
Overview of the Online College Textbook Market

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May 182023

Due to the rocketing prices registered in today’s new college textbook market, lots of students have turned away from the campus bookstore and other similar resources, hoping to close better deals inside used bookstores or on the Internet. At present there are thousands of online bookstores and other specialized online resources that offer students a helping hand in finding their required textbooks for reasonable prices, so many different categories of college students have recently decided to strictly shop online when they need to add several new names among their college book collection.

Most college textbook-offering online resources are very well structured, easy to use and grant students the opportunity to purchase their required college textbooks (both used and new) for only a fraction of their offline cost. With elaborate online textbook market research and a little luck, students can enter in possession of their desired textbooks for less than 40 percent of the original price!

Decent online college textbook sellers also benefit students with other advantages, such as: extensive offer (given the continuously growing interest of today’s students in buying textbooks online, hundreds of new volumes are being added every week in the online database), possibility to find the desired textbooks in less time and with less effort (students can search for textbooks in online bookstores’ database by author, title, edition, ISBN code and so on), low delivery costs (for more substantial purchases, students benefit from generous discounts and in some cases, even gratuity for textbook delivery), efficient, dedicated services (prominent online bookstores respond to customer’s needs and desires with professionalism, offering prompt feedback and properly handling each transaction) and the possibility to sell back unneeded textbooks for competitive prices (if the previously purchased college textbooks are in perfect condition, students can even establish their own price when selling them back online).

College textbook-offering online resources offer an entire series of advantages, but they also have some minuses. Probably the most frustrating disadvantage consists in slow delivery. With most online bookstores, even if they rapidly find the desired volume names for the right price, students may have to wait anywhere from 10 to 20 business days before they can finally enter in possession of their purchased textbooks. For this fact, students who decide to shop online for their required college textbooks should arm themselves with a lot of patience! In order to ensure that you will obtain your desired books right when you need them, it is advisable to purchase multiple volumes at once at least a month before the beginning of each semester.

One on top of the other, the Internet is by far the best place to look for a bargain when you need to buy curriculum-required or extra-curricular college textbooks. The trick is to do a deep market research, find the right textbook sellers and make the right purchases. With a little luck, you will be able to partially or entirely recover the investment at the end of each semester by selling back unneeded textbooks.

There Is More Than One Way To Skin…A Real Estate Deal With Seller Flexibility In Selling Property

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May 172023

Jack and Mary were desperate. Mary received a big promotion in another state and Jack was looking for a new job in the same city. It was just too good to pass up. Mary was a rising star in the health care industry and with the huge pay boost and promotion it was a job she had dreamed of ever since leaving graduate school armed with her MBA. Jack was a natural born salesperson and could work anywhere selling just about anything. He liked high tech sales in the high ticket electronics field and was close to catching on with a company in the same city as Mary’s new job. One problem, they had a large house to sell in a very slow and slumping real estate market.

Jack and Mary counseled with the local real estate ace that had long been the resident expert Realtor for their community. They had been in their home for six years and with the past real estate surge they had lots of equity now. Because this was happening so fast, Mary moved to a small apartment near her new job. The relocation price offered by the company was way too low for what they felt they could command in the market. This option was rejected. With ongoing brain storming with Tyler the Realtor, the scenarios included, lease options, lease purchase, and a seller held second. The lease scenarios would be the iffiest of the three. Jack and Mary instructed Tyler to hold the price and offer to pay the selling Realtor a selling fee plus a bonus of $2,500 and agreed to pay the closing costs and prepaid expenses (pre-paid interest, tax and insurance escrows) up to an offered $14,000. Likewise, Tyler was instructed to offer through the MLS selling terms to include a seller held second of 5% to 10% of the purchase price. The list price of $475,000 would mean that the Jack and Mary were willing to hold a second mortgage of 5% Loan To Value (LTV) or $475,000 x 5% = $23,750 or 10% LTV at $475,000 x 10% = $47,500.
Tyler, the listing Realtor, had been in discussion with a mortgage broker active in their area and had some clients that could only get a 90% to 95% LTV first mortgage. They had some credit dings, which were holding them back. Each had fully documented income and was making good money. There were valid reasons for their rocky credit history and both needed time to rebuild their credit. Tyler showed the home to both the prospective buyers who had credit challenges. The first couple didn’t like the kitchen layout or the back yard size. The second couple liked the house and had similar reservations but with the flexible financing they figured they could live with it and make changes and improvements down the road when they could refinance down the road and get sufficient monies to do some home improvements.

Jack had closed up the house and had moved with the furniture in tow to join Mary at her new location. The furniture was put into storage in hopes that it wouldn’t be there long with Realtor Tyler on the case. Jack had been actively working on his job hunt in the new city for two weeks now. Tyler was now on the phone presenting the offer from the buyers who needed seller help. The buyers would need Jack and Mary to pay $15,000 in closing costs and prepaid expenses. Tyler was making the deal himself so there was no bonus involved. The offer was based on a seller held second mortgage of $47,500 with an interest rate of 10% with a 30-year term and a three-year balloon. The payments would be $416.85/month. At closing, Jack and Mary would payoff their first mortgage of $200,000 and would get somewhere around $188,000 in cash at closing and the seller held second of $47,500.00 paying $416.85/month. Tyler went on to explain that the buyers were putting very little of their own money in the deal and explained the downside risk involved if the buyers defaulted. The only way they could protect their 2nd mortgage equity would be to buy in the first mortgage or just take the loss. Tyler and the mortgage broker, with the buyer’s permission, indicated that Jack and Mary were in essence underwriting the 2nd mortgage loan on part of the buyers. It was up to them to pass or deny.

On weekends Jack and Mary were looking at new homes, which might meet their needs. One in particular, due to the soft market, the builder was offering major concessions and sales inducements including paying all the closing costs and prepaid expenses. With potentially $180,000 cash available for any purchase they were looking at a builder deal loaded with incentives for a home worth $750,000, which they could now buy for $650,000. The nagging fear was what would happen if the 2nd mortgage payer defaulted. Since, it was up to Jack and Mary to pass on the buyer’s credit worthiness, with the buyer’s permission, they went over their entire credit package and personally interviewed them on the phone to find out something of the character of the buyers and the back ground of the of how the credit dings had taken place. It turns out it was a temporary medical problem that had put them behind the eight ball and precipitated their credit dings. Jack and Mary decided to take the deal. Since the buyers had been already pre-qualified, the sale took place in two weeks.

Jack and Mary, with closing funds in hand, closed moved into their new home. Six months had passed and the buyer’s of their prior residence had made their second mortgage payments on time as agreed. The home had everything they wanted in a home except a pool and spa. The dilemma for Jack and Mary, even though they had got an incredible interest rate in the soft market they were reluctant to incur any additional debt with the 2nd mortgage paying off in now 2.5 years. Jack received a letter in the mail from an investment note buyer who was offering to buy the note at a discount since the note now has some “seasoning”. Running the math, with the investor getting a 15%+ yield on a 10% face rate ballooning in the next 30 months were offering to buy the note for $42,900 cash. Just for grins, Jack being the super salesman and dealmaker had been working on construction quotes with a pool contractor. He had managed to negotiate a $5,000 reduction and could put everything they wanted for $40,000. Pool contractors were slow right along with the rest of the real estate market. Jack and Mary showed the documentation to the note buyer that indicated six months of on time payments together with copies of the note and mortgage. The note was sold netting out $42,000 in cash. The pool was built the following week. Life was good.

Soft markets can lead to flexible terms which can help complete real estate deals. Keep and open mind. There is more than one way to skin a…real estate deal.

Dale Rogers

Start you own business in a easier way

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May 162023

More people are going into business. However, many are not mentally prepared. Many are lacking the business knowledge when they first start their business. You can get some key points here in starting your own business.

1. Watch your cashflow

Cashflow is the bloodline of your business. Most business fail because they ran into cashflow problem. Most new business owners start to spend lots of money before the businesses start making money.

Spending money on renovating luxury offices, buying unnecessary things or renting too big an office space. Even buying small items can bring huge burden to your to your cashflow.

If you are not someone who is good at managing cashflow, get someone who is good to do it for you. My business partner is good at that, she is the one who manages all the money in the company.

In the first year of our business, she had stopped me numerous times in buying unnecessary things.

Learn to watch your cashflow. Your business depends on it.

2. Marketing business

When I was young, someone told me this, “as long as you start a business, they will come and you wil be rich.” That may be true many years ago. But it’s no longer true now.

When you start your business, you must make known to the world. Tell everyone about your business. Learn to do effective marketing not just marketing that everyone else does.

All businesses are in the business of marketing. If you sell pens, you are also in the business of marketing. Just that you are marketing pens.

Marketing is a huge subject. Many business owners start business without knowing even the basic of marketing. I done lots of test about marketing. I started to learn about marketing five years ago. Only in the last years, I discover I had moved to a deeper level in understanding marketing.

3. Negotiate, Negotiate, Negotiate

Learn this skill and you can get many good deals. You may even get people who’s willing to work for you free. A tip for you before going into a negotiation is to understand what the other party wants. Know that and you’ll find your negotiation goes much smoother.

Understand this point, negotiation is about win-win. Creating a win-win deal in a negotiation. If a negotiation turns to win-lose, one party will definitely walk away from the deal.

4. Taking care of your customers

You have to think your customers as long term friends. If you take care of your customers, they will take care of you. Build trust and rapport with your customers, they will buy from you for a life time.

Build a system so that you can always keep in touch with your customers. When your business grows, you do nt have the time to keep in touch with all of your customers. That’s when this system will come in handy. Build it early, so you will not lose any customers.

Get yourself prepared for a new business. Be mentally prepared, physically prepared too. You will find great success in your business if you are prepared.

Real Estate Investing

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May 152023

Real estate is a business, where the realtors will be dealing in an immovable property, like land, buildings. Real estate is also called as immovable property where it deals in a permanently fixed property. It is also considered as real property or realty. There are two ways of starting the real estate, one understanding the concepts and have connection with real estate investors and the other is attending the general association/clubs/meeting the real estate business. The term realty refers to immovable property like land, building and personally refers to movable property like automobiles, patents, shares etc. Sometime people try to distinguish the difference between realty and personalities, the term real property or realty or real estate have same sense. But in civil law jurisdiction, it refers to immovable property.

Do we need a huge amount to invest in real estate business? Real estate business does not constitute a large some of investment. If he invests a little some of money is enough to carry the business. Investing initial capital and starting a business has a huge advantages but real estate business does not need a huge investment. Even if he invests, he can get back in a shorter period. There are many ways to collect funds to run the business.

Real estate brokers: a broker is a person who act as an intermediately between the buyer and the seller .He find out a person who wills to buy and sell the real property. In America, the connection was initially recognized with reference to the English common law of agency where the broker having a good relationship with his customers. In UK, the term estate agent is referred to a person or organization whose function is to market the real estate. In America, when they act as buyers brokers, they will purchase the property for a reasonable consideration. While, they became a sellers brokers they sell the property for a price which will fetch them a reasonable profit. Brokers without license they sometimes act as a customer agent.

Is licensed required for real estate business: license is not a important statement for real estate business. Each a have an individual right to sell and buy the property on their own interest. He needs to procure license only when he sells the property which does not belongs to him. But a licensed agent is well recognized in the market without his publicity. In United States, in most jurisdictions a person is essential to have a license in order to obtain payment for services rendered as a broker. Lawyers are also allowed as a broker or agent without acquiring a license.

Commercial real estate: commercial real estate constitutes of buying and selling of immovable property like land and those fixed to it. In this type, realtors share their land ownership among themselves. Commercial real estate consists of accumulated closing price. They involve in a process of buying and selling if land and buildings.

Advantages in real estate:
• Property and land are usually expensive; realtors fetch a maximum profit by selling.
• Real estators does not need a higher investment. If they have the ability to borrow is enough.
• With help of the realtors, we can buy and sell any type of property all over the world.

One can easily understand the term real estate and how to invest in to it. Thus real estate is a business where buying and selling of fixed property like land, buildings. With the help of the brokers, we can buy and sell any type of property in any particular place. But, paying commission or brokerage is an expensive one.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

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May 142023

Business ethics is a form of applied ethics that examines just rules and principles within a commercial context; the various moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business setting; and any special duties or obligations that apply to persons who are engaged in commerce. Generally speaking, business ethics is a normative discipline, whereby particular ethical standards are advocated and then applied.

It makes specific judgments about what is right or wrong, which is to say, it makes claims about what ought to be done or what ought not to be done. While there are some exceptions, business ethicists are usually less concerned with the foundations of ethics (meta-ethics), or with justifying the most basic ethical principles, and are more concerned with practical problems and applications, and any specific duties that might apply to business relationships.

Business ethics can be examined from various perspectives, including the perspective of the employee, the commercial enterprise, and society as a whole. Very often, situations arise in which there is conflict between one and more of the parties, such that serving the interest of one party is a detriment to the other(s). For example, a particular outcome might be good for the employee, whereas, it would be bad for the company, society, or vice versa. Some ethicists see the principal role of ethics as the harmonization and reconciliation of conflicting interests.

Ethical issues can arise when companies must comply with multiple and sometimes conflicting legal or cultural standards, as in the case of multinational companies that operate in countries with varying practices. The question arises, for example, ought a company obey the laws of its home country, or should it follow the less stringent laws of the developing country in which it does business?

To illustrate, United States law forbids companies from paying bribes either domestically or overseas; however, in other parts of the world, bribery is a customary, “accepted” way of doing business. Similar problems can occur with regard to child labor, employee safety, work hours, wages, discrimination, and environmental protection laws.

Business ethics should be distinguished from the philosophy of business, the branch of philosophy that deals with the philosophical, political, and ethical underpinnings of business and economics. Business ethics operates on the premise, for example, that the ethical operation of a private business is possible — those who dispute that premise, such as libertarian socialists, (who contend that “business ethics” is an oxymoron) do so by definition outside of the domain of business ethics proper.

The philosophy of business also deals with questions such as what, if any, are the social responsibilities of a business; business management theory; theories of individualism vs. collectivism; free will among participants in the marketplace; the role of self interest; invisible hand theories; the requirements of social justice; and natural rights, especially property rights, in relation to the business enterprise.

Business ethics is also related to political economy, which is economic analysis from political and historical perspectives. Political economy deals with the distributive consequences of economic actions. It asks who gains and who loses from economic activity, and is the resultant distribution fair or just, which are central ethical issues.

Cell Phone Family Plans Reviewed

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May 132023

It’s another season for shopping and buying and wouldn’t you know, cell phone companies from both the US and Canada are starting to roll out some new deals. This article will look at the pros and things to watch out for when it comes to signing up for family plans. It would take into consideration things like network coverage or cell phone selection between carriers, but it will give you an idea of the money you will or won’t save.

You have the special someone, the kids, your significant other? Without a family plan all calls between each other usually count against your total minutes use. That means no free calling between the most popular numbers in your phone. This can change, however, with new family plans. What we see clear across the board (especially in Canada) are the carriers willingness to offer cell phone plans to families. You’ll get unlimited calling between people on your plan, sometimes up to 4 different phones. Sounds great doesn’t it? No more phone bills that cost crazy amounts, you can save your money!

Essentially the idea is perfect, one bill, no fees, no more lost minutes. Basically the ads are true, you are getting unlimited phone calls between the family plan members, however, beware of some of the fine print.

For example, remember, you’ll be sharing all additional minutes between all of you. Got a talkative kid? You may wind up with no minutes for yourself since everyone shares the anytime minutes. By the way, all you’re saving really is the minutes you wasted between each other. You don’t save anywhere else on the bill. Each phone is still charged individually: activation fees, system fees, 911 fees, etc etc etc.

You should be aware of the different charges for different services when you’re moving one person from one carrier to another. Some carriers don’t charge for basic voicemail (Telus) but others charge you money (Rogers $5 bucks basic voicemail.) That’s an additional 60 bucks a year. Do you want to pay that money that you would not have before? Basically you have to decide whether $60 is worthy cost for money talk time.

So how should you make a choice? Really, it’s a matter between who will offer the most anytime minutes. Whoever can provide you with the best deal for minutes aside from your family/couple members would be the way to go. Some offer free first incoming minute on all calls. Some exceed others in anytime minutes, some will give you deals on new phones, more minutes, additional features, etc. Be on the prowl and don’t jump at the first opportunity. Compare costs and you’ll save some additional cash.

Mobile Phones and Accessories at MyRelianceMobile.com

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May 122023

A mobile has no longer remained just a source of communication; it has become a part of fashion. It is not only a medium to communicate but carrying the latest models with number of features is a sign of prestige. Having cell phone with its accessories makes one proud of himself and a hero among ones friends.

Getting hold of the latest models and its accessories is not an easy task. If you get the accessories, there’s no guarantee that you have got the original product. In the present era, where duplicity is found everywhere, it is not easy of getting the right product. It is not so amazing to say that duplicate product comes in market even before the original ones grabs the market. Hence, while buying a mobile or its accessories one should always go for a reliable company product, or to a vendor that deals with multiple and only the company products.

My reliance mobile is a website that provides the most exclusive kind of mobile phones and its accessories. It is the number one place to get latest and most reasonable mobile phone models and its accessories. Here you would get the best quality products that would prove to be the most reliable ones.

My reliance mobiles phone is a place with no chance of duplicacy. The company deals with a large number of companies. Here, you would get the real product of each company in cheapest prices. My reliance deals with reliance mobile phones that have a wide range to choose from. It includes reliance phone from brands like Blackberry, Bluetooth, Ericsson, LGC, Mitsubishi, Motorola, NEC, Neopoint, Nextel, Nokia, Panasonic, Philips, Qualcomm, Samsung, Sanyo, Siemens, Sony, Touch Point. All the phones and its accessories are available at the cheapest and most reasonable prices.

My reliance mobile phone boosts that of its having strong connects with the big name companies like Nokia, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson etc. Theses companies themselves talk about there trust and faith from the people and do not need any description. Being connected with these companies, My reliance mobile too does not need any words to say about its trust worthiness. My reliance mobiles phone is a company that has always gained the clients or customers with its positive points or providing best services and in the most reasonable prices. Visit www.myreliancemobile.com