilejuice is a Singapore based company, specialising in quality accessories for Mac/Apple products like Screenshield screen protectors and protective film for MacBook and MacBook Pro. They also have a large range of iPod cases and protective covers. Currently, they have business deals worldwide, including Asia, Europe, America, Middle East, Africa and Australia.

To know more about Mobilejuice and their products, you can view their website at http://www.mymobilejuice.com.

To enquire about sales in South Asia, Europe, Africa and Middle East, please contact David at corpsales@jchsmedia.com or Chun Hua for Australia, America, North Asia and local sales at chunhua@jchsmedia.com.

For more information, please contact:

Jean Phillips
JCHS Media Pte Ltd
No. 47 Beach Road
Kheng Chiu Building #04-04
Singapore 189 683
Tel: 65-334-6616
Fax: 65-334-6645
Email: jchsmediapr@yahoo.com.sg

Good Things To Know About Insurance Brokers

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Jul 092023

Insurance brokers are the ones who make the process of paying taxes be as easy as possible. A broker is free to represent more than one client at the same time, very much unlike an insurance agent, who usually represents a single carrier.

In order to get help on finding the best plan for your business, a broker who knows the insurance carriers in your area can be very useful. Another reason for using insurance brokers is because their services are free most of the times.

Theoretically, brokers have the goal of giving the clients the best coverage at the lowest price, helping them understand the industry jargon that is most likely to be used in all the contracts and also dealing with the paperwork. They get paid out of the commissions from the carriers directly, instead of charging the clients for the services they provide.

This all works in theory. But in the real world the line between agent and broker can get very thin. The reason for this is the fact that some brokers have special relationships with certain carriers, meaning that they get a higher commission the more business they place and the good agents will often find the best coverage for their clients, even if it is with another carrier.

This switching thing makes it very difficult a task to choose the best broker on the market. The first thing you must find out about them is how they are compensated and if they have any special commission deals with the carriers they are recommending. They can also charge extra over and above the cost of the coverage. Another good thing to know from the start is how many different carriers they represent in a certain market. Should the answer be only a few, that could mean that they are acting more like an agent.

Never keep a broker who will switch your insurance on and on to new carriers, unless you are given the opportunity to save a significant amount of money. The brokers use to do that as when they bring new business to an insurance carrier they are given higher commissions.

So, you have found a good broker! The bad news is that it’s not enough. You will need a broker to specialize in property and casualty, that is workers ‘ compensation and another one to understand everything there is to know about employee benefits, which include health care. There are cases when you may need a third broker that specializes in another field, depending on your business.

All about Independent Insurance Agents

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Jul 082023

In order to get all the possible clients happy, thousands of agents are being employed by the insurance companies all over the world. These agents help the companies cater on a very personal level to all teh needs a client may have.

The insurance agents are the ones to get from all the details for a certain client. Starting with the lifestyle and ending with all the preferences, the agents will make up an insurance plan and policy for you, that will be based on all these details. These insurance agents are called “producers” because they help a great deal in choosing the best deals in insurance coverage and help customize the product to better suit a client’s needs and budget. That is very much like a personal shopper, as you may say!

Insurances are available in so many kinds and they can be personalized so that everyone can be satisfied. You can make an insurance for automobiles, assets, retirement planning, estate planning, for real property, health and even death. You can even get assistance in building a pension plans for businesses. So, you cannot say that you are not given the opportunity to find out which is the one that you really need.

Insurance agents always specialize in each area and aspect of the insurance products they offer. You will have to get the services of the most efficient insurance agents on the market in order to get the best products available.

The insurance agents come in two kinds: the captive agents and the independent ones. A captive agent is the one who works for only one insurance company and cannot give you information on the other options you may have.

An independent agent offers and sells policies for more than one insurance agency. This last type of agent might be most suitable for a person or for a business, given the multiple insurance needs. From the list of insurance providers and their products an independent agent will offer, you can decide for the best deals around, based on his comparative analyses he will set up for you.

So, you will be provided with all the balanced information on all insurance companies and you will have the freedom to choose from all the policy programs available out there.

The deal you will settle for must by all means be best suited for your business.

Car Reward Credit Cards – Earn a New Vehicle Now

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Jul 072023

With a car reward credit card, your credit card spending could be earning points towards a new car or vehicle related rewards. What reward is better than a brand new car? Here is a comparison of some of the top car reward credit cards.

GM Flex Card – 1% Cash Back or 3% Towards a New GM

•A full 1% cash back option

•Earn a full 1% toward any new vehicle

•Triple your Earnings to 3% toward an eligible, new GM vehicle

•No Annual Fee

The GM Flex Card has a name that speaks for itself. It has the flexibility of either cash back on all purchases or a vehicle rebate. You can use the rebate as 1% towards any non-GM vehicle, or 3% towards any eligible new GM vehicle.

GM Business Card from Chase – up to 3% cash back & rebates on GM vehicles

•0% Introductory APR for up to 12 Months+

•No Annual Fee

•3% Earnings on fuel purchases, restaurants, office supply stores, and authorized GM dealers on

•GM parts and service

•1% earnings on all other purchases

•No caps or limits

•Free cards for employees

•$600 statement credit with every purchase or lease of new GM vehicle through GM Business Choice program

The GM Business Card from Chase is aimed at businesses that require company vehicles. Even if your business doesn’t plan to buy a GM vehicle, this credit card could be used to save on gas, office supplies or meals.

The Subaru® Platinum MasterCard® from Chase – Earn SubaruBucks

•0% Introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers for up to 6 months

•No annual fee

•3% Rewards on all purchases (up to $500/yr)

•Redeem for Subaru merchandise and services

The Subaru® Platinum MasterCard® from Chase can used to save towards a new Subaru or Subaru parts & service. The annual reward limit of $500 is still high as that is over $16000 in annual credit card purchases. The rewards program is restrictive unless you plan to purchase a Subaru or if you actually go to the dealership for service.

Volkswagen Platinum Visa® Card with Rewards – Flexible Car Reward Credit Card

•0% Introductory APR for up to twelve months

•No Annual Fee

•2 points for every dollar on VW purchases

•1 point for every dollar spent on all other purchases

•Redeem points for VW cars, gear, service, and other rewards

The Volkswagen Platinum Visa® Card with Rewards allows you to earn points towards a new VW, parts & service or even non-VW rewards. Other rewards include airline travel, hotel rebates, car rentals or gift certificates. You can even use your points towards an existing VW lease or loan.

Car Reward Credit Cards Comparison

The GM Flex Card is probably the best car reward credit card. It lets you choose cash back or vehicle rebates. Plus it has the lowest APR rate among these consumer credit cards. The Volkswagen Platinum Visa® Card with Rewards is a close second with a rewards program that might be even more flexible than GM’s. It just didn’t offer as high a vehicle cash rebate percentage. The Subaru® Platinum MasterCard® from Chase offered up to 3% rebates, but the rewards are restricted to Subaru related purchases. The Subaru credit card only has a 6 month 0% introductory rate compared to 12 months for VW or GM. For businesses, the GM Business Card from Chase is a good deal, especially if you purchase GM vehicles.

Most car reward credit cards are very good deals. Ideally a rewards credit card offers rewards relating to your interests. So if the vehicle you drive or plan to drive offers its own credit card, why not apply? If you’re proud of your vehicle, show it with your credit card. It could earn you special discounts, cash back and other perks. Most car reward credit cards have no annual fee either. So apply online today.