
Online Auctions – Discover 6 Myths Surrounding Them

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May 112024

Online Auctions are unmistakably among the hottest e-Sourcing technologies on the Internet business today. But what exactly is an online auction anyway and what are its benefits? According to The Pocket Oxford Dictionary, fourth edition (1942), an auction is a “public sale in which articles are sold to the highest bidder.” And if done on Internet it is online auction.

Online auctions create a competitive advantage because they make it relatively simple for Procurement managers to negotiate on all corporate purchases and create better deals.

Let us see some common myths surrounding online auctions:

MYTH #1: Only very familiar, particular or consistent items can be auctioned:

The myth came into being because no one understood how to measure criteria other than price. Total cost auctions take price and no-price factors, such as delivery time or customer service, into account, and they allow a customer to weight each factor accordingly. This is only a myth because when someone with sourcing expertise takes a creative approach to defining or breaking down the item in question, that item or its components can generally be auctioned.

MYTH # 2: Auctions are only effective when there is a level playing field:

This is false since a level playing field simply doesn’t exist. And, not all suppliers are alike. Face-to-face negotiations have long proven this fact. Procurement managers can now normalize for differences (e.g., customer service, warranty terms, delivery cost, etc.) using Web-based technology. In effect, these technologies measure total cost allow customers to compare apples-to-oranges.

MYTH #3: Only Internet-savvy suppliers can participate in an online auction:

Today, the majority of legitimate suppliers have access to computers. The myth that only internet-savvy suppliers can participate in an online auction is wrong. In order to participate in an Internet based online auction, the suppliers merely need to be able to log on to the Internet, log in to a web site, and log their bids. It’s just very simple. Suppliers don’t have to know how to navigate the World Wide Web or use any sophisticated search engines to participate.

MYTH #4: Maximum benefits could be derived only if large number of suppliers participate:

For any online auction, competition is a must and you must create a competitive environment, no matter if the suppliers is 4 or 400. Internet auctions put the business “up for bid.” Incumbents are wise to take notice. Once existing suppliers believe that the buyer really will change where he takes his business, a competitive environment is created. Thus concrete results for online auctions occur irrelevant to number of suppliers.

MYTH #5: Only products are auctioned?

Not true – in fact, services are also auctioned. Services such as Telemarketing services, Cellular phone services, Security services, and temporary labor services are all good examples. For example, a particular auction site held an auction for telemarketing services that resulted in an 18% cost reduction. The auction involved over 60 suppliers and more than 700 bids. The study shows that apart from products, services can also be auctioned.

MYTH # 6:Auctions are carried out only once in a year:

Event online auctions are generally used for categories of goods and services that require a long-term contract (say one year). These will achieve better results if auctioned year (or less). For example, a buyer may auction off the purchase of 10,000 PCs over a two-year period.

It is important for all to expand their concept of what can be auctioned, as long as the value of each item is ‘elastic’ enough to preclude fixed pricing. Once they have done that, the possibilities are almost endless.

Top Ten Tips for Lazy Dieters

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May 102024

There are people everywhere (you may be one of them) who know that they need to and want to lose weight. But have the ‘yeah, I’ll probably start tomorrow’ syndrome. On top of that, let’s face it; many people are simply too lazy to change their lifestyles, so here are ten free diet tips to kick-start your diet. This free diet guide would show you the right direction.

Tip no. 1: Set SMART goals. Goals give dieters something to aim for and are a good source of inspiration. Fitness experts worldwide would agree that all goals you set should adhere to the following acronym:

S (simple): All goals should be easy to remember. Saying ‘I want to lose 20lbs of fat, gain 10lbs of muscle, speed up my metabolism and lower my cholesterol in 6 weeks unless I get promoted in which case I want to lose 10lbs of body weight in 8 weeks’ may well be ambitious and time-considerate, but you are hardly going to remember it in 6 weeks when you need to figure out how much you have lost.

M (Measurable): Your goals should almost always contain a number. Whether it is to drop 10kg or to fit into those 34 inch jeans, having numbers involved means that you can check your own progress.

A (Achievable): Many people often ask me: ‘Is it possible to lose all this weight in 3 weeks’ or ‘I want to lose 50 kilos! Can I do it before Christmas?’ The answer to the latter question is usually a resounding ‘no’, and I often suggest that these people might want to set themselves a target that can actually be hit. Above all, it prevents disappointment and makes them less likely to fall off the rails halfway through a dieting program.

R (Realistic): Your goals should reflect your lifestyle. It is a good idea to diet when you are likely to have little stress from outside influences (such as work) and you have plenty of time for the exercise you enjoy.

T (Time-considerate): Which of the following sounds like a more positive statement: ‘I am going to lose 20lbs’, or ‘I am going to lose 20lbs in 10 weeks’? If you never put a limit on when you need to lose the weight by, you are never going to push yourself to shed those pounds.

Tip no. 2: Write Down Everything You Eat. Many people are overweight because they are ‘heavy snackers’ and eat far too much than they realise. The simplest way to beat this is by writing down everything you eat. That way, when you eat something that you did not ‘mean’ to eat, you will know about it.

Tip no. 3: Use Smaller Plates. As silly as this may sound, a smaller plate will look fuller than a bigger plate with the same amount on it, so your mind will tell the rest of your body that it is getting more food. Besides, you can only fit so much on a small plate!

Tip no. 4: Proteins. Low fat protein rich food, such as egg whites and chicken breast, are fantastic for dieters that want larger portions, as they contain amino acids that build muscle fibres. Aim for 60g per day (I favour tofu or soya bean; it’s cheap, easy to fry -with fat-free Pam spray- and contains beaucoup protein).

Tip no. 5: Low Carbs, Not NO Carbs! Atkins enthusiasts rave about the benefits of carb-starving and that fats are not really that bad, but the simple fact is that your body needs carbs as a basic energy, so after starving yourself of them only to eat them again, your body stores that energy as, you guessed it; fat! Aim for around 240-260g of carbohydrates per day (look at potatoes, pasta, rice and wholemeal bread).

Tip no. 6: Buy a Bag of Nutrasweet. Any sweetener can be used as a sugar substitute and I believe they taste fairly similar. Plus, a tablespoonful contains about 0.1 calories, compared to the 18 that you will often find in sugar.

Tip no. 7: Lift Weights. Lifting light weights can burn calories and tone up every muscle in your body. It is a common misconception that lifting weights will always build big muscles, which is something that many women are keen to avoid. However, this is only true if your body is of the correct somatotype (body shape) and if you really are overweight then believe me, it’s not.

Tip no. 8: Drink Green Tea. The benefits of green tea have long been discussed, the main one being that it contains the right chemicals to speed up your basal metabolism (which in turn burns fat faster). Two cups per day (without sugar!) is enough, while the only known side effects are that the caffeine in it can cause minor sleep deprivation, so drink it in the morning.

Tip no. 9: Get Busy! As I mentioned earlier, many overweight people are ‘heavy snackers’ and these are usually people with two much time on their hands (that are often bored). The best way to combat this is to, quite simply, do something! Getting a new hobby, and therefore spending less time near the TV, are ways to keep you away from the fridge.

Tip no 10: Stop Talking About it! Diet must be one of the most discussed topics in modern society, yet, the people who talk about it are often the ones who want to lose weight. Then, how to prevent obesity? The real secret is to get on with it. As of tomorrow, you are officially dieting, so scribble down five small meals and brew yourself a cup of green tea!

Dietpolicy.com is a website that deals with various topics like junk food, obesity, weight reduction and diet tips and many more. This article has been written by Tom Eveleigh. He is a Physiology student and a health and fitness enthusiast.

Be smart, don’t be duped by fraudulent online pharmacies

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May 092024

The dawn of the Internet era has witnessed a revolution of sorts in marketing of different products and the cyberspace has assumed the role of a virtual superstore where an array of products can be bought sitting in the comfort of our homes.

And not just products, the Internet also opened a floodgate of services which include expert advise from specialists in their own fields. Of course, all this comes at a price but the stiff competition between different sites guarantees best deals and ensures that the customer continues to be king!

Online pharmacyhas a special place in this scheme of things where numerous websites offer prescription drugs at unbelievable prices and promise generic equivalent of branded drugs. The same means that people no longer have to visit a drug store, and more importantly don’t have to get hassled when they can’t find the needed prescription drugs at a conventional drug store. All they have to do is visit a reputed online pharmacy like 7-onlinepharmacy.com and order.

An online pharmacy also offers greater availability of drugs for people who don’t live in a proximity of a pharmacy. The ease of comparative shopping among many sites to find the best prices is also a big factor for the increasing popularity of these stores selling prescription drugs. There is no denying the fact that the boom of online pharmacy stores has definitely helped people, but this has not come without drawbacks. For example, it has been reported that several websites are selling poor quality drugs, and there have been more than one instance of fraud. No wonder, medical specialists and Internet experts always stress that prescription drugs should always be bought from a reputed online pharmacy, selling FDA approved prescription drugs.

More and more customers in the United States are replacing their trip to a pharmacy with a click of the mouse where they have access to hundreds of websites offering online prescription drugs. Many of these stores selling prescription drugs have managed to earn the trust of their customers and the latter are doing regular dealings with them. However, in order to ensure that customers are not duped by this boom of online pharmacy stores, it is important to be cautious. For example, many online pharmacy stores require customers only to fill a questionnaire before ordering drugs. In this situation, there is no face to face interaction between the patient and the medical specialist, thereby bypassing direct medical supervision and physical examination, which undermines medical safeguards. It has been reported that due to this several patients have been on the receiving end of drug interactions and outdated drugs. The situation has become so alarming that FDA officials are investigating a number of these sites and plan to take legal action against any pharmacy indulging in the same.

Save yourself from being tricked

It isn’t unusual to come across several online pharmacy sites shouting ‘get online prescription drugs now- forget a doctor’ or ‘say goodbye to pain in an instant’ or ‘cure sugar with traditional herbs’. Learn not to get tricked by such statements. Consumers need to realize that many of these online drug stores are actively into unlawful prescribing, sell unapproved medical products and products marketed with fraudulent health claims.

Tips for using an online pharmacy:

With a view to ensue that online customers are given good quality and correct medicines, the US Pharmacopeia (USP) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have established quality control standards for all medications dispensed by pharmacies across the US. Some of the important tips are:

1)Never buy drugs from an online pharmacy that is willing to sell you medicines without a proper prescription or which sells drugs that are not FDA approved.

2)Avoid using an online pharmacy that does not offer access to a registered pharmacist to answer your questions.

3)Check with the NABP to see if the online pharmacy from which are going to order is in a good standing.

4)Don’t purchase drugs from foreign websites.

5)Avoid websites that promise a quick cure to serious diseases

6)It is always wise to consult your physician before taking a drug from an online pharmacy.

7)It is important to verify if the online pharmacy from which you are ordering medicines is licensed to deliver the medications to the residents of your state.

Following the above mentioned tips can definitely be instrumental in saving yourself from being duped by online drugstores. Be wise and make the best of the convenience and benefits offered by genuine online drug stores, skirting the shady ones.

Shopping Online: Online Discounts for Designer Clothes, Shoes and Jewellery

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May 082024

Whether you’re looking for a spectacular gift or the perfect accessory for your favourite black dress, you’ll find exactly what you want when you shop online – and you’ll find it for less. Online discount shopping has come of age. Buyers across the UK have learned to take advantage of the convenience and savings of shopping for designer clothes, jewellery, watches and women’s shoes online.

Nearly anything you can find at the shops, you can find online – and at a discount. It used to be a bit harder to find just the right thing – the online sales were mostly through obscure little web sites that offered big discounts on last year’s designer clothes lines and women’s shoes, but that’s no longer the case. Online discount shopping is not only more popular than ever, it’s now chic to buy your name brand and designer clothes through the internet.

Even the High Street retailers have become wise to the discounting possibilities of online shopping. Many of them, like Tesco, offer special internet only discount deals on some of their most popular items. The strategy has paid off for Tesco, which sold to over one million online customers in November and December of 2005, and John Lewis, which posted over £100 million in online and catalogue sales last year.

Many people may be hesitant to buy clothing and jewellery online – especially at cheap, discount prices. The fear of being cheated or buying fake or inferior merchandise isn’t an idle one when you’re shopping without actually seeing what you’re buying. There are some common sense precautions that you can take to be sure that you’re getting what you’re paying (at a discount) for.

1. Shop at trusted sites. That doesn’t mean that you’re confined to shopping just the big name catalogue stores, though. There are some wonderful internet shopping directories that let you search and compare prices of designer clothes, electronics equipment, jewellery and women’s shoes. However, there are some really great comparison sites that only list legitimate shopping sites where you won’t be cheated.

2. Shop using a credit card. When you make a purchase via a credit card rather than paying with a cheque, you have the option of disputing your charges if the item is not delivered, or proves to be less than hoped for.

3. If you have the option when shopping for designer clothes online, try on the item at a local shop first to be sure you get the right size. If that’s not possibly, most internet shopping sites have a sizing page so that you can check measurements and be certain that your purchases will fit.

4. Be sure to check the return policy of the web site you’re shopping just in case. You may have to return the item at your own expense, though some online shops make it easy on you.

5. If you’re shopping for women’s shoes, take the time to have your feet properly sized before ordering. It’s better to try on shoes in a similar style first to be sure that they’ll be a comfortable fit.

6. Do beware when buying expensive watches and jewellery online. Check the contact info of the web site from which you’re making the purchase if it’s not a business that you’ve used before, and do a quick internet search of the company name to turn up any complaints against them.

You can get incredible bargains on women’s apparel, including hard to find designer clothes and shoes by shopping online. Make the internet your first stop when shopping, and be sure that you’re getting the best possible price from a trusted source.

Low Price Mobile Phones, ipods & Computers with the Online Shopping Revolution

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May 072024

There’s a revolution going on, but you won’t be hearing the shouting in the streets, unless it’s over the great deal that your neighbour got on his new home cinema. More and more UK consumers are doing their shopping for mobile phones, computers, cheap ipod accessories and ipods and home cinema equipment online. What kind of low prices can you expect when you let your fingers do the shopping on your keyboard?

How about the 4GB Nokia N91 Chromium mobile phone, a veritable jukebox that can carry along all of your favourite tunes and beats for a mere £387, a savings of nearly £100 off retail? Or the top rated Sony Ericsson at £129, a 30% savings off the manufacturer’s list price? Those are just a couple of examples of the sort of deals that you’ll find if you’re looking for low price mobile phones online.

If you’re shopping for computers, the discounts can cut even deeper. Computer manufacturers and discounting web sites are playing a game of ‘how low can you go’ with computer prices. By shopping online and comparing prices, you can find deals as low as £360 for a full desktop system with all the bells and whistles you need to do your basic computing and online puttering. If you want to get really fancy, though, you can do some hardcore shopping for the sort of accessories that make computers into one of a kind gaming machines.

How about an Ipod Shuffle for less than £50? A 30GB Ipod for less than £200? Shop online and you’ll find dozens of offers at prices that low, some with free postage and 1-2 day delivery. There’s virtually nothing you won’t be able to buy online, and for far less than you’ll pay at your local stores. Even home cinema equipment is priced at a bargain – and if you shop the right sites, they’ll even deliver it and set it up for you to be sure it’s all working right.

But is it safe to buy high value items like computers, Ipods and home cinema equipment online? According to no less an authority than Consumer Reports, a long time consumer watchdog keeping an eye on issues of product safety and consumer satisfaction, it’s not only safe, it may be better than shopping in a bricks and mortar store. In a recent survey, the well known magazine found that its’ readers were more satisfied with their experiences shopping online for consumer electronics like mobile phones, digital cameras and computers than they were with the same products bought in a local store.

You can find the best deals on mobile phones, computers, Ipod accessories and Ipods and home cinema equipment online where you can compare prices and offers to get the absolute best, lowest price on all your home and entertainment electronics needs.

Commercial Real Estate Misconceptions: You Mean Location, Location, Location Was a Lie?

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May 062024

Commercial real estate is a wonderful, exciting business that can offer a wealth of opportunity for those who look for it! Many people are often hesitant to enter such a market as commercial real estate for many different reasons. In fact, there are some major misconceptions about commercial real estate which I am going to address here.

Many people who hear about commercial real estate, but aren’t necessarily in the business, often use the expression “Location, location, location!” Many people associate this expression as the truth, that the three most important attributes about a property are “Location, location, location!”

I am here to tell you- this is absolutely not the case! Now, I am not going to say location is not important, but what if you have a beautiful location for a mountain resort, complete with snowy hills, a perfect location for a lodge, and beautiful mountain views? What you want to do to the property is improve it for a weekend getaway for romantic couples with a beautiful lodge, resort, luxury type housing, and perhaps some individual cottages overlooking the green forest. Sounds great, right?

The perfect location- you can’t beat it! But, you learn that the zoning for this property is residential, R1, to be exact. The use is only one single family residence per acre, and no commercial property allowed. What happened to your “Location, location, location?” It flew out the window!

The most important aspect of a property is the use. What is it intended for by designation of the city or county? It does not matter where the property is, if you cannot get the zoning that is in the realm of your intended use.

It is possible to get properties rezoned, especially as cities change and grow. Be sure to consult with the city or county to determine if these changes are even possible, because you do not want to buy a property that you cannot rezone, and be left with an unprofitable property on your hands.

Most people believe that commercial real estate is complicated and you need a special education or know how to succeed in the business. Many think that commercial real estate is filled with international finance, heavy and complicated math, complicated tax rules, and forms and applications that are just too complicated to understand correctly.

I am happy to tell you this misconception is the worst, because it puts a road block in front of many people’s aspirations to become a commercial real estate insider. Let me put this misconception to rest. There is math involved, and most of it is not at all complicated: simple ratios, adding, subtracting and multiplying. What is even better is you don’t have to do the math. There are others who can do that for you. The same is true with property management, inspecting the property, and doing the year-end tax report. In fact, commercial real estate is less complicated than residential real estate because you can focus your energies on a single deal that will be worth perhaps 10, 20, even 50 residential deals and more!

Let me put it into perspective for you. If you owned a business (many of you may), would you create strategies, keep the books, manage the many locations, sell on the front floor, and take out the trash after the day was over? I think not! Commercial real estate is made up of many people whom are there to help you with whatever you need. You must position yourself as a real estate insider, which is a leader in the business.

Another misconception is commercial real estate is management intensive, that you must manage every property you own. Let me tell you when you end up owning 10 or more properties, this is almost impossible to do! You do not have to actually manage your properties yourself, so you can concentrate on creating more deals. Hire a company or set a team in place to take care of this “day-to-day” business.

As you can see, what is passed around in dialogue about commercial real estate is not always true. Before you take everything to heart, be sure to get your facts straight. In fact, many people in this profession speak about commercial real estate as a business in which only the savvy and sophisticated can succeed. They often act this way because they want to keep people out of the market by differentiating themselves. If you were in this position, you would too!

Is Your Teenage Driver Safe?

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May 052024

Teenagers are known as one of the accident-prone drivers on the streets and roads. Studies have given blame to the adolescents’ raging hormones and risky behavior. Of course, you yourself would know about this if you learned to drive a car in your teens. For most teens, getting behind the wheel of a car gives them a new sense of freedom which is a different situation from their restrictive rules at home or in school.

On a parent’s end, the worrying seems to be so natural for they, themselves, have been drivers themselves and they do know just what kind of risks these teenage drivers are putting themselves into.

Dan Olmsted is the president of Atlantic Mutual and he also is the father to a new teenage driver. He states, “Parents have good reason to be concerned. Traffic crashes account for 44 per cent of teen fatalities, more than any other cause, and driving at night with other teenage friends in the car just about tops the list of risk-laden situations.”

Olmsted also states that besides such a fear of knowing that their teenagers could get injured any minute as they are behind the wheel, parents also fear that they are also responsible in cases during accidents. Aside from paying up for their own vehicle’s damages, if there are any third parties involved, the parents would also be the ones involved in taking care that everybody is well and everything has been paid for.

If you have a new teenage driver or any teenage driver for that matter, it is important that you, as the parent, let him know about the consequences of his driving behavior. You should both sit down and try to develop an agreement on using the car. Write everything you have agreed upon. Just make sure that you include everything like seatbelts, the use of cellular phones, who can be their passengers and how many passengers can he drive, and curfews.

Olmsted further states, “Nothing will make your teen drive perfectly and take all of the anxiety away. But with planning, clear communication, and a firmly enforced set of rules, parents can rely on a lot more than prayer and a large helping of trust when they hand over the keys.”

Whenever you need new brakes, Mazda Millenia parts, or any other Mazda accessories, you can go to Mazda Parts and Mazda Auto Parts. This store has a vast collection of such parts that are offered at great wholesale deals.

How to be an agent! For a Real estate

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May 042024

There are many people who want to make a career or want to be an amateur in real estate investing but they remain clueless of what to do or what steps am I suppose to follow to be one. It is not that difficult to be one you can start with whatever information you have and right from the place you are in today.

Simply look for people who really want their property to be sold and try to solve their problem. If any person is about to loose their property then the fastest solution to it would be take over their payments with the help of subject-to contract. You can also provide them with some walking money that will help them in to move to another place and that they will be having some cash with them to rent another home.
Then you can clean up the property, you can use lease/option under this you can lease the property to future buyer on a rent-to-own basis. With the help of this process you are able to collect a non-refundable deposit. Now even if you get four to five percent of future purchase price it certainly is a good price to go for. You can continue to this till the time you feel to follow it or till the time you find it profitable.

And not to forget you must have the renter or the buyer sign a contract. Now in this field the amount you get depends completely on you as it is the difference between what you are paying to the original owner and the amount you are collecting from the new renter or buyer. This is a very nice way for collecting extra cash every month. And the profit also depends on the property and the place property is located at. And also there is no limit to such deals it depends on you that how many deals are you able to take up at one time if you can put some extra effort that will help you in earning more profit.

Try and give your ad in every possible local paper. Through your ad look for the people who are interested in selling their property in a couple of months or years and sign a long term lease. If you get a positive response to your ad then try and negotiate with a practical purchase price, and then sing a contract and start you work for looking a renter/buyer. In all this procedure you must also contact a lawyer who can help you making all these contracts and can also help you in making fair deals.

So now you have almost all the important points which are required to start a career in this profession. So move ahead and go for what you have been planning for.

Save Time & Money Shopping for Electronic Items Online

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May 032024

When it’s time to find that special gift for a loved one or the birthday boy, do you head out to the shops in the hopes of stumbling across the perfect little electronic gadget? Even if you use the advertising circulars as a guide, that can often lead to a frustrating treasure hunt that burns you out while wasting your time and your money – and sends you home with a gift that’s not quite what you wanted in the first place. You’d think there’d be a better way. Well – there is. Whether you’re shopping for a cheap computer, an MP3 player, a digital TV or even a DVD movie, the smartest place to shop is sitting right in front of your computer.

It shouldn’t come as any surprise that it’s easy to find bargains on electronics online. Electronics and cheap computer parts and accessories were among the first merchandise to be sold regularly in online marketplaces and they continue to be the most popular type of items bought at online stores. The popularity of online shopping continues to grow, with total sales reaching into the tens of billions. Why would someone choose to purchase electronic items online rather than going out to the shops? The reasons are simple.

1. Shopping online is convenient. There’s no need to stop around to a dozen different merchants to find the best deal on a cheap computer. All you have to do is a simple search. You don’t even have to strain your mouse finger to visit a dozen websites anymore. There are some fantastic shopper services that make it easy to find the best price on that cheap computer or MP3 player all in one place.

2. There’s no traffic hassles, no crowded shops, no need to fill up the fuel tank on your auto. You can shop the entire world for the best possible price on whatever you want, whether it’s a digital TV or a DVD movie right from the ease of your favourite chair.

3. The internet is a very very big place. That means that you’re not bound into paying the prices you can find at your local stores. You can find great deals on cheap computer accessories (how about that neon glow in the dark mouse pad?), the best prices on the computer that you want, or the perfect DVD player from every corner of the world.

4. The internet is never out of stock. Looking for that DVD movie you’ve been dying to see, but the local shop is sold out? You’re sure to find it online – and with next day shipping, you can be watching it tomorrow evening instead of waiting two weeks for your local merchant to restock it.

5. You can find the latest models of everything from hard drives to flash drives, from DVD players to digital TVs, from cheap computer parts to completely kitted out superstar gaming computers. Most manufacturers announce their latest releases online first – and you can often order online weeks before the newest game console or digital toy is in the local shops.

When you shop online you can enjoy the convenience of shopping without ever leaving your home, save time, save money – and get the best quality electronic merchandise at the best prices in the world.

Sharpening The Saw – How To Keep Improving Your Commercial Real

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May 022024

It is absolutely pertinent for every person involved in commercial real estate to be constantly improving their education!

A real estate insider is only as good as his or her information, and this information must be up to date, accurate and relevant to the business of interest. The business of interest could be a certain type of property, such as apartments or raw land, a certain area, such as a specific city or state, or even specific types of deals, such as distressed properties that are offered well below market rate. Whatever the area of interest, the real estate insider must understand his or her market better than anyone else, and constantly keep up with the dynamics of commercial real estate.

In addition to understanding the market defined by his or her area of interest, national and local trends should constantly be monitored, such as mortgage rates, real estate laws, weather anomalies such as hurricanes, and other such influences that affect real estate that are found in the macro environment.

In order to remain sharp and in the know in commercial real estate, there are many things that you can do to continue your commercial real estate education. We must admit that your education does not stop at any point in time with commercial real estate.

The commercial real estate insider must always be growing, learning, finding new tid-bits of information, expanding and improving his or her real estate activities, and fine tuning his or her business model. Success will be found on the largest of scales when this strategy is adopted into a sound business model.

To not continue your education is sure death in this industry! There will be someone right under you to take your place and your opportunities if you choose not to always go the extra mile and be as informed as possible!

Let’s look at the many ways you can continue to educate yourself so that your commercial real estate endeavors are maximized to the fullest!

Reading is probably one of the key ways to improve your education. Trade journals, newspapers, magazines and books are great sources of information. By reading, you can identify trends, be cautious of future changes, learn from others’ strategies and business models, as well as strengthen your basis for ideas in order to strengthen your own commercial real estate business. You never know how another person’s idea or experience can spark a great idea for your own business out of nowhere! You may adopt some strategies and tools for yourself that you didn’t even know existed, or perhaps modify them to better fit your business model.

Make a morning of it, and spend some time reading your monthly magazine subscriptions and trade journals! Choose a real estate book every week or so, and dedicate yourself to reading a little every day. Not only will it increase your education, but it can be fun as well.

Another great way to increase your education is to attend meetings where there are speakers and discussions on anything that influences your area of interest. This may include real estate seminars, zoning and planning meetings at your local Chamber of Commerce, classes regarding finance and contract writing, or other areas where you may find your knowledge and capabilities weak. Attend investor meetings in your city.

There will be a wealth of information found here that you will not find published in any book or magazine. Experience and insider tips can be found nestled in these seminars and meetings that can give you a whole new advantage on opportunities!

Refer to online sources as well, such as newsletters and blogs, where you can find more insider tips and teachings. Do be aware, however, that not all information is valid, so you may be learning things on what not to do, which can be just as valuable as learning what to do.

On more of a personal note, in order to keep up with the dynamic ways of commercial real estate, it is important to treat your body well by keeping a physical and active lifestyle, to support such a fun and rigorous profession.

Another element of sharpening the saw is to visualize your goals, and where it is you ultimately want to be, so all your education is leading you down the correct path that will get you the most out of life!

Share the wealth by teaching others your special knowledge, and give them an opportunity that you were given to be involved in such a great business.

All these things mentioned can greatly increase your success as a real estate insider, as well as transform your life into that which you have always dreamed. Implement just a few of these ideas, and you will yield positive results exponentially through your increased knowledge and abilities. Always be ahead of the game, and the game will reward you handsomely!

How To Become A Commercial Real Estate Expert In Your Own Backyard

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May 012024

Many people may not realize you can literally become a commercial real estate insider just by working in your own local community. There is a wealth of opportunity for those who are motivated and wanting to make a difference, not only in their own lives, but in the lives of people in the community as well.

You do not have to travel across the United States or around the world to find money making properties that will financially take care of you for the rest of your life. It simply takes two things in order to become a real estate insider: knowledge of your community’s real estate opportunities and a steady increase in your own education.

What makes a real estate insider?

A real estate insider knows the ins and outs of the real estate market in his or her own area of interest. This interest could be in office complexes, strip malls, large apartment complexes, medical buildings, and various other income producing properties The commercial real estate insider recognizes trends, the value of property, changes in values before they happen, all zoning laws and regulations, and infrastructural changes that can drastically affect the values of land on or around the new development.

The commercial real estate insider also knows the city decision makers. He or she knows with whom to speak in order to get information, advice, notice regarding changes in the zoning laws or regulations, and to stay ahead of the real estate market.

How do you become a commercial real estate insider?

To start, you should understand that a large part of commercial real estate is dealing with the officials and decision makers of the city or county because they are the ones who decide zoning and use for every piece of property within the city’s or county’s boundaries. They plan for future growth, and attempt to create a balance among both residential and commercial properties so that the community does not grow too quickly or become unbalanced.

Due to the fact that the city officials are so important to your ability to develop, renovate, and otherwise do what you want to a property, it is crucial that you get to know these people and create a rapport. You also need to know what is occurring in your community regarding real estate at all times. Zoning often changes; there may be new regulations or codes regarding the zoning, or the intended use could be limited to only a few uses that will hinder your intended project. All these things can greatly affect your dealings with a specific property, and how you pick and choose your opportunities.

A good way to meet these important officials, as well as learn about the real estate market in your community, is to attend zoning and planning meetings at your local Chamber of Commerce or courthouse. It is there that you can meet face to face the people who will influence your future as a commercial real estate insider. Introduce yourself as a real estate investor, and give them your card. Ask intelligent questions regarding real estate in your community.

Eventually, after building a rapport with these influential people, ask if you could meet with them to discuss a certain project, or something in which you could use more information or advice. You should always come to these meetings prepared with your questions typed so you stay on task and topic. Show that you appreciate their time, knowledge and expertise.

It is a great idea to ask for a few more introductions to people they know who may be able to help you. Always send a thank-you note that briefly reviews your discussion, what advice you used and how it will or has helped you. When you show appreciation for their advice, they are more likely to help you in the future, or share information of which others may not be privy. You will begin to make excellent contacts and learn key elements regarding your specific market. This is how you become a commercial real estate insider.

Beyond meeting the people who make the big decisions regarding the use of property in your community, you must know the laws and regulations regarding the various types of zoning. Zoning labels may differ from city to city, as do building criteria, the size of lots, building and fire codes, and limitations. You must study these rules and regulations so you know what you can and cannot do to a property. As these rules and regulations often change, it is important that you listen and take solid notes at all zoning and planning meetings, and other important real estate related meetings you might attend.

Your goal is to know your market inside and out so you can make decisions based on the changes in the market before anyone else even knows they are coming. You do this by recognizing certain points, such as an increase in vacancies of commercial property, or an increase in the median home price, or how the new mall planned to be developed in one year is going to greatly affect the land values around it.

In addition to understanding your own market, you should be reading the newspaper, trade journals, commercial real estate books, attending seminars, and speaking with others in your area who are involved with real estate so that you are constantly increasing your knowledge. It is with this constant training that you will learn strategy, finance, information about private lending, how to find deals, how to present offers, what markets are hot, new opportunities in the area others are not aware of, and many other tools and strategies that will keep you ahead of the rest.

To be a real estate insider, you must always be on your game. Make those contacts. Ask pertinent questions. Learn everything you can about your business, and act on this information. You will find yourself finding opportunities that you did not know existed, and you will become a commercial real estate insider sooner than you would think!