Today’s Christmas gifts do not have to be massively expensive in order to make the recipient know how much you care. In fact, during these post-Katrina and wartime times lavish gifts seem a little more than slightly excessive. Remember also that there are people, even in this country who are going hungry during this holiday season. With these thoughts in mind, remember that those gifts that are from the heart are the gifts that mean the most.
Hand made or crafted gifts are often among the most loved and treasured of those received. Rather than spending a small fortune buying clothes for those on your list, consider knitting something for them to wear instead. Other great clothing gift ideas can be found shopping at vintage or second hand clothing stores. Not only can you find great deals on clothes in these stores but also on costume jewelry, which can be a huge hit with the teens on your shopping list. The creative shopper can also find unique and hip glassware and collectibles in these shops as well.
The many dollar stores that are cropping up around the country are also great places to discover budget friendly gifts or goodies to fill gift baskets. You can go into one of these stores with $5 or $10 and put together quite a nice gift collection if you use your imagination. The key of course is to create a theme with your goodies. You can do this on a slightly more expensive scale by shopping at Wal-mart or other discount merchants.
If you like the gift baskets you find in department stores, try putting together a gift basket of your own. It’s much less expensive if you do the labor and you can be sure that all the gifts in your basket are gifts that will be cherished by the recipient (provided he or she is someone you know very well) at a fraction of the cost. You can find baskets quite inexpensively and if you’re making several baskets you should only need to make one investment in things such as ribbon, tinsel, and other decorations, which will make subsequent baskets less expensive.
If you have a knack for baking and candy making, these make wonderful gift ideas. Many of us are so busy running to and fro during the holiday season that we sometimes aren’t able to find the time to do the baking that reminds us so much of Christmas’ past. By baking cookies or making candy as gifts, you’re sharing those reminders. Wrap them in inexpensive wax paper or cellophane or a decorated shoebox and voila! Instant gift that is sure to hit the spot.