The Lowdown on Getting Cash for a Structured Settlement

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Dec 162021

If you are currently receiving payments from a structured settlement and are not happy with the procedure in which you are getting paid, there may be a way to cash out your money and move on with your life. Often, structured settlements are designed to better suit the person writing the checks instead of the person that was really wronged to begin with. However, you do not have to keep living with this injustice; here is the lowdown on getting cash for a structured settlement.

First, it is important to understand the process of selling a structured settlement so you really know what you are getting in to. No, there are not any dire consequences of getting cash out of your settlement, but you should be aware that you are actually selling the asset. Therefore, you will be paid a lump sum amount to give the payment rights to someone else, usually a company which deals in purchasing these types of settlements on a regular basis. What is the catch, you may be asking?

While it is not really a catch, so to speak, you should be aware that you will not usually get the full face value of your structured settlement when you cash it out. Companies that buy structured settlements make money by providing a valuable service to people in need of their money now instead of waiting for months or years. However, in exchange for this service, they usually make a profit from the purchase, meaning they pay you a lower amount than the full payout will be over time. While this may sound unfair initially, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. What is not having to wait for your money worth to you? How much phantom income would you sacrifice to have a lump sum of money when you need it? After answering these questions, you may very well decide selling your structured settlement is the best option for you.

Aroma Therapy: Get Cured With A whiff

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Dec 152021

The origin of aromatherapy can be traced back to ancient Egypt. It was used in both ritualistic and medicinal practices. Even the Chinese medicinal practices are rich in cures with essential oils in acupuncture, massage, inhalations and baths. The ancient Indian medicinal system also deals a lot with the medicinal oils. Many aroma cures are practiced in homes and has become a part of common home remedies. Knowledge of aroma therapy and its scientific basis started after a French Chemist Gattefosse showed that essential oils can penetrate the skin and mingle with the extra-cellular liquids of the body which are then carried to the different organs. Other research has shown that the olfactory nerves that react to smell are directly connected to the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus controls the endocrine system which regulates growth, and other activities such as heart rate, breathing, digestion, body temperature and hunger.

Basics of aromatherapy

Aroma of oils is extracted from various herbs and plants which help to bring the mind and body into a state of equilibrium. It helps in healing various metal and physical ailments. This oil from which the aroma is taken is known as essential oils which can be used to treat many ailments like depression, stress, arthritis, back problems, muscle aches, head aches, colds, sinus problems, skin disorders, asthma, digestion problems, etc. The essentials oils are many and information on the essential oils and aromatherapy info can be obtained from the internet. These essential oils evaporate easily and are used in many air fresheners. A vapouriser, potpourri burner, heating the oil on the stove or placing a few drops in steaming water can create a distinct mental and emotion atmosphere. Pure essential oils are extremely concentrated and are volatile. Most of these oils contain vitamins and minerals, some are natural antiseptics where as others exhibit hormone like properties.

How to use these Essential Oils

Make your own perfume by adding these oils to other oils so that it does not evaporate fast. You could also add it to pure alcohol (ethyl) and use it like a perfume.
Water is used in therapy quite often and using oils in bath tub while having a bath enhances the power of the oil. Do not add any other substance (foam, soap or other oils) to the water. Just add about 9 or 10 drops of essential oils and relax. The oil is absorbed into the skin and inhalation of the vapor is added benefit. For children and babies be sure to reduce the quantity of oil.
You could also take a cotton and dab it with a little bit of oil and keep it in the room you are working in. Putting a drop or two of oil in the dust bin and in other vantage points in the room will permeate the entire room with the pleasant aroma.
In case you are to use it for colds and inflammation of the sinus. Steamers that are made especially for aromatherapy can help. These steamers are used even for other ailments. Application of the oil on the affected part is said to be beneficial in many remedies like arthritis, muscle aches etc.

Herbs for Aroma therapy

Aromatherapy stress reduction oils and some essentials herbs of aromatherapy for ailments are given below.

    Colds, coughs and related ailments of the lungs
    Nervous tension, hysteria and related mental ailments


    Regular colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma etc.
    Relaxants for Insomnia, depression and nervous tension

Cedar wood

    Treat oily skin, acne, scalp disorders


    Helps in colds, coughs, bronchitis, etc.


    A known aphrodisiac it is used to rejuvenate the nervous system, reduce rheumatic pains and improves appetite.


    Used in acidity, arthritis, anemia and cough and colds
    Reduces pain when applied on the spot of an insect bite


    Used in ailments like bronchitis, colds etc.
    Used in skin care


    Effective in arthritis, bronchitis, burns, colds, dandruff and skin care.
    Brings clarity of thought and has a placid effect on the nervous system

Author: is a site that gives complete aromatherapy info. Herbs for Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy for ailments , Aromatherapy Stress Reduction etc. Visit the site for more info.

5 Tips for Finding the Best Platinum Credit Card

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Dec 082021

Platinum credit cards have a reputation for exclusivity and prestige, but they are open to a wide range of consumers. One difference between platinum cards and regular cards is that they commonly have lower interest rates and higher annual fees. They also offer extra perks and services such as purchase insurance, rewards points, travel deals and even travel and concierge services. Here are five tips to help choose the right platinum card for you:

1. Consider your credit needs and habits. The consumers who get the most out of platinum cards are those who use their cards frequently but only spend what they can easily pay off every month. They commonly have high incomes, high spending and a lifestyle that takes advantage of the extra benefits offered by platinum cards. Questions to ask yourself include how much you spend, how quickly you pay off your balance, how much you can afford for an annual fee and which extra features you will use the most.

2. Decide which card features are most important to you. Different factors matter to different people, so take time to analyze your own priorities before taking someone else’s recommendation. Consider the options available, and decide which are essential, which are preferences and which don’t matter to you.

3. Compare several cards to find the best one. You may have a specific brand in mind already, but by looking at several options you can choose the one that gives you the most for your money!

4. Read the fine print. Platinum cards can cost a lot of money, so make sure you know what you are agreeing to before you submit the application. Reading the agreement in full can help you to understand all of the responsibilities and benefits and choose a card that really fits with your lifestyle.

5. Check several sources of information. The Federal Reserve publishes a survey of credit card terms every six months, and there are a wide range of websites where you can compare credit card offers and even apply online.

9 Steps to Building a Profitable Customer Relationship

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Dec 072021

Success in sales depends directly on your ability to make yourself likeable, and create a positive experience for your customers. The following 9 Tips are some of the best – and easiest – ways I know to help you create a more positive customer experience:

1. Love what you sell, the company you work for and the customers you serve.
If you are truly passionate about these three things, your willingness to help your customers solve their problems will shine through. Customers will believe your sincerity and be captivated by your excitement. In short – you will be fun to work with. Our studies show that customers prefer to buy from sales people who overtly show that they believe in the products they sell, and the companies they work for. Choose to be honest, open and empathetic to your customers’ needs, and you will experience consistent sales growth, build an excellent reputation and become one of the top performers in your field.

2. Be empathetic and compassionate.
Truly care about your customers, and remember that no matter how good an actor you are, faking it simply won’t work. Ask questions, take notes and lean in to show that you’re engaged in their answers. When you take an interest in people, they remember you – and when people remember you, it’s good for business.

3. Add value and give first.
Share your network of contacts with your customers, and don’t expect them to give you their business without you giving them something first. I don’t mean give away free product in the hopes they will buy more. Instead, give away things that increase your value – like a referral to a partner of yours, a solution to a business problem that you read about or heard from someone else, or even help finding a new dentist!

4. Make eye contact.
This is especially important when you walk into a room full of people. Eye contact is also essential after we get to know people, because it cements our existing relationships and lets them know that we’re still interested in their well being. Very few sales people ever look their prospects directly in the eye. By simply smiling and making eye contact, you’ll be surprised how much you will set yourself apart.

5. Express your true intent.
Tell customers upfront: “I don’t know if there’s a fit between what you need and what I have right now, but I’m hoping we can explore that in more detail during this meeting.” Or: “I only have your best interests at heart, and I promise to be honest with you throughout our conversation. In the end, I hope that we can mutually decide if there is a reason to move forward. If not, that’s fine too, and I hope you’ll feel comfortable telling me so.” This advice runs counter to 90% of the approaches I see being used in the field today. But then again, maybe that’s why only 10% of sales people are top performers. Try it yourself a few times, and you’ll be amazed at the response you get.

6. Don’t go for the big decision all at once.
In our personal lives, we don’t propose to someone on a first date (at least, not usually!). The same is true in our business relationships. So get approval from the customer to move ahead in increasing increments. The first approval might be just to agree to speak openly with each other, as outlined in Tip #5 above. The second could be an agreement on a follow-up call time or meeting date. The third might be gaining agreement on the decision making criteria or a commitment to have the “big boss” present at the demo, followed by an agreement to a “go/no go” decision date. All too often, I see sales people jumping way ahead of their prospect’s buying curve. This puts the buyer and seller out of synch. When the sales person is trying to close while the prospect is still evaluating options or determining risk, trust is broken, the prospect feels pushed and the sale comes dangerously close to disappearing.

7. Use friendly, warm words.
When you use simple language instead of formal “business speak,” people respond better and trust you more. So limit your words to three syllables max. And don’t try to impress prospects with your extensive vocabulary, or you may end up just sounding fake.

8. Use people’s names.
When it comes to using names, there are just two rules to follow: first, be aware of whether they’re more comfortable with first name only or title + last name; second, never overuse their name – this only sounds corny and false. Dale Carnegie once said, “nothing is so beautiful to a person as the sound of their own name.” Just use your discretion.

9. Ask the right questions.
Successfully building agreement with your prospects depends on your ability to ask the right questions. What are the right questions? Those that move the prospect from an intellectual position of knowing they have a problem that needs to be solved, to an emotional state of trusting you to solve that problem in a way that will satisfy them.

In short, the right questions are those that reveal true buying motivations. Mastering the right questions will ensure that you and your client build a strong relationship, wherein you can both succeed – and profit!

To help you close more deals and build lasting profitable customer relationships, try asking some of the following questions during your needs analysis:

1. Identify the intellectual problem with a lead-in question.

What makes you think…?
How do you select…?
What’s most important to you about…?
Where do you see…?
How have you employed…?
What has been your experience with…?

2. Develop an intellectual awareness about this problem.

Can you tell me more about it?
Could you be more specific?
How long have you had this concern?
What have you done to address it?
How did that work out?

3. Identify the specific business impact of this problem.

How has this problem impacted your organization?
If you had to guess, what do you think this problem is costing your department / company / business / etc?
What will happen if this problem continues?
4. Get emotional! Identify the specific personal impact of this problem.

What impact does this problem have on your job / your staff?
How important is this to you personally?
What will happen if you don’t find a solution to this problem?
Why is it so important?

Remember: your success is directly determined by the way you are perceived, and the amount of effort you put into your career. Changing any of those variables will have a huge impact on whether you succeed or fail.

After all, in good times or in bad, the type of sales person you choose to be is 100% up to you.

Dirty Little Secrets: Five Things Trade Show Attendees Don’t Want You To Know

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Dec 052021

Look at there at the show floor. Check out the attendees. They look ordinary enough — but they have secrets. Dirty little secrets that they’d never tell anyone, not even under duress.

Successful selling at trade shows depends upon two things. One is your products and personnel: How good are your products and services, and how well do your people represent them. The second has nothing to do with you at all. It has everything to do with secrets.

Not all attendees are the same, and not every buyer on the floor shares these secrets. But most do, whether they’d like to admit it or not. These secrets are strong unifying factors that influence their buying decisions. If you, as a smart and savvy trade show exhibitor, know what these secrets are and tailor your exhibit appropriately, you’ll come away with higher sales numbers every time.

If you could hear your attendee’s deepest, most secret thoughts, they might go something like this:

Secret #1: We’re impatient

Let’s be real here. The boss just shipped me to Orlando from the middle of a Buffalo blizzard. The last thing I want to do is spend the entire day putzing around looking at new attachments for our Widget making machine. If you show me what I want, at a reasonable price, I’m gonna close the deal in a hurry and go hit the beach.

What this means to you: Understanding your buyer is crucial. When you know what your target audience needs, wants, and expects, it’s easier to provide it for them. Added incentives and special savings only sweetens the pot, especially for the attendee who wants to get the business part of the business trip out of the way.

Secret #2: We’re lazy

Sure, it sounds like a great deal. But to get that price, I’ve got to go log onto the web, go to the website, enter a code, fill out a questionnaire, and then go through the purchasing process? Forget that! I’ll go over here to Vendor Z. I might pay a few dollars more, but I won’t have to jump through any hoops.

What this means to you: If you’re going to offer a show special or promotion, focus on making it user-friendly. Buyers are willing to pay more to avoid what they perceive as ‘too much’ work. Each market has a different threshold point, and this varies with how much potential savings you’re offering. Customers are willing to give more when they are getting more in return.

Secret #3: We’re Egotistical

You might not realize this, but I’m the smartest person here. And the tallest. And the best looking. I’m so gosh-darned amazing, actually, that you’ll find yourself compelled to give me awesome deals.

What this means to you: It’s important to give your buyers recognition. “Bonus Buys” — windfall items ‘spontaneously’ thrown in when a purchase is made — is a fantastic way to do this. Offer discounted prices on the floor model, for the ‘serious buyers only’. Exclusivity sells.

Don’t start the recognition at the trade show. Reach out to your clients before hand via e-mail and direct mail marketing, letting them know what special deals can be had at your booth. A little extra effort goes a long way.

Secret #4: We hate math

Ok, I don’t want to look like an idiot here. But there’s $25 off of Widget A, 15% off Widget A-1, and a $500 rebate if I buy now. Exactly how much is that? Is that a good deal? I hate percentages…

What this means for you: Remember the KISS acronym, especially when promoting discounts and sale prices at a tradeshow. You want to Keep It Super Simple! Rather than listing a complex set of discounts, focus on the total savings. Have printed price sheets where your booth staffers can highlight appropriate discounted prices and write in the total savings.

Secret #5: We liked to be pushed

I see that this price is only good for a limited time. I’ve read it on the sign. You’ve told me during the sales presentation. I know and understand that there’s a deadline.

And you know what? Chances are I’m going to forget. And when I discover that I missed out on saving hundreds of dollars, I am going to be miffed.

What this means for you: People have to experience a piece of information six times before they remember it — and that’s in normal, everyday circumstances, not the hustle and bustle of the show floor. Remind your booth staffers to mention the deadline often. Make note of it on any follow-up correspondence, and send a reminder notice to likely prospects. The reminder nudge will spur sales.

How to Benefit from Partner Relationship Management (PRM)

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Nov 232021

How is PRM different from CRM?

In this demanding economy, companies are on the never-ending quest for solutions / tools that will help them accrue / maintain their loyalty and business with their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one such application that has attracted a lot of attention from organizations worldwide.

Though containing the word “relationship”, CRM is actually not concerned with managing customer relationships. It lays emphasis on creating customer profiles by accumulating and advocating data regarding customer’s buying habits and personal preferences. These profiles are then used by businesses to directly target their niche market.

Talking about relationships, Partner Relationship Management (PRM) is an affair about understanding and satisfying the needs of your business partners with dexterity. As compared to gathering sales data, PRM is a much more complex application as it involves building and maintaining trust between you and your business channel partners. Many discussions on PRM, in correlation with CRM, have argued over personifying PRM either as seperate entity or merely an element of CRM.

CRM was fundamentally structured to manage direct sales engagements between a seller and a buyer. This function concentrates on gathering and sharing data throughout customer/s buying cycle. On the other hand, PRM has been designed to manage a complex system revolving around aligning business processes across the entire chain of vendors to partner and to customers. PRM technology enables companies to generate more work efficiency and profitability with all partner types, including channel, distribution, reseller, strategic alliance, system integration and consulting partners.

Since, every partner organization has a unique way of executing business, it is difficult to manifest a perfect process alignment between partners and vendors. This discrepancy makes it practically impossible to report and measure channel results accurately. CRM systems were not designed to accommodate this level of complexity. To effectively manage indirect business relationships, companies require a dedicated PRM system to co-ordinate activity between all the participants in the process loop.

Making PRM Work for You

Partners provide a cost-effective way to expand your enterprise by providing you with broader geo-market reach. When leveraged properly, they help you to accelerate revenue growth, streamline operations and improve efficiency.

Partner relationship management (PRM) is a business strategy for improving communication between companies and their channel partners. At a time when businesses need to maximize every resource available to them, building strong partner relationships and effective channel strategies has become a critical practice. Working with PRM dynamics, you must also focus on: –

1.Communicating with your partner, using your self-disclosure skills to articulate your needs.

2.Identifying and then sharing your personal most trusted strategies with your partner.

3.Evolving mutually beneficial agreements while working through a conflicting situation.

With businesses becoming global and interdependent in nature, PRM has a more vital role to play. This worldwide interdependence is only based on trust factor. The call-center industry sets a major example on this front. American businesses, having formed alliances with partners in India, Africa, and other distant regions, hire thousands of call-center executives to meet American and worldwide consumer demands. Such alliances require a high degree of partnership intelligence. Without establishing and managing such trusting and mutually beneficial alliances, the level of investments made by the call center and other industries will only face a doom.

Advantages of Partner Relationship Management

Businesses and organizations can immensely benefit from Partner Relationship Management (PRM) programs as follows: –

+ Extend your enterprise reach and increase revenues through a well-managed partner network.

+ Optimize partner program profitability through better understanding of partner’s value and performance.

+ Streamline operations and reduce costs by automating manual processes and integrating partner operations throughout the enterprise.

+ Develop a mutually trusting and beneficial partnerships

+ Challenge you to change and focus on the future so you do not continually dwell on past glories and stay stagnant.

+ Helps you focus resources on critical activities throughout the customer sales cycle and product lifecycle to maximize revenue rates and margins.

+ Help companies deliver services that maximize product availability and customer productivity and minimize cost, time and energy.

+ Links your future with that of your partner in a positive and exciting way.

+ Efficiently manage your association with important customers, suppliers, outsourcing partners and partner alliances.

Web-based PRM software applications enable companies to customize and streamline administrative tasks by making real-time information available to all the partners over the Internet. Several CRM providers have incorporated PRM features in their software applications in the shape of web-enabled spreadsheets shared over extranet.’s comprehensive on-demand PRM:

As one of the leading companies offering on-demand CRM application, provides capable solutions for managing your indirect sales channels. The PRM system, integrated with Sales Force Automation, helps to deliver unmatched visibility to your company’s sales pipeline for direct and indirect channels.

Sales Force PRM makes it easy for partners to access leads, collaborate on deals and locate all the lucrative information. Through a set of easy-to-use services, Sales Force PRM offers: –

1.Higher level of Partner Adoption.

2.Complete Channel Visibility via real-time access to channel sales.

3.Leading Partner Lifecycle Management, including recruitment, marketing, selling and measurement.

4.Integrated SFA application for planning and forecasting.

5.100% on-demand partner solutions resulting in fast deployment and customized partner experience.

Where else will you find such a powerful combination under one-roof? If you need more reasons to get Sales Force PRM solution, download Sales Force PRM Datasheet – Free. Contact Today!

Details of a Home Based Internet Marketing Business

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Nov 202021

Are you a marketing professional looking to move away from your current job? Do you love the marketing industry, but are tired of office politics? Do you wish that there was a way to take all of your skills and incorporate them into a home based business? If this sounds like you, you are in luck. There are many people in your shoes that have turned their love of marketing into a very successful home based business. Without a little bit of skill and determination, you may be able to take your years of experience and parlay them into a great work from home marketing job.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone; but if you have a love for marketing, and the desire to run your own company, this opportunity may be for you.

Obviously, if you want to start your own home based internet marketing business it would help if you have some background experience in the industry to fall back on. This is always helpful because it will cut back on your start up time, and will also allow you to offer a higher level of service to potential clients. Being able to tell clients that you have 15 years of marketing experience will go a long way in securing you a lot of work.

The great thing about starting an internet marketing business is that you should have no problem getting your name in front of potential customers; after all, you are an internet marketing specialist! You will want need to set up a webpage where you outline what your company does, as well as your past experience. By doing this clients will be able to visit you on the web, and make a quick decision on your abilities.

The first thing you will need to start your home business is a home office. This is not as difficult as one would think.

Every home office needs are different but there are some fundamental staples that all require. You will want to have a clean, noise free environment that has good lighting and is free from distractions. This will help keep you more focused and productive. You will need a desk and chair. The size of your desk will depend on what its function is. You will want a place to store all your information about your customers such as a computer and/or a filing cabinet. You will also want a phone, fax/scanner/copier, Internet connection, and any other communication tools you might need at hand. Since most
home-based businesses focus on services or affiliate products there will be no need for storage. If you are planning to sell your own products and ship them yourself then make sure you have room to store them all. If you plan on doing meeting outside of your home there will be no need for a conference room either. If you are going to be seeing clients in your home
and don’t have a conference room then be sure to keep your place clean and neat at all times. First impressions say a lot.

If don’t have any equipment at all then you are probably wondering at what this will cost you. Well it is much lower than it used to be. Computers, printers, and software are a lot more inexpensive these days. You can also find great plans for telephone and Internet service today that are very reasonable. These services will allow you to make long distance phone
calls for free. If you shop around wisely you can find some really good deals on computers and office supplies and furniture.

+ Computer: you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1000 for a computer that has all the latest features. You will want to make sure that it has at least a Pentium 4 processor speed and 60 GB hard drive. You will also want a 17″ monitor to make your life easier especially if you need to be on the computer often. Make sire that you have 256 MB of memory at
least and a CD-ROM read and write drive. This is pretty standard for most computers today, but you will always want to double check.

+ Multifunctional Machine: you will want to invest in a fax, printer, copier, and scanning machine. Many places sell them for great prices. You are looking at about $100 an up. Make sure that if you do a lot of printing you check out the price of the ink cartridge refills. If they are very expensive you might want to consider paying a bit more for the machine itself to be able to get the more inexpensive refills.

+Office Furniture: This can vary tremendously. If you want nice but affordable try office supply stores. They have the packages that are relatively inexpensive and easy to assemble. Get a good chair though. Never skimp on something you will be sitting for hours.

Many people are not sure of what the internet marketing industry consists of. When you are running an internet marketing business, you are going to be showing your customers how to increase web traffic, etc. This is hard for some people because they are used to more traditional means of marketing such as direct mail, etc. Even though you can offer these services, your main goal will be to convey yourself as an internet marketing specialist.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone. Most of the time, the people that are most successful in this field have some sort of past experience. But if you don’t have experience, and you are still
interested, you can still give it a go. There is nothing wrong with researching the industry, and trying to learn as much as possible as you go along.

Home internet marketing businesses have become very popular. If you are looking for a way to become more independent, you may want to consider this option.