10 Things To Do Before You Are 50 – Part 1

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Nov 222021

The BBC recently commissioned a survey among 20,000 people asking ‘What would you like to do before you die?’ The answers were noted and a list of the most common answers was compiled and entitled ’50 things to do before you die.’

There were some very interesting answers. In at number 50 was ‘to go Polar Bear watching’, the animal theme continued to be popular with ‘to see tigers in the wild’ at number 45 and interestingly, ‘to drive a husky sledge’ reaching number 38. The travelling theme was also present within the list, ‘taking the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok’ featured at number 33 and ‘walking the Great Wall of China’ proved to be a popular choice charting at number 16. However, the silver medal position went to ‘scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef’ with the number 1 answer being ‘to swim with dolphins’.

Before being asked the ‘what would you like to do before you die’ question, without doubt a number of the 20,000 would have given their answer straight away and then gone on to achieve their ambition within their lifetime however, it would certainly be interesting to find out how many of those surveyed had never before given such an important question much thought but, having then given this some consideration, had answered the question and then actually went on to achieve their stated goal. I would guess a surprisingly high number. The mechanics for those knowing that their number one ambition before they die was to swim with dolphins could be considered surprisingly quite straight forward. Surely it would be a matter of deciding where in the world they could carry this out, what the actual cost of the exercise would be together with when their budget and diary would allow such an activity to take place. It could be argued that the most difficult part of such an exercise is simply deciding what it is you would really like to achieve in the first place!

Financial Planning is no different. The actual mechanics of the process although interesting, at times intimidating but ultimately quite exciting, are relatively straightforward. Once you have established what it is you would like to achieve you may be confident enough to tackle these issues yourself. However, just as many call upon the specialised services of accountants and lawyers, finding a good, experienced financial adviser with whom you can build a long lasting working relationship is likely to help you achieve your goals more quickly.

Fifty is a pivotal age
In financial planning terms, fifty is quite a pivotal age. As a ‘thirty-something’ many consider the world is at their feet, and then,
possibly discovering life really begins at 40! While approaching the half-century may seem like the half time whistle went a few years ago, in reality there’s hopefully a long way to go as yet! Victor Hugo once said ‘Forty is the old age of youth. Fifty is the youth of old age.’ Whether or not you see your fiftieth birthday as a major mile-stone of your life it certainly is an excellent ‘target date’ by which you could judge if your financial priorities have been achieved or are on track to being achieved.

And for those who are approaching fifty now is a good time to take stock of your finances as the good news is you still have time to prepare for the next major milestone in your life which is likely to be your retirement.

I am sure we all dream of a future free from money worries and many would agree the earlier you start to plan the better as this makes it easier for your goals to be achieved. Therefore, the check list below is designed to help you plan and prioritise the 10 things to sort out before you reach the big five-a!

1. Check your budget
If you haven’t done so for some time, you should review your current living costs. Start by listing your essential monthly outgoings such as your home loan and food then, after including those items you would consider important, add in the monthly items you would consider treats and luxuries. Interestingly, this exercise leaves many scratching their heads asking ‘where does the money go each month!’ Once you have worked out your regular monthly outgoings, hopefully there is some money left which can be classed as your disposable income. This may also be a good chance to highlight the areas where money can be saved, perhaps by shopping around for better deals on your regular bills or on your insurance for example. If it turns out, by working through the check list, that you need to save more for your retirement years or to start thinking for your child’s future, you will have a better idea of how much you can really afford.

2. Review your savings and borrowings
It’s a fact of financial life that it usually costs more to borrow than you can earn by saving. So the message is this: if you have cash to spare, you should probably use it to pay off your debts first.

continued in Part 2…

A guide To Buying A Projector

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Nov 182021

Good presentations make the foundation of the successful business deals. So while making presentations make sure that you have an easy access to a good projector which suits your requirement as this is going to at as a catalyst for a business deal to happen! The picking of projectors is mainly dependent on the type of work or the kind of business that you have. As for an advertising firm presentations are very frequent so they make doubly sure that they procure a good projector!
The other factor that determines the selection of a projector is the dimension of the room or the conference hall where the presentation is scheduled. As the clarity and readability of the data projected varies from the projector which is designed to function in small room as compared to large room , so presentations for larger areas and for a great number of people should be made through more sophisticated projectors.

Portability of the projector is the another issue, if you usually travel from one place to another for their business presentations then make sure that you invest in a good quality portable projector that is easily transported and provides an easy set up. It is mandatory that it can be set up instantly as who would be carrying a throng of technical people when doing mobile presentations. A projector that easily connects with a personal or portable computer will be ideal to make your presentations simple but sophisticated.

Norms suggest that a portable projector with a minimum brightness capacity of at least 800 lumens is fine to handle the presentations. In contrast to this larger projectors must have a brightness capacity of at least two thousand lumens to make the presentation clear even to those who are seated at the back of the room. A projector must have at least a minimum of 1500 lumens to be able to project effectively in a room where plenty of light comes in as when there are no blinds or curtains

Once you have decided on the type of the projector that you will be using, then make sure that you use projectors in a dark room but if it cannot be avoided, always position the projector at an area where there is less light. It is also important to take note of the resolution of your projector as this signifies the amount of pixels it can display. . Projectors can be easily installed but it is best to consult technical people for setting up the projector especially if they will be mounted to the ceiling. Make sure your projector’s efficiency will last long by using alcohol or a special cleaning solution for the projector lens.

So go ahead and make a appropriate selection from a wide variety of projectors that are available in the market and just to tell you that vendor will be one happy person to give a trial presentation, so make sure that you don’t miss on that as it will throw more light on the projector features.

Online Shopping Tips – Purses & Accessories

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Nov 172021

Having trouble looking for that unique and different handbag? Or, maybe you’re looking for a purse that isn’t in the local stores and boutiques yet? Then you should try searching online! Gone are the days when women had to go to the mall to choose from limited supplies. It is the age of the internet, and anything and everything can be found online. It’s easy and accessible, and with one click of a button, hundreds or even thousands of options become available to you.

Now you can go shop for the current “must-have” bag, or something quite different and unique, like customized handbags such as photo purses. If you decide to go online to shop, you must understand that there are a few risks involved. Only deal with reputable stores or sources with credentials, preferably those stores that have secure payment processors like Verisign or Authorize.net. A liberal return policy & a phone number to reach customer service would be another thing to look for. Giving them a call to ask around for details first would be a very good idea.

If you’re in the market for a designer bag, learn to spot fakes and cheap knock-offs. A few tips on how to spot fakes online would be if the price is too good to be true, or the seller is on an auction site and they have a ton to sell. If you do order it, know that designer handbags will often have some extra stitching or small marks that will distinguish it from fakes. Look for the custom label or logo of a designer purse or handbag, and check if they are misplaced or misspelled. Another thing to keep in mind whenever you are shopping would be to compare prices. It never hurts to do a search for the stores name to see if there are any previous customers complaining about the vendor.

Yes there is a slight risk involved in online shopping, but the benefits would far outweigh them. Once you learn to look for bargains and spot fakes, you’re on your way to many great deals and purchases. In today’s world of mass production of purses and fashion accessories, going online to shop is one way to distinguish yourself from looking like everyone else. So go online today and shop with confidence.

Can Your Internet Business Learn Anything From McDonalds?

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Nov 142021

Copyright © Robbie Fanucchi

I was taking a road trip with my wife, cruising down highway 101 towards Monterey, California, when the sight of glowing yellow arches reminded me of my past days as a salesman in Hawaii.

My former sales manager was fond of quoting McDonald’s founder, Ray Kroc, who was renowned for claiming that he was in the real estate business, not the hamburger joint business.

What did Ray Kroc mean by this? For him, success was about strategically placing his hamburger joints. He wisely realized that if he monopolized as many highway exits across America as possible, people would flock in droves. He hit on something big. As proof, next time you’re on a road trip, count how many towering yellow arches you pass.

For Ray Kroc, success went hand in hand with visibility and location. This is certainly true with Internet Marketing. Even more so than a physical business, your Internet business lives or dies due to it’s visibility. Unlike physical establishments, people just don’t stumble accidentally across your website.

The only way to get people to your website is to make it visible. One such way is through the tried and proven method of advertising. So lets spend some time discussing various successful methods for promoting online business.

Advertising in e-zines is truly effective. These Internet magazines cover almost any topic you can think of. You can visit an online directory of e-zines and find one that deals with your particular subject. E-zine ads are effective because you are targeting an audience that is already interested in your topic. Therefore, every reader is a potential customer. Placing an ad in the right e-zine can definitely give visibility to your website.

Opt-in email is another great form of advertising your Internet business. With opt-in email you would create your own sales copy, which you in turn submit to a company that will then email it to their mailing list. Carefully seek out opt-in services with a reliable reputation. Too many of these services are nothing more than disguised SPAM. However, if you find a good opt-in company and you create an effective sales copy, you will definitely give your online business much needed visibility.

Pay-per-click programs are another good form of advertising. Google Adwords is a perfect example of this. It works by creating an ad for your Internet business. You even get to set your own bidding price. You only pay once someone clicks on your link and is taken to your site. A word of caution with this form of advertising. You need to monitor it daily. It is too easy to create an ad and forget about it. Before you know it, you’ve burned up your grocery money for the month. A good idea is to set a monthly budget; a reasonable amount you can afford. Once your bill reaches that limit, pause your campaign until the next month. Other than that, pay-per-clicks are considered to be one of the most effective ways to gain increased visibility for your business.

One trendy form of advertising is through blogs. Blogs are all the rage these days. Everybody has one. You can create a blog that pertains to your business. Blogs give you the opportunity to make your business more personable by revealing your personal experience in your field of expertise.
One way to turn your blog into a form of advertising is by placing a link to your website at the end of each post. This will definitely increase your business visibility.

Remember, McDonalds has made a fortune out of using the visibility tactic. You can make your online business just as visible as those seductive glowing yellow arches by employing some of the advertising techniques mentioned above. Remember, there is no such thing as too much visibility when it comes to your business. So budget what you can for advertising and go for it.

I Have Binge Eating Disorder – Now What?

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Oct 312021

Are you sick and tired of wondering if your eating habits are normal? What about pondering over and over again why you feel like you aren’t fully capable of having the potential to take control of your life? Are you the type of person that finds comfort in food? Does food numb your feelings and make you forget about life for a moment? Do you eat when you are not even hungry? Do you stuff yourself full until you feel sick?

If so, you may have Binge Eating Disorder. Although, you probably feel like you are the only one crazy enough to find solace while eating – You are not. In fact, there are about 25 million others who are just like you. Nice to know, isn’t it?

Now, what is the next step?

There are many different routes that you can take for getting help. If you feel like you need to talk to someone, but would prefer a more one-on-one atmosphere, then talking to a medical professional regarding your binge eating habits just might be what you need. There are many therapists, psychiatrists, and doctors that can help you get to the root of your binges and help you move forward into recovery.

If you are the type of person that deals better talking to people with your similar problem, join an Overeater’s Anonymous Group. These groups modify the 12-step program that you can find for Alcoholics Anonymous. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to many people at once, just sit back and listen. Chances are that you will hear someone’s story and relate to it. Maybe you can meet up with that person after the meeting and talk to them about your problem. It’s always easier to open up to someone that we know can relate to us – What better the circumstance than this one?

Another option is to talk to a trusted friend or family member about how you are feeling and your eating habits. This will allow you to get everything off of your chest about your emotions and the reason that you turn to food.

Pick the route of help that you find most comfortable for you. If you do not feel comfortable, you will not be able to be completely open and honest about what is going on between you and food.

Even though you are part of the 25 million people that suffer from Binge Eating Disorder right now, remember, you do not always have to be part of that number. You can regain control of your life and of your eating habits and be well on the way to joining the recovery number from Binge Eating Disorder by getting help.

Buy Cheap Diet Pills Online – Order Weight Loss Prescription Pill

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Oct 282021

Obesity is a chronic disease with a strong familial component. This medical condition also increases the risk of developing health related risks like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease and cancer of the breast, prostate and colon. Only way out from the effects of obesity for you is the quick weight loss with the help of weight loss diet pills. Whole array of weight loss diet pills is available in market, it become next to impossible to choose best out of the available one. We simplified this process for you as brought best collection of information on different diet pills for you.

You can buy weight loss diet pills online on this site and read more about this medication. Order this medication online at a cheap and discount price with no need of prior prescription.

Leave all tension related to weight loss for us as we take care of all your needs once you put your precious faith on us. The true meaning of weight loss term can be understood as the targeted reduction in body mass characterized by a loss of adipose tissue (body fat) and skeletal muscle. To make quick weight loss a possibility lot of varieties of weight loss medication is available in the market. But such weight loss medications are available only on prescription. Information regarding varied aspects of weight loss program and diet pills becomes all important for desired weight loss.

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Marketing to Leading Edge Baby Boomers

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Oct 252021

For the past 60 years Baby Boomers have driven markets. That is not going to change as they enter retirement. Take a look at the trends they are expected to drive in the first half of the twenty-first century.

Are you among the two thirds of baby boomers who are not prepared for retirement? Are you seeking a way to be at least partially retired or change your current job? All through their lives, baby boomers have driven the market, and that is not going to change as they approach retirement age. If you are looking for something new to do, seek something that caters to baby

As they age, baby boomers are becoming increasingly concerned with health. Food supplements, exercise programs and equipment, preventative and alternative medicine will play a vital role in their efforts to stay healthy. These products and programs must be packaged to appeal to baby boomers – efficient, convenient and fast. Curves appeals to female baby boomers more than the corner gym. They also want to be led in fitness programs by people their own age, so if you enjoy exercise programs and can work with people, consider becoming a personal trainer. Food supplements that are pre-packaged into daily doses of multiple supplements appeal more than bottles and bottles of various different supplements.

Baby boomers also want to look younger. Again, food supplements are a major element in this, as well as skin care, spas, massage, relaxation and yoga. A combination of services in one location, or in-home instruction could appeal to the baby boomer love of convenience. For those not inclined to open their own businesses, a job in the local spa might be of interest.

The management of the money they do have is of extreme importance to baby boomers. Many have seen the previous generation lose their income to the dot com bust or simply to inflation. Money management and investment services will be in great demand. For many baby boomers, their home is their greatest asset, and with the fear of a real estate bust, reverse mortgages might be their only option. At home businesses and network marketing can supplement the income of those who do not have other investments or who lost their retirement savings in the recent closure of retirement funds or the dot com bust. Investing in these opportunities and services now can put you ahead of the surge of many that may come in later. For an at-home business or network marketing opportunity, choose a service or product that baby boomers will be seeking, and plan to actively work at marketing it.

Leisure services, travel and entertainment will also become more important to Baby Boomers if it is a service tailored to them. Fewer want to hitchhike around Europe, but they do want attractive, low cost places to stay near the major attractions of the world. Package deals with other Baby Boomers will become more attractive, despite the individualism of the Baby Boomer generation, as spouses begin to die and infirmities require them to rely more on others. Senior meal sites will take on new personalities as Baby Boomers come seeking companionship.

The need for efficiency will also grow. With incomes fixed and energy levels declining Baby Boomers will want smaller, more efficient living spaces, transportation and even smaller packaging of food items. The generation that made MacDonald’s will again change the way America eats as they seek convenience foods that are more healthful and nutritious but no less convenient. Keeping your eyes open in all of these areas will help you determine ways to serve
the Baby Boom generation and be part of the ongoing prosperity they have provided throughout
their lives.