Credit cards for students – are they a help or a hindrance?

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Nov 152021

Debt and credit cards have become an inevitable part of a

modern UK student’s life. With graduate debt running at an

average of over £13,000, it is easy to see the appeal of

gaining the ability to spread the day to day living costs,

putting them off until that high paid post college job


Visit most University Freshers Fairs and it will be easy

to find several different banks offering student financial

services, alongside Virgin and Barclaycard student credit

cards,all with low introductory rates, shopping discounts,

free CDs, or other new gift idea.Despite having a low irregular

income and no credit history, students represent an ideal

target for the banks. The reasons that students are desirable

as new customers is that over their working lifetime graduates

earn on average of £400,000 more than non-graduates UK,

combined with the fact that once they have accounts in place,

people are generally reluctant to switch to other providers,

and so by attracting students early in their financial life,

they are liable to remain with the same credit card provider

for life. Obtaining a student credit card can also be of great

benefit to students, not only by assisting with the daily

budgeting, but also by initiating the creation of a credit

history that can be used to support future loan and mortgage

applications. There are drawbacks however, and it is however

important to be remember not to abuse these newly obtained

credit facilities, as any credit obtained will always need to

be repaid and building up a poor credit history can prove

damaging to future finance applications.

It should be noted that students are not restricted to just

choosing a student credit card, however as some standard

credit cards do not require the applicant to maintain a minimum

regular income, however there is generally little or no difference

between the cards themselves, and the various free extras combined

with the ease of obtaining a student credit card rather than a

standard one, frequently make student targeted cards a better


With online fraud protection, travel assistance, online account

management, 24 hour helplines and free text alerts set up to

notify when payment dates are due, the beneficial reasons for

students to obtain a card are numerous, and as long as care is

taken to not over use the facilities and repayments are met,

then a credit card can provide a useful flexibility for their

personal finances.

An important point to remember whenever taking out any form of

finance is to take the time to compare as many of the currently

available deals that are available. With a little care and a simple

check on the suitability and interest rates which will be payable,

using free credit card comparison services like Moneynet can help

to minimise the potential repayment costs involved in the future

as well as maximizing the various benefits.


All information contained in this article, is for general

information purposes only and should not be construed as

advice under the Financial Services Act 1986.

You are strongly advised to take appropriate professional

and legal advice before entering into any binding contracts.

Article written by Michael Hanna.

Seniors! Are Financial Advisors Hazardous To Your Wealth?

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Nov 082021

We read a lot today about seniors being taken advantage of by all sorts of scam artist and con-men. It is truly disturbing and a trend that law enforcement continually deals with.

Unfortunately, it has also been found in the financial community where brokers, agents, financial advisors and financial planners have also dealt in a dishonest or crooked way. It should not be tolerated by the financial community and breach of trust of the client or questionable integrity of any rep should be dealt with in a serious manner that would keep the reputation of the rest of the financial community in tact.

The first line of defense should be proper education of the senior community. If seniors are educated about some basic ideas and have the right questions for the financial advisors, the problems will be minimized. I would like to share some ideas that could better prepare seniors in rooting out the reps that should be leaving the business anyway.

Before I get to the strategies I would like to make a disclaimer. I do not believe that all financial advisors are bad. As a matter of fact, most of them are honest hard working people that are trying to build the same qualities that most of us want in our lives. Too many people want to throw out the baby with the bath water. Unless you want to become really educated in investments, tax law, asset allocation, economic theory and more really excited stuff like that, you should work with a trusted financial advisor. The real question boils down is how do you know if you have a good rep or not?

Before we continue I have a news flash. Everybody sells. A salesman by any other name is still a salesman. Everybody sells and is compensated based on how well he sells. If he gets an ongoing fee or a commission it doesn’t really matter. He is going to get paid! Otherwise there is no reason for him to be in business.

There are many “financial advisors” that explain they are different. They are not salesmen they are advisor. One local radio show host (a show he pays for by the way) has a saying, “Money looks better in your pocket than it does anywhere else.” Does he feel that way when it comes to his fees? Or is it only when another professional is trying to make a living? Rather than get into the Advisor – Salesman tug a war, let’s find out how to know if you have the right financial professional to work with.

A more important question than “How is he paid” is “Is this the person that I should hire?” If a financial profession does his job well, he should be paid well. And if not, why hire him? You want the best that there is working for you! And the best that there is, is never cheap!

To me it boils down to two main questions. Is this person’s integrity above question? And secondly, does he know what he is doing?

You must be fully and completely comfortable that this person has unquestionable integrity and is totally honest. You must know that if there is ever a question to your best interest or a higher payday for them that they will take your best interest 100% of the time. You must have a high level of trust for someone that you are going ask advice about your money.

If you have doubts about this persons integrity DO NOT give him your hard earned money. Listen to your gut. Do not minimize that little inkling or a funny feeling. DO NOT give your hard earned money unless you are completely comfortable that this person is completely honest in his business dealings. Far added measure, ask for references.

Now the problem is just because someone is completely honest and has a high degree of integrity does not mean that they know what they are doing. That leads us to our second question. Is this the person I should be doing business with?

It is much harder to ascertain competence than integrity. Start off by asking the financial professional why you should hire them. Ask them to explain their financial strategy. Ask them to explain how they come to their decisions. Ask them what their specialty is and why. Make sure their philosophy fits with your own. If they are speaking industry jargon and you don’t understand what they are talking about, ask for clarification. Understand how they work before you hire them. That doesn’t mean you should baby-sit their every decision or suggestion. Rather, before hiring them you should make sure that you are on the same page.

If their discussions are all about product and not about strategy, you can probably find someone better. If they cannot clearly articulate what they do different from everyone else, they are probably not focused enough. If they can’t explain how they look at money and how to allocate it they are micro thinkers not macro thinkers. Micro thinking, meaning thinking about a small part of the financial picture vs. Macro thinking, meaning how all the assets work in symphony is a tremendous distinction. You want someone that thinks MACRO. The discussion should include your assets and liabilities, your insurances and you future plans. They all need to fit together to create a synergy that will make them work better and harder.

It’s also important to find out if they have a specialty and if they use other professionals in their practice. If they do it’s a good sign, it means they have other specialist that they work with for the betterment of the client.

Make sure you discuss you relationship with them. How often will you hear from them? How often will you meet? What do you expect from them? What do they expect from you?

If this is done correctly you could have a long term smooth sailing relationship. If not, you could have a rocky or costly short term relationship.

There is an old saying good fences make for good neighbors. Really that’s about managing your expectations. Finding the right professional and managing those expectations can be the most rewarding thing that you will ever do.

Cope up with Financial Urgency with Personal Payday Loan

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Oct 162021

Personal payday loan provides financial assistance to an individual when his bank balance and savings are inadequate to meet the immediate expenses. They are basically a product of short term unsecured market fund.

Personal payday loans are designed in such a manner so that it can give financial support to an individual. And they get mature till his next payday. Generally, the term of payday loans varies from 15 days to 20 days but sometimes the lender can extend the term to the subsequent payday at the request of the borrower.

As said personal payday loan is the product of unsecured market fund, so there is no need to keep any collateral with the lender. Usually, the people not willing to place collateral or who are not in position to place collateral gets attracted towards personal payday loan.

Besides collateral, there are certain other factors which make an individual eligible for personal payday loan. They are:

•Regular employment
•Running bank account
•Identity proof
•Residence proof
•Post dated cheques

In Personal payday loans the lender doesn’t ask for collateral but in return of taking such high risk they charge high rate of interest. This is the also reason that why personal payday loans are known as expensive. As personal payday loan is expensive mode to satisfy financial needs so, it is suggested that it should be availed when the need is urgent.
Here, urgent implies that when there is no other option of finance is left.

Before availing personal payday loan the person must keep his eye open and consider all the clauses and terms of the loan deal. The person should ask the lender for loan quotes which will enable him to compare various offers of personal payday loan deals. Ensure that the loan deal doesn’t carry hidden cost because it increases the cost of the loan. The person should always try to avail the loan deal with low annual percentage rate which ease the repayments of loan.

Last but not least, take into account whether its repayments suits your pocket or not. Then only go for personal payday loan.

Personal payday loans are available to any person that is whether with good credit score or bad credit score. But, it is also sure that the person with good credit score will definitely be offered with competitive rate of interest as compared to the person with poor credit score.

Just to wrap up, personal payday loans are the source of fund in emergency need of finance when savings and bank account of person doesn’t support him.

Shed All Your Financial Worries with Instant Loan Approval

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Sep 292021

Instant loan approval, as the name itself suggests the loan with fast approval. As life being unpredictable, a smooth running life within the available financial boundaries is interrupted with certain undesirable situations which demand a sudden need of funds. Usually, the person gets puzzled that where to look for the source as the various loans in the financial market takes very long processing time. But, if only time matters then instant loan approvals are the best way to procure funds.

Instant loan approvals are known by different by different names, such as:

•Payday loans
•Cash advance loans
•No fax payday loans etc.

Instant loan are specifically designed to meet the financial emergencies. It can be used to pay emergency expenses such as car expenses, hospital bills, school fees, rent and many more as per the requirements.

Instant loan approvals are the unsecured loan in which there is no need to keep any collateral as security. This can be also considered as an opportunity for all tenants, non homeowners or the homeowners not willing to place collateral to meet their immediate expenses.

While applying for instant loan the person is required to fill an application form. The lender considers an application and if he finds it eligible for loan he approves the loan amount. And, the money is generally transferred within 24 hours. Applying through online also fasten up the process of approval. It is also seen that lender also gives priority to an online application as it involves low cost.

Now let’s come to the core of any loan that is, its interest rate and its repayment period.
Instant loan involves no collateral which increases the risk of the lender providing instant loan regarding its non payment. So in order to balance the risk the lender charges high rate of interest. Another point is, its repayment period, which totally depends on the terms of loan and amount being borrowed.

The person can still find a competitive instant loan deal through research. Research will help the person in locating the lender and then asking for loan quotes which are usually provided by lender at free of cost. The loan quotes also enable the person to compare the loan deals on the basis of the cost and the terms involved in them.

Instant loan doesn’t takes into account the credit score of person rather the lender only asks for certain proofs and post dated cheques which acts as security to the lender.

Can the Power of Now Be Combined With the Power of Intention?

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Sep 252021

For thousands of years the oriental spiritual masters have taught us to live in the now, accepting and being grateful for whatever comes into our lives because everything is for our own best (when seen in perspective maybe spanning several lives). They have told us to neglect the ego and to perceive ourselves as spiritual beings connected with the universal self. They have claimed that living in this “enlightened” state of consciousness we would be permanently happy and blissful and during centuries it has proved to be right for a number of people who have achieved this spiritual level.

In the western world people have had another philosophy. For many centuries they had the idea that (to a great extent) earthly life was generally a pain and that they had to suffer in this life to be rewarded a life in eternal bliss in paradise (if they behaved good according to certain laws of morality) or to suffer in eternal pain in hell (if they behaved bad according to these moral laws). On the other hand this earthly life was very different from people to people, from class to class. During the last centuries, however, there has been a growing tendency to think that a person to a great extent can create his own future (either by hard work and talent or by visualizing and dreaming – or maybe by a combination of both).

Especially in the 20th Century the idea that the mind is a big creative power was becoming more and more accepted. The Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique is now generally used in the self-help and coaching environment. It is also widely accepted in sports as well as in business.

To me it seems that the oriental and the western world are showing two contrasting paths to happiness: A spiritual path setting aside the ego and trusting the universal spiritual power or (as I understand NLP) a practical path using the ego (at least as a creative partner) to establish and reaching dreams and goals for the future.

Therefore I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out which method is the best (if any), or if it is possible to combine the two. Being born and educated in Denmark (which is probably quite similar to the rest of the western world) it is difficult for me to imagine my life without having any dreams or goals. I do recognize that it is possible (at least for some people) to achieve “enlightenment” but I am not sure that I am ready yet.

Of course there are certain risks in the western way:

1. If you do not fulfill your dreams or reach your goals you may be unhappy!
2. When you have reached one goal maybe you are only happy for a short time because you are busy trying to reach the next one.
3. We all encounter other types of personal problems that has nothing to do with fulfilling dreams and reaching goals (like a loss of family members or friends). Can we handle those with NLP?

It seems that the oriental way deals with the above risks which indicates that the “enlightened” state is a desired state to achieve. But are we able (or even willing) to give up our total thought system? If not: Is it possible, then, to combine the oriental and the western method in a balanced way? Can we keep our dreams and goals but still enjoy the moments and be grateful and happy for the goals we already achieved?

SaleHoo – Secure and Tested Methods of Payment

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Sep 192021

Are you a business owner and looking for a source that would offer you an opportunity to deal with the best distributors & wholesalers of the product you deal in? Would you like these wholesalers and distributors to offer you the products you desire, at affordable prices?

If you have answered in a ‘yes’, you just require contacting SaleHoo. We feel extreme pride in endorsing that we have carefully designed a comprehensive wholesale directly, especially for you. We also guarantee your satisfaction and appreciation via this cutting-edge directory.

As a customer you would be expecting certain things from us and we respect your feelings.

SaleHoo is ardently dedicated to get you acquainted with the best, legitimate and authentic wholesalers and distributors that would sell you only original, best quality and brand new products at affordable prices.

Believe it or not, we genuinely offer our customers, an opportunity to emulate their competitors with style and full confidence of emerging out as winners.

You must have many a times faced security problems when dealing directly with Chinese suppliers.

The basic reason is that one needs to make payments via Western Union and Wire Transfer in such deals. These methods do not have any security encryption system for their customers.

With SaleHoo, you don’t have to worry about the privacy and security of your payment deals. We have taken special care as far as security concerned with payment methods.

Most of the suppliers, we deal in; use secure and tested methods of payment such as pay pal and credit cards. These methods reduce the risks associated with payments online. Visit SaleHoo and you would know the reason why most entrepreneurs have trusted us for years.

Avail the best opportunity to be in contact with the best wholesalers and distributors, buy products at best prices and order as less as one unit.

SaleHoo is always at your disposal to satisfy your specific business requirements.

Save time!!! Go online!!! Bad Credit Personal Loans Online

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Sep 182021

Earlier when internet was an alien word for many borrowers, it takes lot of time and energy of them while looking for loan lenders. It is not possible for them to visit each and every lender personally. The outcome of this is that they go for whatever loan deal comes in their way without thinking about better alternative deals. But with the emergence of internet in the loan market, this time consuming process is now just a matter of few clicks. Bad credit personal loans online is one such form of loans which are available on internet.

Being a borrower with bad credit you might face problems while looking for finances in form of debts. Bad credit personal loans online can be the key to open the doors of finances for you. Bad credit personal loans online offers both secured and unsecured form of financing. You can choose between any of them according to your circumstances through the internet.

Bad credit personal loans online can be used for fulfilling any of your desires or requirements. Some of these requirements can be buying properties and assets for commercial and non-commercial reasons, traveling around the beautiful places of the world while enjoying with your family, expenditure on wedding of your children, health and education expenses.

Bad credit personal loans online can also help the borrowers in recovering from their bad credit simultaneously clearing off all the existing debt through consolidation of debts. This ensures that instead of paying so many debts at variable interest rates, you have to make single monthly repayments. This saves your money and you will be able to manage your finances in a much better way. This also enhances your credit score.

Characteristics of bad credit personal loans online:

• Easy and convenient way of raising capital.

• Available to people with a bad credit history or poor credit score

• Low interest rates as compared to other form of financing

• No upfront costs involved

• Free online quotes available

• Free comparison tools

• Debts and repayment calculators along with budget planners and repayment tables to provide a better understanding to the borrowers.

• Online application form

• Safety of the personal details provided by the borrower through data protection act 1998

• Faster application process

Applying for bad credit personal loans online

To apply for a Bad credit personal loans online you need to fill a simple application with required details. These details are: Name of the borrower, address and contact information, residential status and employment details, loan amount required and an idea of your credit score. If you are facing any difficulty while filling the form, always feel free to contact the lender you may be dealing with. After getting your application lender himself will contact you with further proceedings regarding bad credit personal loans online.