Review Of The Adsense Code: What Google Never Told You About Making Money With AdSense

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Dec 042020

Author: Joel Comm
Morgan James Publishing, LLC
1225 Franklin Avenue, Suite 325, Garden City, NY 11530, 800-485-4943
ISBN 1-933596-70-8
$24.95, 2006, 228 pages

I admit it. I swore to never fall for one of those “Make my book number #1 on” deals again. But this time I fell, and I fell hard, for The AdSense Code by Joel Comm. The headline on his web page reads like this: “How $15.72 Can Get You Over $6972 Worth Of The Best Internet Marketing Training Resources On The Face Of The Earth…” I received dozens of e-mails from his joint venture partners and so I ordered the book.

The cover of this book is eye catching and will look familiar to most readers because it is based on the cover for The DaVinci Code. The design is clever and in this particular case makes the book stand out from the rest of the herd.

The good news: The AdSense Code is a terrific read and an even better resource. The bad news: the free internet training resources were nothing new. Download and use the free software bonuses in conjunction with this book. If you buy The AdSense Code and I recommend you do then skip the free information resources and dive into The AdSense Code right away.

The best way to read this book is to have a highlighter, pen and paper in hand. I took pages of notes, highlighted the best bits and read through several chapters twice. There are no recommended scams in this book nor are there any guarantees. The information is all above board presented in a logical format and Joel reminds us of the Google(tm) Terms Of Service more than once.

Included in this book are twenty-two chapters in addition to resources and case studies. The material is very good. Joel covers some information already available on the internet but he saves you the dozens of hours of research and provides screen shot examples that you will not see anywhere else. Much of the information was new to me and I have been using AdSense for some time.

Some of the topics covered by the book are positioning, colors, targeting, tracking and creating content. Strategies range from the simple to the complicated but Joel provides plenty of step-by-step instructions to help make learning a breeze. Joel shares what works for him and provides plenty of information that will stimulate you to create your own unique strategy for implementing and tweaking AdSense on your sites.

Read and implement the strategies in this book while the information is still fresh and you will be well on your way to increasing your income from AdSense.

© 2006, Davis Virtual Assistance. This article may be reprinted so long as the article and byline are not changed and all links are made live.

Samsung X830: Your date with style

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Nov 102020

Samsung’s mobiles have always elicited brilliant responses whether for their understated styles or their exquisite features. Now comes Samsung X830 which will mesmerise you with its stunning style.

The Samsung X830 stands out from the rest of the gadgets with its amazing sliding action. You can rotate the front panel to discover the beautifully designed keypad.
Samsung X830 is a perfect gizmo with 1 GB of memory and an MP3/AAC/WMA music player. With a music library, you can easily arrange your music by the song and artist’s name. Easily find your tracks from Madonna to Britney. Samsung X830 is a slider phone. Samsung X830 is a very compact phone with the number keys condensed in two columns instead of three like other phones. With a light weight of 75g, Samsung X830 will easily fit in your pocket. Samsung X830 is available in subtle colours of black and white apart from vibrant hues of candy pink, orange, lemon green and oasis blue. Close the handset and use it as a music player. The horizontal interface shows the display settings.

If you want to stay in touch with friends, share memories and video clips, then Samsung X830 is your answer. Samsung X830 comes with MMS, SMS and EMS, through these enhanced messaging services, the user can send animated text, pictures and sound clips.

Capture the lovely moments of life through the lens of the 1.3 mega pixel camera. Take still shots or capture moving images and later view them on the 262K TFT colour screen. Visit our site and browse through the various attractive offers on Samsung X830. You can get this snazzy handset on E2save and One stop phone shop. Amazingly cool deals are available, like nine months free line rental and eight months half line rental. Buy these deals and go for Samsung X830.

How the Theory of Constraints Can Uncover the Missing Link in Your Investment Strategy

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Nov 022020

Unless you have a working corporation with employees, outsourcers, systematized operations, rules and regulations, you probably do not run your commercial real estate investing as a true business. Sure you have strategies and ways you like to do things, but are you truly maximizing your resources that can lead to bigger, better, and even more commercial real estate deals? Would you implement a system for every aspect of your current operations if it eliminated excess resources, maximized productivity, identified problem areas or constraints, allowed for those constraints to be corrected, and allowed for ease of communication and control of all those involved with your operations? I think you would.

A problem with many investors is that they do not view their process as a business. They do not have a company name or multiple teams working below them. They do not have business rules, regulations, checks and balances, or protocol for the people they work with. However, the truth is, commercial real estate investing, no matter how small, is a business all itself. In order to optimize this fact, one should follow proven business strategy that allows great companies to flourish with very little constraint or pain.

A very important theory that is used not only in business, but in science, politics, sports, and even everyday life is the Theory of Constraints. This theory literally transcends all boundaries as it is a scientific principle that can be applied to any relationship between two or more subjects. You have all heard of the expression, “You are only as strong as your weakest link.” This is in reference to the Theory of Constraints.

What is basically introduced is the concept that you can look at a process or relationship as a chain. One link to another, that chain is reliant on the strength of the relationship. If it is a process, and each link is a task, then each task must be working optimally so it does not weaken the chain. If one link becomes tired, lazy or behind, then the chain is all together weaker and ineffective at producing the result.

At any one time there can only be one constraint. You must tackle that constraint, and then another may appear. However, at that time, there is only one constraint to attend to. In order for a process or system to be working 100%, each link must be strong. If not, you suffer from inefficiencies; suboptimal performance and a complete slow down of the process.

Do you find areas in your business of commercial real estate investing that you are not pleased with? Are there areas you feel you and the people you work with and rely on could improve? Could wasted time be eliminated? What areas could you improve that would increase overall profitability of your commercial real estate strategies?

Within these questions you will uncover the areas where a streamlined process can greatly improve performance and decrease crisis and other problems. If your current strategy and processes are running at 100%- then there is no need to read this article. However, if you feel there could be considerable improvement, or even a small improvement that could increase your results exponentially, please read on!

If you have a reoccurring problem, you can create a system around it to alleviate the problem and have a working process to follow. With systems in place for every area of your business, you can identify the constraints. Constraints are identified by a build-up of resources where the weakest link can be found. At a certain point if the streamlined process gets slow, and the results are trickling through or you are behind on due dates, go to the place where everything starts slowing down. This is your bottle neck. This is your constraint.

At this time, you need to focus every ounce of energy you have in eliminating the constraint. Look behind the noticeable constraint as well- where was the source? It may not be where you think it is. Dig deep and find what really caused the chain to break.

By identifying the constraint in your process, it can be quickly remedied. You do not have to guess where the problem is or jump from crisis to crisis because you know exactly where the hold-up is.

So you realize the benefit of being implementing systems and finding constraints. Let’s look at how to actually create and implement the processes that will run your business.

Implementing processes and systems are the best way to optimize total performance. How this is done is you write down every single task within a certain boundary. For example, write down every task in creating the information packet to submit to a lender to get approval for a loan on a project. Write down every task for this specific process and then number them in how they follow in sequence.

Are there certain people involved who make this process happen? You may realize how you can cut out duplicated efforts, combine tasks into a single person who performs them, and completely streamline the process. What you do now is create a process map or flow chart showing the entire process from first step to last in the proper sequence.

Identify who does what task and any time allotments or due dates if necessary. You know have a tangible, easy to learn, communicate and control process for submitting a proposal to a lender for a new project. Doing this alone will allow others to follow along with your process and have a clear understanding as to what is supposed to be done.

Do you have protégés or other eager minds willing to help you in order to gain a valuable education from an experienced investor? Now you don’t have to worry about being the only one who “knows” the business. With a clear system and process map, you can now teach those around you the same, working, proven systems. With a process map individual tasks and relationships can be easily changed as continuous improvement is a benefit of process maps.

Do you see how process maps allow for easy identification of the constraints within your system? It is very powerful once you start thinking systematically and stray from the very often used “task by task” mentality.

If you truly want to be a successful, profitable commercial real estate investor, and a continuing improved and profitable investor, treat the investing as a true business with process maps, metrics and controls. It may take a little work to really streamline the business and create the processes from the current tasks being performed.

However, I am sure you can agree of the power this would have on your overall performance and profitability. Eliminate excess resources and duplicate efforts. Maximize total control and effectiveness of each task within the process.

If you feel that you can benefit from this type of systemization, I urge you to start today. Take a look at the big picture of what you are building and learn to optimize at every chance you have. The results can be astounding with just a little awareness as to how you are truly operating and performing.

Mobile Phone Deals: The Easiest Way to Reach the Latest Technology

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Oct 292020

Planning to buy the latest handset at the cheapest rate? Go for the cheapest mobile phone deals available in the market. Clinch the best deal along with the best mobile handset and enjoy latest mobile technology.

Login to the online mobile market to stay updated with the latest info about mobile phones and deals. Mobile phone manufacturers including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG and Motorola are releasing new handsets equipped with hi-fi technology and eye-catching design. Now you get a wide range of options to choose your desired handset. The impressive features of the latest handsets vary from mega pixel camera with digital zoom, MP3 music, excellent stereo sound, Bluetooth connectivity, EDGE, wide screen colour display to high-speed Internet connectivity, 3G technology, exciting games and fast downloading facilities.

Take a look at the Nokia N-series phones. The stylish and highly functional handsets ensure that you get the best of technology and fashion. Nokia N93 performs like a camcorder while Nokia N91 provides you an amazing mobile music experience. Shoot DVD-like quality video clips and photos in breathtaking details with the 3.2 mega pixel camera in Nokia N93. Get hooked to your favourite music played on the in-built MP3 player and FM stereo radio of Nokia N91. Select any handset according to your requirements and search for the cheapest deals available with the handset that suits you.

Leading network service providers including O2 and Vodafone offer attractive contract deals on these handsets. The contract mobile phone deals provide you tariff packages you simply can’t resist! Sign up for the best deal and avail special offers including 12 months free line rental, free gifts like free insurance, minutes and texts, and even free handsets.

So what are you waiting for? Get your mobile phone deal today and enjoy a complete package of multimedia features with your gadget.

What Is Contract Law and Why Should I Hire A Contract Lawyer?

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Oct 192020

Contract law is a branch of the legal sector that deals with the legal binding and exchange of agreements between group or parties; in effect, a contract. A contract can be many things: verbal, written, even action oriented. If you buy a dress, for example, you’re contracted to pay the amount of the dress to the merchant. Our daily lives are full of contracts and agreements, some, like the dress, which we don’t normally think about.

What contract law does is protect, defend and examine contracts made between people, agencies, groups, organizations, etc. It falls under the civil law system and is considered part of laws surrounding obligations, or ‘law of obligation.’

Much of the time, the sector of contract law is concerned with breaches of contracts and solutions to the problems that accompany these breeches. What most people don’t know is that, contrary to what they may believe, an informal contract (one made orally, even lightly) can still be as binding and legal as a written contract.

Contract lawyers deal with everything from the formalities and details of a contract to its ultimate follow through. A contract lawyer will ideally ensure that the contractual terms of the contract are complete and in no way uncertain.

This is highly important because, if the terms of a contract are determined ‘incomplete’ or ‘uncertain,’ the contract is liable for severance. For example, if an agreement was made between two parties, and one party tried to break the contract, they might be successful if the contract is deemed uncertain or incomplete by a court of law.

In order to obtain damages for breaking (breeching) a contract, a person may bring a suit against the contract-breaker by filing a civil lawsuit usually in a state court. However, it is within their rights to petition a private arbitrator to hear their case as well. This is best practice in the United States; other countries may have similar processes.

Hiring a contract lawyer to help you out with this process is well worth your time, as they can help resolve any disputes you have with a contract and conversely, ensure a contract is solid and legal, without any uncertain terms that could be grounds for severance. is a popular legal directory that helps users locate legal professionals across the country while providing the legal community and litigation support providers with a low cost method to market their services to other professionals and members of the public across the country. To find out more, please visit

Affordable Dental Insurance: A Way To Save Your Expenses

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Oct 182020

The cost of dental treatments is very high. To afford this high cost many insurance companies has come up with dental insurance plans for the individual and his family. Many years ago, dental coverage was considered a luxury because it was so expensive that not too many people could afford it. However, today, with new and new companies coming into existence, you can find affordable dental health insurance from many reputable providers and enjoy the benefits that for so long were difficult to obtain. Insurance companies now have become more and more competitive and are trying to provide the best deals at an affordable and cheap price.

Benefits of Affordable dental medical dental insurance:

•Receives regular, routine dental care that protects you and your family from teeth problems and financial loss.

•Improves your smile, appearance and self image.

Some points need to be understood, when you are under a dental insurance plan. If your employer provides you a dental plan as part of their general health insurance package, it is beneficial to take it as these plans generally tend to be the most affordable and offer the best coverage. Even some employers provide for an overall affordable health and dental insurance plans for the employees’ family.

Otherwise if you are a self employed or your employer is not providing you with an extensive affordable medical and dental insurance, you can buy one from any insurance companies as available in the market. Here you have to pay the premium all by yourself at a monthly or yearly basis. But here due to the availability of many cheap and affordable insurance companies in the market, you can choose one that is best suited for you. You can also buy an affordable supplemental dental insurance to cover the most extensive coverage. Supplemental dental insurance, as the name suggests is an added coverage to what is normally called a simple or typical dental insurance.

For this you need to do a little research on the internet. Since most of the companies now do have on-line facilities, you can easily do this by coming on-line and shopping around a little.

You must cautiously evaluate all the quotes as provided by different insurance companies throughout the country. You should also compare the costs of normally expensive procedures as well as more common procedures such as fillings, scaling and crowns. Many a times the costs of other expensive treatments are divided evenly between the insurance company and the patient. So why wait for long. Just go and buy an affordable dental insurance plan.

Credit Ratings: The Holy Grail for Credit Card Companies

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Oct 072020

When it comes to getting a credit card it is fair to say that consumers are awash with offers flowing from all places. The finance market provides stability for both consumers and businesses, but what makes a consumer a good choice for business and more importantly, less of a risk to a credit card business. Through fitting in a category of less risk, you will inevitably get a better deal as a customer and ultimately get to borrow money for less.

The uneasy paradox for most is that because they need to borrow money, they also find they are in a position where they cannot borrow as much as they need. If you are in a position where you need to borrow money and you cannot, then the chances are that you have had the wrong approach in the past. What do we mean by this? You have seen getting credit as a way to borrow money in the long term, where the chances are you have not seen this as a short term fix, or a burst of liquidity that you will be able to finance by either expecting an increase of money in the coming months, or expecting a decrease in expenditure.

As a result of this you may have found that, where as before you could borrow money easily, you are now in a position where you cannot gain credit. This may have become apparent when you tried to get a loan for a car, or maybe you tried to get finance from your bank or a retailer. The fact is that if you have a bad record of paying debts, businesses inevitably see you as more of a risk, and credit card companies are no different.

If you expect you have a poor credit rating, then what should you do? The first step is to contact a credit reference agency, who may charge a small fee for their services. They will be able to provide you with the same information that they provide to their customers (such as banks, retailers, financial services businesses). They will be able to tell you for sure if your credit rating is affecting businesses likelihood of contracting with you.

So you have a bad credit rating, what should you do? Having a bad credit rating is not the end of the world. But what it does mean is that you are likely to get worse deals, and ultimately pay more for borrowing money. Firstly understand that this means you have to realign your attitude to borrowing money, and understand that financial products do not make you any richer, they cost you money, but have the advantage of allowing you to have what you can afford, quicker.

The next step is to look for offers that you are applicable for, and then cost them to find out what is the cheapest. Once you have chosen a credit card that suits your needs, and the one that is most cost-effective for your spending habits, then follow these rules to improve your credit rating and reduce the cost of borrowing over time.

1. Ensure that you pay all debts off on time and that you do not use credit as a means of long term financing. This is what bank loans are for.
2. Make sure that you deal with reputable companies that operate on a large scale as they will sell positive data to credit checking agencies.