
You Can’t Steal In Slow Motion-Real Estate Deals Wait For No One

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May 042023

Charlene and her daughter Tanya wanted more out of life than their small two bedroom one-bath apartment could provide. Tanya had been begging for a cocker spaniel puppy for two years now. Apartment rules would not allow a dog. The laundry facilities were downstairs and at the far end of the building. Laundry tended to back up until the weekends when at an odd hour, in order to schedule an uninterrupted couple of hours as to avoid the rush on the washer and dryers. Many times the dollar changer was out of change. So upon leaving work, Charlene would need to make a special trip to the bank to load up on quarters. She had her paycheck direct deposited so this was a real pain. Anyway, with thin walls sleep was a real luxury and many a night, in spite of complaints to management, she got little sleep. Last week, someone had broken into her car by breaking her window and stole her radio. How no one had seen or heard the commotion was amazing. The police theorized that the thief must have wrapped something around the striking tool to blunt the sound. Insurance only covered a part of the loss. The apartment scene was really wearing thin on Charlene’s last nerve.

It was 6:00 AM and the fun was about to begin. Tanya, being in the fourth grade had qualified for a special magnet school with advanced studies but was almost an hour away. They would have to leave no later than 7:00 AM to arrive at the school and allow for time to get to work.

Work was going fantastic for Charlene. With a base salary of $36,000 at a local well-known health maintenance company which allowed Charlene to make an additional $50,000 in sales commissions. Charlene had been rewarded with sales awards for performance for the past two years. With the divorce and protracted child custody issues, Charlene’s credit had hit bottom. Chapter 13 bankruptcy had been considered, but with the great years at work, Charlene pleaded with her creditors to set up a payback program so that she could dig out of the deep financial hole. In mediation, Charlene had made a deal in the custody that her ex-husband would keep the house but would relinquish his battle for full custody. Demetrious, her ex-husband was slow on the mortgage payment, and further put Charlene’s credit rating under attack. Eighteen months ago, Charlene went back to court to enforce the property settlement where her ex-husband was to refinance the mortgage and get Charlene off the mortgage obligation. Demetrious was fighting this as the rate on a B/C subprime loan with six thirty-day lates was going to be 3% higher than the sweetheart loan he had. The judge ordered him to make it happen.
It had been fourteen months ago since the mortgage obligation showed a paid status on her credit report. It was a tough road rebuilding Charlene’s credit but she was getting close to getting things paid off. She had not been able to save anything due to the credit payback plan. Demetrious had run up a lot of the credit card debt, but Charlene was fully on the hook for it as they were joint accounts. Charlene and Tanya felt like they were getting close to making big changes.

Charlene had been attending a Home Buying Clinic sponsored by her church for the past year. Fortunately, childcare was available at the church during the three hour sessions. Tanya was able to do a little studying as well in a far corner of the large room. Budgeting, credit repair, together with the home buying advice was all being discussed. Charlene had been doing well on her plan, but her middle credit score still hovered around 570. At the last meeting Mr. Wilson discussed many of the opportunities to buy a home with creative financing. Charlene pressed Mr. Wilson for more details. Charlene asked Mr. Wilson, who happened to be a Real Estate Broker and a Mortgage Broker, if that might work for her. After class, Mr. Wilson took Charlene’s information and shared with her that she may have a shot at doing something right away. Charlene went on to explain, she wanted to get something closer to work and to Tanya’s school.
Mr. Wilson said he would call tomorrow with some possibilities. Charlene had already shared with Mr. Wilson that she needed a minimum of three bedrooms, two baths with a large garage and fenced in back yard in the area previously mentioned.

At work the next day, it was 10:00 AM and Mr. Wilson was on the line sharing with Charlene that he had identified six vacant home in the area with some good sales pressure on the seller to do something ASAP. Mr. Wilson had called each listing agent and explained that he had a qualified buyer and went on to share that if the buyer paid the listing price inquired whether the seller would pay all the closing costs and prepaids AND would hold a 5% Loan To Value second mortgage. Charlene, with her credit score and history could get a 95% Loan To Value loan.
Four turned Mr. Wilson down flat. Two owners indicated through their agents that they may have an interest. There was a three and a four-bedroom home available. Charlene looked at both of them and preferred the four bedroom as it would allow for an in home office and a separate bedroom for her mom when she visited from out of state. Tanya was excited with her room and large yard. The owner had left a washer and dryer. No quarter slots were visible. Charlene asked Mr. Wilson if he could make this happen. Mr. Wilson emphatically yes. He went on to explain if not this one another one in this soft real estate market. Mr. Wilson asked Charlene if she wanted to think about it. Charlene said no, let’s do it, now. Mr. Wilson wrote up the offer on the spot. The list price was $245,000 with taxes of $3,500 and insurance of $2,400. Due to the 570 credit score and past history, the new mortgage would need to be a subprime B/C loan with a 2years fixed at 8.75% then becomes adjustable for the next 28 years. The first mortgage of $232,750 at 8.75% would give a payment of $1,831.05/month. The seller held second mortgage would be $245,000 x 5% = $12,250 with a rate of 9.0% on a 10 year term and a three year balloon would have a payment of $144.18/month. The total payment then would be $1,831.05/month on the first mortgage + $144.18/month on the 2nd mortgage + $291.67 in taxes + $200/month insurance with a total payment of $2,466.90/month for principal interest (on both loans) and taxes and insurance. Charlene’s gross income of $7,166.67 verifiable over a two year period with current year to date income indicating the commissions continuing and now with minimal debt her debt to income ratio to qualify for the loan was calculated at $2,466.90 PITI + $350 debts = $2,816.90/$7,166.67 = 39.30%. The lender guideline was at 50% Debt To Income Ratio. Charlene had made her rent on time for the last 12 months and although her payment shock was $1,400 higher per month over the rental amount, her fully documented income more than demonstrated the ability to repair. The seller accepted the offer with a three week closing. Charlene had to write a Letter Of Explanation (LOE) explaining what had happened in the past for her credit problems and what she had done to turn it around and have given it to Mr. Wilson to share with the lender underwriter. Mr. Wilson explained with a good two year mortgage history and other good credit payments that her score would go up and on the two year mortgage anniversary he would be able to seek a much better rate and a lower payment through a rate and term refinance. Mr. Wilson explained the area would experience some appreciation even in the current soft market.

The listing agent had called Mr. Wilson explained the owner was moaning about the fact that two other offers had come in slightly less than the list price without the benefit of the owner holding a second mortgage. Mr. Wilson shook his head confirming once again, deals wait for no one.

It was moving day. Charlene and Tanya left the apartment for the last time and met the movers at the new home. Charlene put the key in the door and pushed it open to view her new home. Charlene picked up Tanya with a big hug and swung her around with her legs flying in the air for three full turns. Big grins were plastered on their faces. A door slammed and Charlene and Tanya went back to the door. It was Mr. Wilson. He had a box with him and a huge smile. He knelt down to Tanya and slowly opened the box. It was a six-week-old cocker spaniel. Charlene, put her hands over her mouth to conceal her joy and just nodded in Mr. Wilson’s direction and said, “thanks for everything Mr. Wilson. Thank you.”

Dale Rogers

Book a San Jose del Cabo Vacation Rental

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May 032023

Baja, California is conveniently located and pleasing to the eye, but parts of it have a reputation for being a little on the crowded side. What to do if you want a quiet and leisurely vacation to Mexico but don’t want to go all the way down south? San Jose del Cabo has what you want. North of the more well-known Cabo San Lucas, it is just as gorgeous and not nearly as buzzing with party people. Discover this hidden gem for yourself.

After learning about the vast array of beach opportunities, meaning the swimming, boating, surfing and snorkeling, as well as the historic and eye-catching city itself, choosing San Jose del Cabo will be easy. Once this decision has been made, though, your preparations are not yet complete. Don’t select a hotel based on price or hearsay when you could instead set yourself up like royalty in a one-of-a-kind vacation rental. Before you get nervous, no; vacation properties aren’t out of your league, and yes, you do deserve to stay in one.

Beach condos or villas have a way of adding a special touch to any trip, so when you’re going to be visiting a stellar spot like this it’s sure to be a winning combination. No matter what day it is, your mood depends on how well you slept, how the sun falls across your bed, and what the day ahead of you holds. The property you choose in San Jose is sure to bode well for the overall tone of the trip, so pick wisely and then sit back and relax as the fun and enjoyment unfolds before your eyes.

First of all, enjoy whatever breakfast you like to have. Be it eggs and toast in bed served up by your honey-bunny, a fresh-fruit smoothie or just a cup of coffee and some fresh air, you’ll be well-equipped to create anything you want in the kitchen of your temporary digs. As opposed to other arrangements, you really will feel at home here as you poke around the cabinets and fill the pantry with your favorite foods.

After this you’re set for success. Hit the nearby swimming pool if you like, but you’ll probably be more inclined to grab a towel and walk to the beach. Either lounge for a while with paperback in hand or rent a surfboard, kayak or sailboat. Dip your toes in the sea and relish the fact that there’s not a laptop or cell phone in sight. Winter is whale season, so watch for massive migrating creatures, and if you’re an adrenaline junkie, do a little guided sport fishing a few miles from shore.

Back on land again there are golf courses, spas, shops and restaurants to fulfill the requisite tourist activities. You may be content to simply head back “home” for a nap, a conversation on the patio, or an intimate happy hour, though, which is just fine. Having grown accustomed to doing what you want, when you want, you may return home feeling like you’ve been on a vacation that was designed especially for you. The real world may not be so accommodating, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Not that it’s a bad thing to be pampered every now and then; you know you deserve it. Some think that only the rich and famous deserve lodgings that outshine typical hotels, but this just isn’t the case. Special deals are often available and splitting the bill with the friends you’re traveling with means more fun and more savings for everyone involved. Be the one to suggest a reunion of sorts and then take credit at the end of a pleasing, perfect trip with the ones you love, and love to vacation with.

Go online to peruse all the San Jose del Cabo Vacation Rentals. There are dozens out there, and each one is the right one for someone.

False Card Dealing

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May 022023

False Card Dealing:

Riffle Stacking

To learn all of the tricks in playing cards, you must learn about the False Deals. Mainly we’re going to talk about Riffle Stacking, because it is the most challenging false deal that you can perform as well as the most affective.

It is the most challenging type of False Deal, because you are arranging the cards while actually shuffling them. Let’s go into a little more detail of what I mean by arranging. You can start off with the two cards that you wish to have in your hand on the top of the deck. These can be obtained best from the last hand, and it’s your turn to deal. Now that you have your desired hand, you need to find the number of players you are against. For an example, we’ll say there’re four players in the game. Since you are the 4th to play, you simply need 3 cards on top of each of your cards. This will make your desired hand in the 4th position. Now, how do you pull this off while being watched?

First, split the deck in 2 piles, so that you can shuffle them into each other. With your fingers on the outside and your thumbs on the inside, you begin by lifting your thumbs as to flick the corners of each deck into the other. Without paying attention, this would be a fair shuffle. As your thumbs are doing this, you are paying attention to the face of the cards as they flip down right in front of you. With your cards on top in the right hand, you begin to shuffle. You let all the cards down until you get to your 2 cards. Then the left hand is all let down, but you hold back three cards. You then drop one of your desired cards from the right hand, drop the remainder three from your left hand, and then drop your last desired card from the right hand on top. On the second deal, you’ll basically do the same thing, but this time you’ll only need to hold back three cards in the left hand, and let them fall on top of your final desired card. In the end, you will be left with 3 cards, then your card, 3 cards, then your second card. It takes practice to get used to holding back a specific number of cards, so simply start off trying to hold back 1 card. After working your way up through practice, you’ll be able to hold back as many as 6 cards without even thinking about it.

Written by:

Rick Valois


Title: Nokia N93 – for excellent images and quite a lot more

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May 012023

Technology has opened up a whole gamut of possibilities. What was considered distant and remote, even a few years ago, is now very much practical and achievable. One such fantastic idea that has seen the light of day is the creation of videos using mobile phones. Innovative handsets such as the Nokia N93 have realized this and other wild dreams of the tech-savvy user.

To reiterate, the Nokia N93 mobile phone can be used to produce videos, the quality of which is nothing less than those obtained as DVDs. As a matter of fact, the Nokia N93 is a handset with advanced imaging capabilities. This mobile phone from Nokia is empowered with Carl Zeiss optics; a megapixel camera with 3x optical zoom is in-built into the handset model.

Because of its sophisticated imaging options, it is possible to use the Nokia N93 to capture both static as well as moving frames from life, a fact which renders it in good stead among people with an active interest in photography. Advanced features such as digital video stabilization ensure great shots, even when the conditions are far from perfect. A high-definition 2.4″ display enhances the viewing experience.

And if you are interested in watching images and video clips on the big screen, then that is also possible. The handset can be connected to a compatible television using Wireless LAN and UPnP technology. Quite amazing, isn’t it?

Get hold of this Nokia mobile phone for a truly unbelievable experience! In the UK, the Nokia N93 is part of attractive contract mobile phone deals, offered by leading mobile service providers. The cost effective tariff options and affordable line rentals make these deals invaluable to end users. One can visit the online mobile phone shops, in which these deals are featured and choose a specific deal to enjoy all the advanced imaging options of the Nokia N93 at industry leading costs.

Nokia N93

Nokia 8800: A Mobile Phone with Distinct Looks

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Apr 302023

The Nokia 8800 Sirocco Black would appeal to consumers who love the combination of premium quality and high technology. The features include video recording and streaming, a 3D image engine, a digital music player, integrated SVGA camera. With the help of Bluetooth connectivity and EDGE technology, you can connect to the internet. The sophisticated music player plays AAC and MP3 file formats and the FM tuner does not require you to use the included wired headset.

The long list of features of the Nokia 8800 Sirocco Black include a 2 MP camera, GPRS, EDGE, 64 MB of internal memory for storage of images and music, an integrated handsfree speaker, XHTML browser and polyphonic and MP3 ringtones. The most impressive fact is that the Nokia 8800 is a sophisticated music player that can play AAC and MP3 file formats, as well as streaming video and it is one of the first mobiles to support the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Bluetooth specification. The FM tuner does not require you to use the included wired headset. Send and receive text messages with the 64MB flash memory, audio and video clips, photos to any compatible device. The WAP browser allows you to stay connected with the world.

The handset is a part of the premium series which consists of high end models having amazing functionalities and unique design and built. The 8800 Sirocco reflects a refined and elegant taste so that you can enjoy life’s wonderful gifts. From the distinctive slide mechanism which reveals its 2 megapixel camera or even its extended battery life, the Nokia 8800 Sirocco Black is perfect.

Overall, the handset is visually appealing, packed with loads of features. Find attractive contract mobile deals on Nokia 8800 provided by O2, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone that offer you up to 12 months free line rental. Choosing the right deal would give you the maximum benefit.

e-Christmas Shopping on a Rise!

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Apr 292023

According to the latest estimate, a massive 56% of the Europeans would be shopping online this Christmas. This trend is indicative of the fact that more and more people are now preferring to shop from the comforts of their home rather than crowding the High Street. The estimate, on one hand would send warning bells ringing for the traditional retailers and on the other would act as a joyous signal for the e-tailers who should be elated by the prospect of dizzying rise in sales.

According to a recent survey by TradeDoubler, a European provider of online marketing and sales solutions, Europeans plan to do almost 20% more of their shopping online this Christmas season, compared to last year. This sudden hike in online shopping is attributed predominantly to the proliferation of broadband in UK homes, as well as to the time saving factor and competitive online fees.

Compared with last year’s pre-Christmas period, internet sales have risen 50%, while High Street sales have risen just 0.9%, according to IMRG, which is a representative for e-tailers. Additionally, TradeDoubler expects a 100% increase in number of consumers doing at least half of their shopping online. As a consequence, the e-tailers are busy preparing to better manage the sudden rush this festive season.

Another factor that makes e-shopping such a preferred option is the discounts and bargains that e-tailing web sites abound in. The Cashbacks, referral bonuses and freebies also add their bit to wean away the shoppers from their traditional, time tested ways. So get set, be prepared for the best online deals possible this season and shop away from the crowds.

With e-shopping outdoing the traditional ways of High Street shopping this Christmas, e-shoppers are in for a gala time! Huge Cashbacks, freebies and discounts are all up for grabs on the internet, and so are the best deals!

Secured Loan Guide

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Apr 282023

People turn to the loan companies for numerous reasons. The need for some cash can arise at any point. This need provides a good opportunity to the loan companies. You can obtain a variety of loans depending on your needs.

The type of loan being discussed here is the secured loan. This is a loan that needs some kind of collateral as insurance to the lender, in the event that you cannot meet the repayments. The variant called the home equity Loan is secured on property and is solely for home owners and mortgage payers.

The number one advantage of a secured home loan is the interest rate, which is normally less than an unsecured loan. If you own your own home then it is probable that you will qualify for a secured loan. This type of loan has long been a very popular way of borrowing for home owners everywhere. While there are so many secured and unsecured loans on offer it can invariably be quite difficult to select the loan that is ideally suited to you and your circumstances.

Secured loans are now very popular owing to their flexibility. If you have a bad credit rating, a good use of this type of borrowing is that by consolidating your bad credit into a lower rate secured loan, you can help to repair your credit rating. This great tool called the internet is a great place to start your research into obtaining the correct secured loan for your needs.

You can also obtain a secured business loan to finance any of your business needs. One of these types of loans can be used to buy materials, purchase land, pay wages, building, or machine plant, etc. A business loan can be secured against your home as well as any commercial type of property. At the end of the day please make sure you shop around, as there are some good deals to be found.