Secured Loans- Money at reasonable rates

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Apr 102022

Secured loans are availed by placing your home as security. The rate of interest is generally lower as compared to the unsecured counterpart and hefty amounts can be procured for a long period.

Are you a home owner and need money at reasonable rates? Secured loans can provide you with lucrative deals. Secured loans are backed by assets belonging to the borrower in order to decrease the risk assumed by the lender. Thus, your home will act as a security in order to help you procure money. Hefty amounts for a long period of time can be availed as secured loans. The asset i.e. home put as collateral can be forfeited by the lender in case the borrower fails to repay the loan.

There is no restriction on the way a secured loan can be used. Secured loans are multi-purpose and therefore can be utilised for any purpose like the ones cited below
Home improvements
Debt Consolidation
Asset purchase
Educational expenses
Business purpose
Medical Expenditure

Secured loans are available at competitive rates in the market. Thus, secured loans are beneficial for the lender as well as the borrower. Secured loans can be classified into the following types in accordance to the uses and nature of the loan.

1.Secured personal loans- Loans that are used for personal uses like marriages, family holidays, educational expenses and others are called secured loans.
2.Bad credit personal loans- People running with bad credit (including arrears, defaulters, CCJs and bankrupts) can also avail a secured personal loans if they own a home. However, the APR in such cases is usually higher.
3.Secured debt consolidation loan- Loans that are procured by the borrower for consolidating or paying off all the running debts are called secured debt consolidation loans.

Note: In all these cases the borrower needs to be a home owner to keep put his home as collateral.

The amount that can be borrowed as secured loan, the loan tenure (repayment period) and the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) depend on the value of the home (equity), credit history of the borrower and the credit policies of the lender. The risk involved in Secured loans is generally higher since your most treasured possession; your home is at stake. So, before going in for any deal, make sure you’ll be able to repay the loan on timely intervals. Compare and analyse the various market lenders, critical details like arrangement fees, early repayment charges, flexibility of repayment and most importantly the APR.

Top Ten Tips for Lazy Dieters

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Apr 032022

There are people everywhere (you may be one of them) who know that they need to and want to lose weight. But have the ‘yeah, I’ll probably start tomorrow’ syndrome. On top of that, let’s face it; many people are simply too lazy to change their lifestyles, so here are ten free diet tips to kick-start your diet. This free diet guide would show you the right direction.

Tip no. 1: Set SMART goals. Goals give dieters something to aim for and are a good source of inspiration. Fitness experts worldwide would agree that all goals you set should adhere to the following acronym:

S (simple): All goals should be easy to remember. Saying ‘I want to lose 20lbs of fat, gain 10lbs of muscle, speed up my metabolism and lower my cholesterol in 6 weeks unless I get promoted in which case I want to lose 10lbs of body weight in 8 weeks’ may well be ambitious and time-considerate, but you are hardly going to remember it in 6 weeks when you need to figure out how much you have lost.

M (Measurable): Your goals should almost always contain a number. Whether it is to drop 10kg or to fit into those 34 inch jeans, having numbers involved means that you can check your own progress.

A (Achievable): Many people often ask me: ‘Is it possible to lose all this weight in 3 weeks’ or ‘I want to lose 50 kilos! Can I do it before Christmas?’ The answer to the latter question is usually a resounding ‘no’, and I often suggest that these people might want to set themselves a target that can actually be hit. Above all, it prevents disappointment and makes them less likely to fall off the rails halfway through a dieting program.

R (Realistic): Your goals should reflect your lifestyle. It is a good idea to diet when you are likely to have little stress from outside influences (such as work) and you have plenty of time for the exercise you enjoy.

T (Time-considerate): Which of the following sounds like a more positive statement: ‘I am going to lose 20lbs’, or ‘I am going to lose 20lbs in 10 weeks’? If you never put a limit on when you need to lose the weight by, you are never going to push yourself to shed those pounds.

Tip no. 2: Write Down Everything You Eat. Many people are overweight because they are ‘heavy snackers’ and eat far too much than they realise. The simplest way to beat this is by writing down everything you eat. That way, when you eat something that you did not ‘mean’ to eat, you will know about it.

Tip no. 3: Use Smaller Plates. As silly as this may sound, a smaller plate will look fuller than a bigger plate with the same amount on it, so your mind will tell the rest of your body that it is getting more food. Besides, you can only fit so much on a small plate!

Tip no. 4: Proteins. Low fat protein rich food, such as egg whites and chicken breast, are fantastic for dieters that want larger portions, as they contain amino acids that build muscle fibres. Aim for 60g per day (I favour tofu or soya bean; it’s cheap, easy to fry -with fat-free Pam spray- and contains beaucoup protein).

Tip no. 5: Low Carbs, Not NO Carbs! Atkins enthusiasts rave about the benefits of carb-starving and that fats are not really that bad, but the simple fact is that your body needs carbs as a basic energy, so after starving yourself of them only to eat them again, your body stores that energy as, you guessed it; fat! Aim for around 240-260g of carbohydrates per day (look at potatoes, pasta, rice and wholemeal bread).

Tip no. 6: Buy a Bag of Nutrasweet. Any sweetener can be used as a sugar substitute and I believe they taste fairly similar. Plus, a tablespoonful contains about 0.1 calories, compared to the 18 that you will often find in sugar.

Tip no. 7: Lift Weights. Lifting light weights can burn calories and tone up every muscle in your body. It is a common misconception that lifting weights will always build big muscles, which is something that many women are keen to avoid. However, this is only true if your body is of the correct somatotype (body shape) and if you really are overweight then believe me, it’s not.

Tip no. 8: Drink Green Tea. The benefits of green tea have long been discussed, the main one being that it contains the right chemicals to speed up your basal metabolism (which in turn burns fat faster). Two cups per day (without sugar!) is enough, while the only known side effects are that the caffeine in it can cause minor sleep deprivation, so drink it in the morning.

Tip no. 9: Get Busy! As I mentioned earlier, many overweight people are ‘heavy snackers’ and these are usually people with two much time on their hands (that are often bored). The best way to combat this is to, quite simply, do something! Getting a new hobby, and therefore spending less time near the TV, are ways to keep you away from the fridge.

Tip no 10: Stop Talking About it! Diet must be one of the most discussed topics in modern society, yet, the people who talk about it are often the ones who want to lose weight. Then, how to prevent obesity? The real secret is to get on with it. As of tomorrow, you are officially dieting, so scribble down five small meals and brew yourself a cup of green tea! is a website that deals with various topics like junk food, obesity, weight reduction and diet tips and many more. This article has been written by Tom Eveleigh. He is a Physiology student and a health and fitness enthusiast.

Shopping Online: Online Discounts for Designer Clothes, Shoes and Jewellery

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Apr 012022

Whether you’re looking for a spectacular gift or the perfect accessory for your favourite black dress, you’ll find exactly what you want when you shop online – and you’ll find it for less. Online discount shopping has come of age. Buyers across the UK have learned to take advantage of the convenience and savings of shopping for designer clothes, jewellery, watches and women’s shoes online.

Nearly anything you can find at the shops, you can find online – and at a discount. It used to be a bit harder to find just the right thing – the online sales were mostly through obscure little web sites that offered big discounts on last year’s designer clothes lines and women’s shoes, but that’s no longer the case. Online discount shopping is not only more popular than ever, it’s now chic to buy your name brand and designer clothes through the internet.

Even the High Street retailers have become wise to the discounting possibilities of online shopping. Many of them, like Tesco, offer special internet only discount deals on some of their most popular items. The strategy has paid off for Tesco, which sold to over one million online customers in November and December of 2005, and John Lewis, which posted over £100 million in online and catalogue sales last year.

Many people may be hesitant to buy clothing and jewellery online – especially at cheap, discount prices. The fear of being cheated or buying fake or inferior merchandise isn’t an idle one when you’re shopping without actually seeing what you’re buying. There are some common sense precautions that you can take to be sure that you’re getting what you’re paying (at a discount) for.

1. Shop at trusted sites. That doesn’t mean that you’re confined to shopping just the big name catalogue stores, though. There are some wonderful internet shopping directories that let you search and compare prices of designer clothes, electronics equipment, jewellery and women’s shoes. However, there are some really great comparison sites that only list legitimate shopping sites where you won’t be cheated.

2. Shop using a credit card. When you make a purchase via a credit card rather than paying with a cheque, you have the option of disputing your charges if the item is not delivered, or proves to be less than hoped for.

3. If you have the option when shopping for designer clothes online, try on the item at a local shop first to be sure you get the right size. If that’s not possibly, most internet shopping sites have a sizing page so that you can check measurements and be certain that your purchases will fit.

4. Be sure to check the return policy of the web site you’re shopping just in case. You may have to return the item at your own expense, though some online shops make it easy on you.

5. If you’re shopping for women’s shoes, take the time to have your feet properly sized before ordering. It’s better to try on shoes in a similar style first to be sure that they’ll be a comfortable fit.

6. Do beware when buying expensive watches and jewellery online. Check the contact info of the web site from which you’re making the purchase if it’s not a business that you’ve used before, and do a quick internet search of the company name to turn up any complaints against them.

You can get incredible bargains on women’s apparel, including hard to find designer clothes and shoes by shopping online. Make the internet your first stop when shopping, and be sure that you’re getting the best possible price from a trusted source.

Sharpening The Saw – How To Keep Improving Your Commercial Real

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Mar 262022

It is absolutely pertinent for every person involved in commercial real estate to be constantly improving their education!

A real estate insider is only as good as his or her information, and this information must be up to date, accurate and relevant to the business of interest. The business of interest could be a certain type of property, such as apartments or raw land, a certain area, such as a specific city or state, or even specific types of deals, such as distressed properties that are offered well below market rate. Whatever the area of interest, the real estate insider must understand his or her market better than anyone else, and constantly keep up with the dynamics of commercial real estate.

In addition to understanding the market defined by his or her area of interest, national and local trends should constantly be monitored, such as mortgage rates, real estate laws, weather anomalies such as hurricanes, and other such influences that affect real estate that are found in the macro environment.

In order to remain sharp and in the know in commercial real estate, there are many things that you can do to continue your commercial real estate education. We must admit that your education does not stop at any point in time with commercial real estate.

The commercial real estate insider must always be growing, learning, finding new tid-bits of information, expanding and improving his or her real estate activities, and fine tuning his or her business model. Success will be found on the largest of scales when this strategy is adopted into a sound business model.

To not continue your education is sure death in this industry! There will be someone right under you to take your place and your opportunities if you choose not to always go the extra mile and be as informed as possible!

Let’s look at the many ways you can continue to educate yourself so that your commercial real estate endeavors are maximized to the fullest!

Reading is probably one of the key ways to improve your education. Trade journals, newspapers, magazines and books are great sources of information. By reading, you can identify trends, be cautious of future changes, learn from others’ strategies and business models, as well as strengthen your basis for ideas in order to strengthen your own commercial real estate business. You never know how another person’s idea or experience can spark a great idea for your own business out of nowhere! You may adopt some strategies and tools for yourself that you didn’t even know existed, or perhaps modify them to better fit your business model.

Make a morning of it, and spend some time reading your monthly magazine subscriptions and trade journals! Choose a real estate book every week or so, and dedicate yourself to reading a little every day. Not only will it increase your education, but it can be fun as well.

Another great way to increase your education is to attend meetings where there are speakers and discussions on anything that influences your area of interest. This may include real estate seminars, zoning and planning meetings at your local Chamber of Commerce, classes regarding finance and contract writing, or other areas where you may find your knowledge and capabilities weak. Attend investor meetings in your city.

There will be a wealth of information found here that you will not find published in any book or magazine. Experience and insider tips can be found nestled in these seminars and meetings that can give you a whole new advantage on opportunities!

Refer to online sources as well, such as newsletters and blogs, where you can find more insider tips and teachings. Do be aware, however, that not all information is valid, so you may be learning things on what not to do, which can be just as valuable as learning what to do.

On more of a personal note, in order to keep up with the dynamic ways of commercial real estate, it is important to treat your body well by keeping a physical and active lifestyle, to support such a fun and rigorous profession.

Another element of sharpening the saw is to visualize your goals, and where it is you ultimately want to be, so all your education is leading you down the correct path that will get you the most out of life!

Share the wealth by teaching others your special knowledge, and give them an opportunity that you were given to be involved in such a great business.

All these things mentioned can greatly increase your success as a real estate insider, as well as transform your life into that which you have always dreamed. Implement just a few of these ideas, and you will yield positive results exponentially through your increased knowledge and abilities. Always be ahead of the game, and the game will reward you handsomely!

Take Instant Auto Loan Online And Get The Best Offers

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Mar 212022

The world is quickly changing around us. The new technology is the one responsible for that and nothing has escaped the grasp of it. Everyone to compete in the current world needs to have all the tools required to be a success.

The one thing in which the technology has made its mark more than in any other sector is the automobile sector. The reason for that is simple, as the autos in the case of many people started as the luxuries are fast turning into their needs. With the increase in competition to keep pace with all the competitors there are a few things that are just indispensable and autos are one of them.

But the fact remains that not everyone can buy autos from their own pockets and therefore the person may harm his chances of succeeding in his endeavors. Just to keep check on this kind of thing the lenders have the instant auto loan online. This means that a person of whichever credit background can apply for the auto loans. Although, the terms offered will vary from person to person keeping in mind the different requirements and credit circumstances that each individual brings with him. The process of applying for the instant online car loan begins like with any other loan. The first step is that the customer evaluates his needs and after weighing up his options applying to a lender.

In the case of the Instant Online Auto Loan the lender would be an online creditor, a creditor who specifically or generally deals in auto loans. This would include the borrower filling up his details as wanted by the lender. Once the details have been fulfilled the loan decision is made in a quick time.

Applying on line is always been advisable by the experts in the case of loans, especially car loans as the loans can provide many other benefits which are always useful. Benefits such as:

• All the available car loan options i.e. both secured and unsecured loan options are available.

• When applying online the borrower can find a borrower who will be a perfect match for our auto loans.

• The loans online are approved quickly.

• The data of the borrower remains confidential and does not get leaked.

• Depending upon the credit profile the borrower can choose his option, as both the first hand as well as used car option is there.

There are other benefits of applying online which may come forth when a person actually applies on line.

The reason for one applying for the instant auto loan online may vary from person to person and his needs, but one thing that has always remained constant is that these loans have proved to be a boon and would continue to do so.

Tips for your dream Kitchen

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Mar 182022

Are you building your kitchen and are looking for advice. You would by now realize that the core of any kitchen is the cabinets, appliances and worktop. Identifying these would take a bit of skill. A search on the internet would give you a wide range of varieties, the costs offered by various companies and even retailers of the product.

    In case of entire kitchen; check the company. Ask for contacts of previous customers as they would give you a better idea about the product.

    Get a person from the company visit you rather than some one from the showroom.

    You have a vision for your kitchen; then tell it to the designer. Collaborate with the designer on the requirements and design you visualize. Get it incorporated into the plan.

    A good show room gives you good items and will not talk you into getting things that they have on display.

    Good items come at a cost. Your search on the internet could lead you to a good deal as well.

    When you get the items; verify and see if there are any damaged or missing items. In case of damage ask the retailer to replace it.

    Do not pay them the entire amount. With hold 20 percent of the fee till the entire process is complete.

    For the work; draw up a schedule and synchronize the work. Whenever there is a concern about the work; raise the concern to set things right again.


Aesthetic sense of a kitchen depends on the type of cabinets you choose. Options are colored/stained; Maple/Oak or any other wood and Stock/Custom made.

    Stock cabinets will be delivered to you within a week of placing the order.

    Semi-custom cabinets would require changing a few features like handles, hinges and other items. This would take around two weeks of time

    Fully custom cabinets would take around six to ten weeks of time. The advantage of a fully custom cabinet is that it can fit into the architectural work and design of an old kitchen.

Worktops/Counter Tops

It is wise to select a material that will withstand years of use; with the least maintenance requirement. It should also be easily repairable if an accident occurs.

    Combine two or more counter top materials in one kitchen. This could be varied colors or textures placed adjacent to each other to create a visual interest. It could also complement with the cabinets, floor, wall paper or paint selections.

    Consider the combination of decorative materials like granite, marble or tiles with solid surface for visual effect, durability and easy maintenance.

    If you have budget constraints; use the highest quality material for areas that will be used the most. For the other counter areas you could go for less expensive materials.

    High cost materials include Granite, Stainless steel, Marble (slabs), solid surface media and wood blocks. The cost is because these are smooth surfaces, do not scratch easily, are heat resistant, and in some cases do not absorb stains or oils. Among these only solid surface medium can be easily repairable.

    Solid surface media and wood blocks can also be obtained in budget rates. Other budget materials include solid surface laminates, Tiles, and plastic laminates. Plastic laminates, wood blocks are not heat resistant and plastic is not repairable.

    The quality of the counter top edge treatment is also important. Choose materials that will withstand constant exposure water and other house hold chemicals.


Present day kitchens are not what they were years ago. Making a choice of an appliance depends on its utility in the present day kitchen. In fact you should design your kitchen keeping in mind the various appliances and the space for them.

    Energy efficiency is the key to most appliances. Costs have reduced drastically. Design and durability has been possible with newer technologies.

    The type of energy (Gas or Electric kitchen accessories) determines the rate as well.

    Size of the appliance and usage matters. Kitchen appliances have been made for hotels and houses as well. Choose electric ice cream maker, sandwich makers, and food processors according to your need. Just as you get best deals on food processors from the internet, you can also get sandwich maker recipes.

    Know your appliance; performance and maintenance are major criteria.

    Wooden kitchen utensils and porcelain utensils make appear aesthetic but may be a problem with dish washers.

Know your heart and its disease.

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Mar 172022

There are a variety of ailments related to the heart and providing information on all the types of cardio vascular disease could be quite a task. Yet a look at conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels can give you a broad view of cardiovascular disease.

You hear many terms like coronary heart disease , atherosclerosis or some other term and are left wondering as to what exactly all these terms mean. Medical information could confuse you. Triglyceride is simpler when mentioned as fat in your body. It is essential that you read and stay informed on some basic terminology. You could watch a few programs related to the heart and it’s working before going to your doctor. The word give the meaning as well; ‘Cardio’ is related to the heart and ‘vascular’ is related to the blood vessels.

Diseases of the heart are many. Some specific types are
Coronary artery disease

Arteries supply the heart muscle with blood. Obstructions in the artery is a condition called atherosclerosis, is a leading cause of coronary heart disease. Coronary artery disease causes angia (chest pain) and myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is a more comprehensive term. It collectively refers to coronary artery disease and its disease that are a result of the coronary artery disease like angia and myocardial infarction. Women and heart attack is another important aspect with the onset of menopause.


This refers to all diseases of the heart muscle. It deals with loss of heart muscle (ischemic), enlargement of heart muscle (dilated) and thickening of the heart muscle (hypertrophic). Another type of cardiomyopathy is an enlarged heart without a known cause (idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy).

Valvular heart disease

The heart consists of valves that direct the flow of blood into and out of the heart. Diseases of the heart valves are due to conditions like narrowing of heart valves (stenosis), leaking of a heart valve (regurgitation) and if the closing of the valve is not proper (prolapse).

Heart valves can also be damaged by other conditions. Rheumatic fever, connective tissue disorders, medications or treatments for cancer and even infections (infectious endocarditis).

Pericardial disease

Pericardium is a sac that encases the heart. This can get inflamed (pericarditis), stiff (constrictive pericarditis) or accumulated with fluid ( pericardial effusion). These may occur together after a heart attack or may vary due to conditions.

Congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease develops in the womb of the mother, before the birth of the baby. Narrowing of the aorta (coarctation), holes in the heart atrial or ventricular septal defect are some congenital diseases. Detection may be at the time of birth or later in life.

Heart failure

Heart failure may occur as a result of other cardiovascular conditions. It is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to the organs and tissues in the body. Due to this other vital organs do not get enough blood; causing shortness of breath, fluid retention and fatigue. Congestive heart failure is used if the heart failure as led to a ‘fluid build up’ in the body.

Blood Vessels

These are essentially hollow tubes that carry blood to the organs and tissues. The types of blood vessels are Arteries, Veins, Capillaries and Lymphatic cells. Disorders related to blood vessels that affect the heart are Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, Stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic), Aneurysm, Claudication with peripheral arterial disease, Vasculitis, Venous incompetence, Venous thrombosis, varicose veins and Lymph edema.


Diagnosis is based on a series of tests. Simple procedures are listening (stethoscope) to your heart, measuring the heart rate and the blood pressure.

    The systolic and diastolic blood pressures are measured and are around 120 and 80 respectively for a normal heart.

    Blood test to check for high cholesterol levels

    Other tests are CPR testing which gives the state of inflammation of arteries.

    ECG and EKG tests are where the electrical activity of the heart is tested to assess blood flow and heart rhythm. It is also done under stress at times to find out related Cardiac Arrhythmia ailments.

    X-Rays are used to look at the structures of the chest (lungs and heart) to evaluate proper functioning.

    Head- up tilt test is used to evaluate the causes of fainting spells.

    Ultrasound/Echocardiograms give pictures of the heart chambers and its valves.

A few other test methods are Cardiac Catheterization/coronary angiogram, Electrophysiology, Electron Beam (ultrafast) CT or EBCT, Cardiac biopsy (Myocardial biopsy), MRI scan and Pericardiocentesis. It is also important to take a look at high triglycerides as well as this often accompanies high cholesterol.